Chapter 292

The narrow road meets the brave to win!

Vicious gangsters face vicious bandits, whoever is more vicious, crippled, and ruthless will survive.

Qingyun, the evil god, is the cards and amulets of the brothers.With Master Qing protecting them, the brothers rushed over without any scruples, slashing at the opposite person.


The brothers yelled "Kill" in unison, the murderous aura was overwhelming, the bandits in Guiguzhai looked at all the menacing, ghost-like people on the opposite side, and felt timid.

The bandits in Shibazhai are all mobs, they are all bullying the weak and afraid of the strong, and when they meet people who are more cruel than them, they don't have the arrogance they usually have.

Bright red blood splashed on his face, seeing his companions fall down one by one, he was terrified, waved the knife in his hand wildly, and then ran away like hell.

"Don't escape! Come back to me, whoever escapes, this is the end."

Seeing his subordinates fleeing in all directions, Brother Bao was angry, angry and hated, and stabbed the fleeing younger brother to death, trying to frighten them.

It's a pity, the frightened bandits only felt that the word "kill" was like a maggot attached to the bone, and followed like a shadow, echoing in their ears, wishing their parents would have extra legs to escape, how could they even hear it? See Brother Leopard's roar.

The bandits fled in all directions like headless chickens. The brothers stabbed each other from behind.

Brother Leopard glanced at the battlefield and knew that their situation was over, and the little brothers had already been defeated by the opponent, so they could not be counted on.

He has been in Guigu Village for several years, and his subordinates have contributed a lot to gain a place in front of the head of the village, and he has reached his current position.

He doesn't want to die!

"Brother, I have something to discuss. Are you looking for money or food? I am the right-hand man of the head of the village. I know where the money in the village is kept? If you want food, the food is over there..."

Crazy Wolf was too lazy to listen to his bullshit, smiled maliciously at him, and slashed at him.

Brother Leopard grabbed the younger brother beside him, blocked the knife for him, grabbed one to the left, and pulled the other to the right, dragging the mad wolf's footsteps, but Brother Leopard retreated behind the younger brothers. route……

Qing Yun glanced at the battle situation in Xiaoshan Col. Thanks to her, she thought the bandits were all fierce, which made the people in Qishan turn pale when they talked about "bandits".

Qingyun clicked her tongue, if all the bandits in Shibazhai were like this, she was very confident in suppressing the bandits.

"Kill them all, there is no need to keep them alive." Qingyun raised his eyebrows and roared maliciously at the battlefield.

The brothers were red-eyed, and when they heard Master Qing's words, they yelled viciously "Aoooooooooooo".

The situation was completely one-sided, Yi Qingyun and the others chased and killed the bandits, killing them until the bandits had no power to fight back.

Brother Leopard scanned around, but couldn't find a way to escape. In any direction where he could escape, there were gangsters on the opposite side.

All of a sudden, I heard someone shouting "Don't keep alive", and I followed the voice, but I didn't expect to see a frail scholar with a green face.

He glanced left and right, the frail scholar was hiding behind the group of thugs, he didn't see that group of thugs rushed into the small hill to kill people, and the frail scholar had no one to protect him.

Brother Leopard's eyes flickered. Those who can protect those gangsters must be important people.

Brother Leopard glanced at the battlefield, chasing the gangster who committed suicide, but was dragged by his younger brothers, unable to get away for a while.

Great opportunity!

Brother Bao bowed his waist and slowly walked around from behind. As long as he caught the scholar, he could turn the situation around.

Qingyun spotted a sneaky bandit out of the corner of his eye, walked towards her, looked carefully, it seemed to be the leader of the bandit.

Qingyun raised his eyebrows, and after thinking about it, he understood.

The persimmons are softly pinch!

In the eyes of the bandits, she was that soft persimmon.

I don't know if Brother Bao was lucky, or because the bandits were red-eyed, but no one saw Brother Bao touch Qingyun's side.

"Stop me all!"

Brother Bao hijacked the scholar, put the knife on the scholar's neck, and yelled towards the battlefield: "If you want him to live, throw down the weapon in your hand."

On the fierce battlefield, Tian Duoliang, Crazy Wolf, Hei Xiong, and the brothers didn't even look back when they heard the bandits' threats. They killed the bandits around them first, and then turned to look over when they were no longer in danger.

After seeing who the bandits hijacked, they all twitched and looked at him sympathetically.

It's not good to hijack anyone, go hijack that evil god Qing Ye!Goodness!
It's a pity that the light from the torch was not enough, Brother Bao didn't see their sympathy, and he probably wouldn't care if he saw it.

Seeing Brother Bao taking hostages, the surviving bandits rolled and crawled one by one, running to Brother Bao and shouting at the opposite person, "Your people were captured by us!" , I want him to wash his life and put down his weapon."

"We are so scared," Tian Duoliang pretended to pat his chest, making the brothers laugh, then waved the big knife in his hand, baring his teeth provocatively, "Don't let him go, if you have the ability, you kill him."

The bandits were dumbfounded, they didn't think so at all!

Do you want to kill this scholar?So tangled!
"Brother, don't get excited, just speak up if you have something to say." Qingyun ignored Tian Duoliang's bastard, blinked, stretched out a finger, and tapped the blade lightly, "This thing is very dangerous, don't play with it casually. Once you take out this thing, you have to be prepared to lose your life!"

Qingyun is a fan of One Piece, she is borrowing the words of her idol Shanks.

"Shut up! Don't move!"

Brother Bao scolded angrily, pushed Qingyun down, the blade accidentally brushed his neck, and a streak of blood spilled out.

"I'll count to three. If you don't put down your weapons, I'll kill him." Brother Bao twisted his face and stared viciously at the people opposite him. He didn't believe that they could just watch the scholar die.

When the blade slashed across his neck, Qingyun felt it. He wiped the neck with his fingers and saw a layer of blood on his fingers.

Coercion failed!
Damn it, the protagonists in the novel, faced with such a dangerous scene, have to pretend to be forceful, and it's her turn to see the blood directly.

Qingyun understood the sentence: The villain died from talking too much. If you encounter this kind of situation in the future, don't force yourself, just use your fists.

Qingyun's eyes became colder, he lost interest in teasing the bandits, stretched out two fingers to pinch the blade, gently pushed it away from the neck, raised his foot and kicked the bandits' knees backwards.


The bandit was still in shock, but the abducted scholar easily pushed away his knife. He tried all his strength but couldn't push the knife back a single point. His knee suddenly hurt so badly that he fell forward.

He heard the scholar say: "I hate people threatening me the most."

Qing Yun grabbed the bandit's wrists and pinched them lightly. The bones were crushed, and the bandit's kneecap was crushed, making him unable to escape even if he wanted to, and powerless to resist.

The incident happened suddenly, one second the bandit was still talking harshly, and the next second, Brother Bao was trampled under his feet.

Bandits: "..."

The bandits were all dumbfounded, staring at Qingyun stupidly, who will tell them what happened just now?

 Thanks to Qiao Qiaomei, Minghe Suying, Lingxin Lily, Baihu Xingjiang, passerby XP, Zisha tea, for voting for the monthly ticket, okay?
(End of this chapter)

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