Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 324 Don't Suppress Who They Suppress

Chapter 324 Don't Suppress Who They Suppress
Qingyun went up slowly, when she reached the top, the battle above was over long ago, Hei Ba and He Shui were also there, the fourth floor was much cleaner than the third floor, and there were not many corpses in the aisle.

Of course, the bandits on the fourth floor were not disturbed. The brothers slept in the cave when they attacked. They were still in a dream when they died. There was no pain, and the bodies were all on the bed.

"Is it over?" Qingyun asked them both.

"It's over. Master Qing, the two brothers Crazy Wolf and Black Bear have captured the boss and are waiting for you up there." He Shui said excitedly, looking at Qing Yun with shining eyes.

He just counted, and this time he followed the county magistrate to suppress the bandits. None of the villagers in his village died, needless to say they were injured, that's for sure.

Thinking about the money he was about to get, that little injury was nothing at all.

"Still alive, didn't you kill him?" Qingyun clicked his tongue, a little surprised, those two neuropathic red eyes still know how to keep alive, it's not easy!
"I didn't kill him, except for the big boss and his right-hand man. The four of them didn't kill. Hei Xiong said he would keep alive and wait for your interrogation." He Shui knew that the mad wolf and black bear had grabbed the big boss and wanted to kill him, but unfortunately they didn't respond he.

The third leader was captured, and when he heard that the first leader was also arrested, he felt strangely happy and gloated for some reason.

Very good, we are all brothers and sisters, I have a hard time and you have a hard time, it's not the same, I feel balanced in my heart, no one needs to say anything about it.

Qingyun raised his eyebrows, but the black bear understood her, and told the owl next to him, "You take the brothers to clean this cave, and it must be cleaned up."

"Yes, Master Qing, don't worry, I will clean it thoroughly, and there will be no future troubles." The owl understood what Master Qing meant, and took his brother to the fourth floor to clean.

"Master Qing, let's go too." Heiba ​​thought for a while and asked Qingyun for instructions. The people in their village will also be the fast-tracking yamen servants of the yamen in the future, and they must act in the same way as the owls.

Qing Yun nodded, "Okay, let's go, the others will follow me up to have a look."

Then, he took people up.

top layer

As soon as Qingyun went up, he saw several people kneeling on the ground in the empty cave, with their heads down, unable to see their faces clearly, and several brothers were holding big knives on their necks.

Crazy wolf and black bear were beside them, chatting for some reason, getting a little angry, seeing Qing Yun approaching and shouting "Master Qing".

In the middle of the cave was a large chair more than one meter long with a tiger skin on it, and a table in front of the chair with several plates of fruit, wine jars, and two plates of meat.

Don't think that the chairs and food are for Qingyun.

Qingyun clicked his tongue, expressing his satisfaction, the younger brother below became more and more sensible.

Looking at the food, Qingyun is a little jealous, she is a little bitch, the food used by the bandits is much better than that of her county grandpa, is there any reason?
If you don't suppress them, who will you suppress?

The few people kneeling on the ground are the big masters. Qing Yun circled them around a few times, then sat down on a chair,
The members of the big family heard the people next to them shouting 'Master Qing', their eyes flashed, and then they saw a pair of black boots in front of them, circling around them, and just about to look up, those black boots went to the front door. The chair sat down.

The third master was thrown next to the eldest master by the brothers, and the brothers and sisters got together.

The head of the family heard a voice around him, and turned his head to see the third child who was still alive, but he didn't think much about it.

"Third Master, are you alright?" The other surviving bandits were shocked when they saw him.They were arrested here, just the four of them, they thought that the third master had died long ago.

"You really think I have something to do?" The third master looked at him coldly, his piercing eyes made the bandit tremble.

Qingyun leaned back in the chair, grabbed a banana and peeled it and gnawed it for a couple of days. He didn't have time to listen to their dogs biting dogs, "Who is the boss, raise your head."

Hearing this, the bandits looked up and saw a frail young man sitting on the tiger leather chair dedicated to the head of the family, they were stunned for a moment.

The young man's face was painted with something green, and his face could not be seen clearly. From his figure, it could be seen that the young man was not very old.

The bandits did not expect that the boss of this group of evil stars turned out to be a young man, and they turned their heads to look at the vicious people around them in astonishment. They really did not expect that this group of people would be willing to be trampled on their heads by a weak young man.

"Who are you? Who sent you here?" The master stared at the young man, and the memory in his mind flipped quickly. The young man's face was very strange, and he had never seen this young man in Shibazhai.

Which fake is the hidden card?

Wumo Village?Huangquan Village?Or Guigu Village?
Qingyun grinned, showing his white teeth, as if he had listened to the words in the head of the head, and explained to him, "No, we are from Nineteen Village."

Nineteen villages?Have not heard.

The big head's eyes flickered, when did the Nineteen Villages pop up in Qishan?It was still a trick played by teenagers, deliberately talking nonsense to cover up their real purpose.

"Nineteen villages? There are only eighteen villages in Qishan, and there are no nineteen villages." The head said.

"It didn't exist before, but it has since today." Qingyun chuckled.

The head of the family was shocked, and his heart sank. What do you mean by this?According to him, these people are not from Shibazhai?Where did they come from?
After a few turns in my mind, I suddenly thought of something. I was startled and blurted out, "You guys came from outside."

In these years, Qishan has been firmly in their hands under the rule of their [-] villages, and they have nothing to say in Qishan.

People outside don't know that there are only eight villages in the eighteen villages, four villages in Qishan, and four villages outside Qishan.

The outsiders wanted to come to Qishan to get a share of the pie, but before they stepped into Qishan's territory, they were slaughtered by their eight villages.

When did these evil stars come to Qishan?How did they get here?With so many people sneaking in, it is impossible not to have a little wind.

"Impossible, outsiders can't enter Mount Qi. You are from Wumozhai." The head killed them with one bite. They are from Wumozhai.

"You say yes!" Qing Yun was not obliged to explain his doubts, and threw the banana peel on the table.

"That's the end of gossip. Who of you will tell me, where is the treasure in the warehouse? There will be surprises first."

The bandits knew well that they were able to live until now because at this moment, this group of people did not find the warehouse and treasures of the cottage, and they would not survive immediately once they confessed.

Saying it or not is a dead end, let alone the bandits, if they don't say it, they might still survive.Although the chances are slim.

The third master, who had been waiting for this opportunity, was about to confess, when he caught sight of the elder master and the others not speaking out of the corner of his eye, his eyes flickered, and he temporarily shut his mouth.

The third master is a shrewd person, in order to survive, he can do anything, betraying the big master is nothing, and his backbone can't be eaten.

It would be better if the big boss refused to confess, and he would have a better chance of surviving.

Qingyun could guess their thoughts without thinking, swallowed the beef jerky in his mouth, broke the bandit's illusion, pointed at the third master and said cruelly: "Third master, tell me, think clearly, I am I hate people lying to me the most."

 Thanks to Blue Eagle Technology Business, Psychedelic Fairy, Chen Rong, yourenfan, ss7010130, desolation, 279***003, 萉^-^bei, for the monthly ticket, ok
(End of this chapter)

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