Chapter 315
"Yes, Lord Qing." The brother had indeed not slept for a few days, so he answered and went down to rest.

"Crazy wolf and black bear, the training in the afternoon is cancelled. I inform my brothers to have a good rest in the afternoon. They must be full of energy. They will start at Haishi in the evening." Qingyun said.

"We train every day during these days, if we don't train suddenly in the afternoon, I'm afraid the people working in the yamen will suspect it?" Crazy Wolf thought for a while and said.

"If you doubt it, doubt it. There are too many abnormalities in our county government, and there are many things to doubt. It doesn't matter if one more or one less. Besides, the brothers are tired from training for so long, and the iron will rust, let alone people It’s very dignified to take a day off. The opinions of outsiders are not important, as long as we know what we know.” Qing Yun doesn’t care about what others think at all.

When they leave at night, the people who will come to work tomorrow will still be suspicious when they see the empty county government office, but it's only a day later.

A few people think about it, it seems to be the truth.

"Yes, my lord." Crazy wolf and black bear took orders, Qingyun was not worried, and they were even less worried.

"Chun'an, Daliang, take stock of the supplies for the trip, and make up for the lack of things as soon as possible, especially the two important things such as dry food and ointment, which are related to the safety of the brothers' wealth, so they cannot be sloppy."

"Yes, my lord." Du Chun Yasuda Duo Liang took the order.

"Who will stay to guard the yamen this time?" Crazy Wolf asked, the preparations have been arranged properly, so he is concerned about this issue.

Hei Xiong Tian Duoliang and the two are also very concerned about this issue, and they don't want to stay to guard the yamen.

What is there to see in the Yamen is really not as exciting as going to suppress bandits.

"Who looks at the yamen..." Qingyun glanced at the three of them, saw them staring at her eagerly, raised their eyebrows and smiled evilly, which whetted the appetite of the three of them, and then said:
"All the injured brothers stayed to recuperate. Chun'an selected another 50 people to guard the county. Liu Kui and the wolves did not participate this time. They were responsible for patrolling the mountains and forests outside the city. If they found strangers, they would be arrested and handed over to Chun'an. Liu Kui, you inform the wolves."

Qing Yun bowed her head to explain to the wolf cub at her feet, and rubbed his head.

This kid has been with Du Chun'an for a few days. After washing, he is a delicate kid. He has gained some flesh and can walk like a normal person, but he is a little unsteady. The only bad thing is that Qingyun likes to pull her robe and squat her. At the foot, I said it several times, but I couldn't change it.

Liu Kui shook his head, shook Qingyun's hand, combed it for a long time in the morning, and then agreed with "oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo"

The smile on Qingyun's face froze, this kid has another shortcoming, he can't speak.

Crazy Wolf is right, the brothers did not train in the afternoon, and the working people were curious. They asked the patrolling brothers about the situation, and learned that the yamen's arresters were exhausted from training and had a day off. They didn't think so much. think it makes sense.


After lunch, Qingyun went to Song Wenqian and told him about the bandits.

"Old man Song, I will go with my brothers to suppress the bandits tonight, and the Yamen and Qingtian will be handed over to you."

Song Wenqian looked at Qingyun for a while, and remained silent. He didn't know what to say. He had never seen it before. Which county magistrate is like Qingyun, who is not at all restless. He doesn't like to stay in the county government office. Run out at night.

The old man didn't find anything good outside, which attracted him.

In the past, the county government didn't arrest the servants, so there was no way for him to participate in the mission. Now that there are people in the government office, he still has to follow.
"My lord, you must know that you are the county magistrate of Qishan, and it is related to the future of Qishan. Don't take risks lightly. You don't have to go in person to suppress the bandits. You can ask Tian Duoliang, Qin Zhang, and Zhang to go. If you have a In case, the county government will be over.

The yamen is about to be built, you have to learn how to handle official affairs by yourself, you can't let Master Du do everything for you. "

Song Wenqian tried his best to persuade him that if his son was disobedient, he would have taken off his shoes and smoked.

"I understand what you're saying. I also want to stay in the county office and handle official duties quietly. In my spare time, I wander the streets outside and listen to the daily routines of the people. How carefree my life is!"

Qingyun pointed to his head and said: "The bandits in Qishan don't give me a chance! I can hardly keep my neck, so I don't have the mind to do business.

I tell you!The group of bandits we intercepted and killed last time, Shibazhai found that they had not returned, and sent bandits to investigate in Gaojiazhuang.

The news that I came to Qishan will not be hidden for long, and soon the bandits in Shibazhai will receive the news, and the first thing they want to kill is me.

I can't be like a fool, waiting for them to kill me!Taking advantage of the fact that they still don't know my news, I will act first and catch them by surprise.

The eighteen villages are my confidant's serious trouble. If I want to treat Qi Shan as the magistrate of this county, Qi Shan must be firmly controlled by me. Qi Shan cannot have the eighteen villages.

Going out this time, I didn't finish suppressing the bandits in Qishan, so I won't come back, it may take a long time.Don't worry, I care about my own life very much, and I won't make fun of myself.Don't worry, every once in a while, I will send someone to inform you about the situation of the bandits. "

Song Wenqian sighed, what Qingyun said made sense, he also knew the situation of Qishan, the Eighteen Villages was indeed a big hidden danger, if not removed, it would be a great obstacle to Qingyun's management of Qishan.What's more, the situation in Shibazhai is very complicated, and it has something to do with the border. It's best to get rid of it as soon as possible, so as to avoid someone making a fuss about it in the future.

Qingyun wants to suppress the bandits, besides she wants to be the master of Qishan, she is worried that others will take the blame, and she doesn't know about the inexplicable recitation.

"As long as you know what's in your heart, you must pay attention to safety, and you must think twice before acting. Think about your brother and the brothers who came with you."

Now that things have happened, Song Wenqian also knows that it is useless to talk too much, what Qingyun decides will not be changed, so he can only pull Qingtian out for a stroll, and let Qingyun be vigilant.


Qingtian didn't know that Qingyun was going out to suppress the bandits again, the child was sensitive and felt that the atmosphere in the yamen was different, since after lunch, he followed Qingyun every step of the way, very clingy.

Qingyun walked around the county government with the child in his arms.

"Why are you so obedient today, don't you play with your little friends?" Qingyun was about to leave soon, and Qingyun took the afternoon to play with the children.

"Brother," the child hugged his brother's neck with both hands, resting his chin on Qing Yun's head, "Brother, you haven't been with me for a long time."

"Little heartless, I accompany you every day and say I'm not there. Sleep with you at night, eat three meals with you in the morning, lunch and evening, and read and read with you in the afternoon."

Qing Tian: "..."

The child glared at his brother angrily, no one could compare to his brother in terms of turmoil.After staring, he remembered that his brother couldn't see, so he stared blankly.

The child's uneasiness was disturbed by Qingyun's nonsense.However, I still stuck to Qingyun all afternoon.

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(End of this chapter)

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