Chapter 316 Departure (seeking a monthly pass)

In the evening, after coaxing the child to sleep, Qingyun just wanted to lie down and have a rest when Tian Duoliang came to him again.

Qingyun covered the child with a quilt, walked out gently, and signaled Tian Duoliang to keep quiet, and after closing the door, the two went to the front office.

"Is there something wrong?" Qingyun said.

"Master Qing, news just came that there has been movement in the villages under surveillance."

Qingyun raised his eyebrows and paused, "What a coincidence, news came from Gaojiazhuang ahead, and news from the village behind, as if they had discussed it?"

"It should be impossible!" Tian Duoliang touched his chin and said, this possibility is unlikely.

Qingyun smiled, "I'm talking nonsense, but you take it seriously. Let's go!"

Tian Duoliang rolled his eyes. He had a serious expression on his face, which made him think too much.

Crazy Wolf Heineng Du Chun'an and the others are already waiting for her in the front office.

"A few days ago, I waited for news from the owl every day, and there was no fart. I was so worried that I couldn't sleep at night." Hei Xiong complained, afraid that Master Qing would not go to suppress the bandits.

"We're all ready to go, we just need to leave as soon as the time comes. The intelligence comes at this time, which makes us all confused, and we don't know where to go!"

Crazy Wolf nodded, he very much agreed with Black Bear's words.

"That's right, there's no news at all, and it's hard to choose between two! We don't have many people, and we can't go to half of the people in two places, right? I heard that the eighteen villages, each village Thousands of people, separated, the hope of success in suppressing the bandits is even less!"

They are very contradictory!Where are you going to suppress the bandits?

"Forget it, it's useless for us to think about it. When Master Qing comes, let's see how Master Qing makes a decision!" Crazy Wolf said.

"That's the only way to go." Hei Xiong nodded, indeed only Master Qing could make up his mind.

Qingyun heard what Mad Wolf and Hei Xiong said outside the door, and as soon as she came in, Mad Wolf and Hei Xiong immediately looked at him.

"Master Qing, the owl just sent the news that Xinhe Village, which the brothers are monitoring, has contacted the bandits, and the food will be paid tomorrow night. Where are we going?" Hei Xiong asked.

"Gaojiazhuang, Xinhe Village," Qingyun rubbed his chin and said nothing, on the map of Qishan in his mind, the locations of the two villages were shown, but they were not in the same direction, and the bandits from the two cottages came.

"Are the same group of people from Gaojia Village and Xinhe Village?" Qingyun didn't raise her doubts.

"According to the information sent by the owl, these two bandits came from different forests, so they probably don't belong to the same family."

"Master Qing means..." Crazy Wolf also tasted something.

"We don't know anything about the situation in Shibazhai. No matter which village we go to, we just beat mice in the dark.

If the two bandits were not from the same family, the situation would be different, and it would be beneficial for us to suppress those bandits in Gaojiazhuang.The group of bandits from Xinhe Village, I don’t know how many people there are in their cottage. The bandits that appeared in Gaojiazhuang last time we wiped out [-] of them. One bandit counts as one thousand, and the remaining [-] bandits, brothers alone Kill one, no problem at all.Go to Gaojiazhuang, what do you think? "

After Qingyun's analysis, Tian Duoliang, Mad Wolf and Hei Xiong, who were not the battle manager, felt that what he said was reasonable.

Du Chun'an is a clerical worker, and he doesn't know anything about combat, so you can do whatever you think.

"The food in Xinhe Village was given to the bandits for free?" Du Chun'an's heart ached when he thought of giving so much food to the bandits for nothing.

Qingyun sneered.

"Let the bandits store it for us for a few days first, and the food will not run away in the bandits' lair. After the bandits are suppressed, I will bring them back. Chun'an, we will not come back so soon when we go out this time. The county government will hand over the food to us." is you.

There are no rules, there is no such thing as a circle, and the same sentence, we are officers and soldiers, we cannot do bandit business, if any brother dares to break the rules, don't wait for me to come back to deal with it, he will be killed without mercy!

If someone comes to the county government office to make trouble, you should follow the court rules and what to do. If you really can't make up your mind, go to old man Song, who knows how to solve it.

Now that we're gone, the county government doesn't have many brothers, you have to be careful, don't let the bandits take advantage of it, if you don't have enough manpower, you can go to Boss Miao, he will help. "

"My lord, don't worry, the subordinate officials will take care of the county government office. My lord can only suppress the bandits with peace of mind. The subordinate officials are in the county government office, waiting for my lord to return in triumph. At that time, my lord will be given a new county government office." Du Chun'an said.

"I like to hear that." Qingyun smiled with satisfaction. She really had the foresight to recruit Du Chun'an and manage the county government in an orderly manner.

Turning to Tian Duoliang, he said, "Da Liang, tell Hei Ba He Shui to come over for a meeting."

"Yes, my lord."

Not long after, Tian Duoliang came with Heiba ​​He Shui.It was the first time for the two of them to attend an important meeting of the county government. When they met several people, especially Qingyun, they were very cautious.

In the evening, there was a lot of movement in the yamen, Heiba ​​and He Shui guessed that the magistrate was going out to suppress the bandits, but no one told them what to prepare, they were in a hurry, but they didn't dare to come to Qingyun.

Suddenly seeing Tian Duoliang inform them to go to a meeting, the two were so happy that they almost jumped up.

"Sit, what are you doing standing there stupidly? You don't have to be so polite with me, we are all brothers, sit down!" Seeing the two of them standing there restrainedly as if being punished, Qing Yun asked them to sit down in a calm tone.

"Brother Heiba ​​He Shui, sit down, my lord still has a lot to say." Tian Duoliang pulled the two of them over to sit down.

"I called you here to discuss the matter of suppressing bandits. We are leaving tonight..." Qingyun briefly mentioned the matter of suppressing bandits and the arrangement of personnel, and everyone was confused and mixed together.

The five captains, Tian Duoliang, Crazy Wolf, Black Bear, Heiba ​​He Shui, each led a hundred and five brothers, and the remaining dozens of brothers belonged to Qingyun.

No one objected.


When the time of Haishi arrived, Qingyun and his party, with their bags on their backs, went out from the gap in the wall behind the newly built county office under the watchful eye of Du Chun'an.

Go around the street, go out from the city gate, go straight into the mountains and go straight to Gaojiazhuang.

There was no entertainment in ancient times, and it cannot be said that in a bustling metropolis, there are also night markets, flower houses and the like.

There is no entertainment in the countryside. In a remote mountain county like Qishan, which has not had a county magistrate for more than ten years, and does not have a county with a large village, a place ruled by bandits, where does entertainment come from? Even dogs are not dared to raise.

After dark, all the people in the county government lay in bed and slept, and there was not even a dog in the whole county, so Qingyun and the others could sneak out of the city without anyone noticing!
It wasn't long after I came back from Gaojiazhuang. I didn't need someone to lead the way. The route was all in everyone's mind. Except for the necessary rest, I ate dry food while walking.

After driving for two days in a row, Qingyun wanted to be more considerate to his brothers, so he stopped driving at night and had a good night's rest, but Tian Duoliang and the others disagreed and kept urging to hurry.

 Thanks to sister Qiao Qiao, monica voted for the monthly ticket, okay?
(End of this chapter)

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