Chapter 325
As soon as the third master was named, several members of the eldest master stared at him, expressing only one meaning: If you want to live, don't say it!

The third master let out a cold scoff in his heart, with a mournful face on his face, he glanced at the senior masters, with a look of resignation, and persuaded: "Brother, those who know the current affairs are heroes, and there are only a few of us brothers left in the cottage, do you keep those things?" Yes, the place is so big, they will find it sooner or later, so just say it, you don't want to watch your brothers die, do you?
For so many years, brothers have followed you through life and death, no credit but hard work!Rather than using Wumozhai and the others cheaply, it is better to use it to exchange the lives of brothers. "

If you want to drag me to death, I will say that you don't care about the life and death of your brothers, and see who is more ruthless.

These words made the other three bandits a little moved, and their eyes turned to the head.

It's better to die than to live, who wants to die if they can live!
They are bandits. There is no friendship between bandits. It is normal to betray you today and him tomorrow. To survive, it is not a big deal to betray the big boss.

The reason why they showed loyalty before was because they thought they were dead.

The words of the third master were like a fire, igniting the burning desire to survive in their hearts.

In the head of the family's heart, the third child is his sworn brother. These years, we have enjoyed the same blessings and shared the same hardships, and the blindness naturally advances and retreats with him.

Unexpectedly, he heard the third child talk nonsense. The more the third child talked, the more uneasy he felt. He glanced at the three brothers who were loosened by the third child, and the third child's gaze gradually became colder.

The third master had a guilty conscience, and he didn't dare to show it on his face. He stared at the eldest master, as if he wanted to be persuaded for your own good.

The head thumped in his heart, stared at the third child for a while, and then at the young man opposite, suddenly a ridiculous idea popped up.

Heh. This is his good brother. He betrayed him and encouraged others to betray him.

The second child once said that the third child was very ambitious, and he felt dissatisfied with being suppressed by him. He was an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf, and he would be killed by the third child sooner or later. He never believed it.If he had known that he would end up like this, he should have killed him with a knife.

"Third brother, you wouldn't naively think that they would let you go if they recruited out the warehouse and treasure house?"

The head of the family looked at him with a sneer, and suddenly spit on his face, "Hey, traitor, do you think they will give you a way out if you sell the cottage and me? A traitor like you, who dares to want it, today you If you can betray me, you will betray them in the future. Believe it or not, when they get something, you will be the first to kill."

The three bandits who were insanely instigated by the third leader felt as if a bucket of cold water had been poured on them when they heard the big leader's words, and they finally regained their sanity.

The third master didn't know that what the boss said was right, he just took a chance in his heart.

"Fart, I'm abandoning the dark and turning to the bright. Lord Qing, don't listen to his nonsense, he just doesn't want me. Brother, back then, my brother followed you through life and death, and almost died when he took down this cottage, but how did you treat me?"

Intense hatred burst out in the eyes of the third master.

"Second brother, you didn't do anything, just because he is your own brother, and you just sit back and enjoy the benefits. You leave him to do all the important things in the cottage. If he gets into trouble, you let me wipe his ass. It sounds nice I am the third head of the family, and I have never been involved in important events in the cottage. I am just like your servant, doing odd jobs.

If you are unkind first, don't blame me for being unrighteous.You still have the face to call me a traitor, the real traitor is you, I betrayed you to save the lives of my brothers, at least, I did not collude with outsiders to harm my Dayong Dynasty.Should I make it clearer, more than half a month ago, a group of people from the enemy country lurked into our Dayong Dynasty, and you opened the door for them to be convenient. "

The third master is also a ruthless person, in order to survive, he exposed the old background of the eldest master.

A gleam flashed in Qingyun's eyes, more than half a month ago, the enemy country people, wouldn't you say they were the people from the Liao tribe in Dama Village?
The dog bit the dog's mouth, but it also made her watch a good show and get some news.

The head of the family stared at the third child with wide eyes in shock, and then roared angrily after a while: "Fart, you ungrateful thing, if I hadn't saved you back then, you would have been beaten to death by that rich lord, I took my brothers to risk Down the mountain at the risk of their lives to avenge you and slaughter their entire family. That's how you repay me.

You think I don't know, you have betrayed me and colluded with them long ago.The cottage has been safe for so many years, and its location is hidden. After searching for Guigu Village in Wusha Village for so many years, they couldn't find our cottage. Without acquaintances to lead the way, how could they find it here.

Third child, you are too vicious. Brothers who have been brothers for more than ten years have developed feelings even after raising a dog.You were drinking with your brothers last night, and you turned around and brought someone to kill them."

The three bandits thought that what the head said was reasonable, and turned their heads to stare at him viciously.It turned out that the third leader brought people to kill them, no wonder these people didn't arrest him.

Anyway, it's all torn apart, and the third master is too lazy to pretend to the boss, "You can think whatever you like, anyway, I have a clear conscience for my brothers. Those who know the current affairs are heroes, and the chance of survival is in front of you. The three of you Think about it, whether to follow him to the end."

He just wanted to instigate them to betray him openly, so what could the boss do with him?
"Okay, stop talking nonsense, where is the warehouse?" After listening to them biting for a long time, but did not hear anything useful, Qingyun lost his patience, "You take the initiative to speak out, or let me torture to extract a confession?"

As soon as Qingyun got angry, the quarreling big boss and third boss immediately shut up.

The head of the family will silence is golden to the end, even if he is killed, no one knows where his treasure house is except himself, and whether he can survive depends on this treasure house.

Qingyun understood, "Don't tell me, you have a backbone, but I don't know if you can hold on to it for a while. Hei Xiong, I'll leave it to you."

The black bear stepped forward, glanced at them a few times, dragged out a bandit, and chopped off his hand with a knife. Blood splashed from the wound like a fountain, and the screams echoed in the cave.

Accompanied by the screams of the bandits, Master Qing took a bite of beef jerky, which was delicious.

The other two bandits trembled in fright, and looked at the screaming brother in horror, at the evil ghost wielding a knife, and then at the evil spirit eating. Just as they were about to confess, the evil ghost swung his knife three times , cut off the brother's limbs, wiped something on the wound, smelled a bit sweet, did not know where to take out a strange-shaped thing, tore open and threw it on the brother's wound.

 Thank you Xiaoyao, U151865831, U211044589, for voting for the monthly ticket, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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