Chapter 329
"You're right. Martial arts cheats can't be practiced indiscriminately. If you practice indiscriminately, you will die. Who can tell the truth from the false?"

Qing Yun is good at this, he can listen to other people's opinions, sees the hint of Mad Wolf, turns his head to look at Bai Yanheng, and understands.

Qingyun clicked his tongue, ready-made people, don't use them for nothing.

"Captain Bai, come here." Qing Yun raised his head and shouted, the three of them didn't know the secrets of martial arts, but Bai Yanheng, who knew how to do light energy, absolutely understood.

Bai Yanheng, Bai Shaojie and the others had heard what Qingyun and the others had said a long time ago. Qingyun wanted to practice lightness kung fu and went crazy. When he saw this book, he read it as a secret book of martial arts.

If cheat books were so easy to pick up, wouldn't they need to learn from a teacher?

"Master, is Qingyun crazy?" Bai Shaojie whispered the sound transmission, and no one could hear it except Bai Yanheng.

Bai Yanheng cast a cold glance at him expressionlessly, then walked over.

Bai Shaojie blinked and blinked, a little confused, did he say something wrong?Why do you look at him like that.

The secret book was handed to Bai Chanheng, and Qingyun looked at him eagerly.

Bai Yanheng rolled his eyes at Qingyun, opened the so-called "cheat book", and after reading a few pages, he was really surprised.

"It's the cheat book of lightness kung fu."

It's still a heavenly skill, even higher than his master's secret book of skills.

Bai Yanheng glanced at Qingyun again, this kid's luck is a bit weird, commonly known as dog shit luck, even the bandits can be suppressed by this martial arts cheat book.

This cheat book is only ten pages in total. After carefully reading it and there is no problem, I returned it to Qing Yun. He hesitated for a while and asked him: "Can we learn this cheat book?"

"Of course." Qingyun looked up at him, feeling that his question was very strange, "You are my guards, of course I have to learn, my safety depends on your protection."

Bai Yanheng nodded and returned to his post.

Bai Shaojie was taken aback for a moment, he realized that it really was a cheat book of lightness kung fu, Qingyun was really lucky, he could pick up all of these, it was simply unreasonable.

Qingyun didn't know what Bai Yanheng and Bai Shaojie were thinking, and happily studied with the secret book of lightness kung fu, with the appearance of concentrating on it, much more serious than when she was studying.

To practice lightness kung fu, one must have internal strength.

She didn't know whether Qingyun practiced the exercises passed down from their ancestors since she was a child, whether it was the legendary internal strength or not.Regardless of whether she is right or not, first follow the path of the exercise in the secret book, and Qingyun is overjoyed that it can be done.

I wrote down the formulas, cooperated with her family-inherited exercises, and slowly practiced them. I didn't do other things this day and concentrated on practicing light exercises.

The valley in front of the cottage has a large open space, which is very suitable for her to practice light exercises.

Qingyun stood in the middle of the valley, with no obstacles around him. With his kung fu running, he accelerated and sprinted forward for more than ten meters, took a breath, and stepped high into the air.

I didn’t find the trick at the beginning. I flew up to a height of one meter and then fell. I didn’t fly very high. It didn’t hurt to fall. With more practice, I could fly up to three or four meters. No matter how high I was, I couldn’t fly very far. , Two or three meters fell.

I found the trick later, and jumped up to more than ten meters at once, and flew into the air as if in a bang, and the breath was vented, and she fell directly, "Ah~~" screamed, and she fell with stars in her eyes, and she couldn't breathe for a long time gas.

Tian Duoliang and Crazy Wolf didn't sleep anymore, they just looked at Qingyun, scurrying around in the valley like a madman, and then watched Qingyun fall from mid-air, screaming.

"Qinggong is not so easy to practice." Tian Duoliang smacked his lips, seeing Qingyun's terrible fall, he suddenly didn't want to practice.

Too guilty!

They are not as resistant to falling as Qingyun, if they fall from such a high place, they will be disabled even if they don't die.

It's not like Qingyun, who was half dead and rested for a long time, got up still alive and well, and continued to fall.

Crazy Wolf doesn't want to practice anymore, but he is still envious of Captain Bai and the others. If Qingyun succeeds in practicing, he will learn from Qingyun again, and it should be much easier to practice.

Fortunately, Qingyun didn't know what Mad Wolf was thinking, otherwise he would have beaten him half to death.

The two stopped tossing around with him and went back to the cave to sleep.

Bai Yanheng and Bai Shaojie watched him toss, and Bai Shaojie turned his head to look at him, "Master, do you think Qing Yun knows that practicing lightness kung fu requires internal strength?"

Qinggong is not so easy to practice. He practiced it for a month when he was just getting started, and it was common to break bones and legs.

Qingyun doesn't even have internal strength, and he can't practice it for a lifetime.

Bai Yanheng glanced at him, that inexplicably complicated eyes made Bai Shaojie look confused.

what do you mean?
"Master Qing, are you still alive?" Bai Shaojie stretched his neck and looked over there.

Qingyun rolled her eyes weakly, she didn't even have the strength to breathe, so how could she speak.For the first time, I felt that my guard was very irresponsible. Damn, she fell like this, and she didn't even know how to come over to take a look. What's the use of guarding?
After resting for half an hour, Qingyun got up and sat down tremblingly, staring at the two of them expressionlessly for a full minute.

Bai Yanheng looked at him expressionlessly, while Bai Shaojie looked at Qingyun and then at his master, inexplicably feeling guilty.

Qingyun clicked his tongue, beckoning them both to come over, and Bai Yanheng and Bai Shaojie walked over.

"Captain Bai, next time I fall from above, please catch me." Qingyun raised his finger to the sky softly and said through gritted teeth.

"Yes." Bai Yanheng replied.

Qingyun fell from the sky again, Bai Yanheng flew to catch him, this time he didn't fall.

With the insurance of personal safety, Qingyun worked hard, and finally got started before dark. He could fly up to four or five meters, and it was not a problem to fly up to 45 meters.

Albatron is satisfied.


Heisha Village used to be the place where the head of the family lived, but the brothers tidied it up and changed it to Qingyun's residence.

In the lobby, Tian Duoliang, Crazy Wolf, Heineng Heiba, He Shui and five people were all there, discussing the next step to suppress the bandits.

The big table is filled with seven or eight large dishes and wine jars.

Qingyun held the bowl, looked at them and said: "The reason why this bandit suppression is very successful is thanks to all of you. Here, I offer a toast to everyone, drink!"

Qingyun waved his hand boldly, holding the bowl and drinking to the end.

The four of Tian Duoliang also picked up the bowl, drank the bottom, and turned the bowl over, the bottom of the bowl was clean, not a single drop of wine dripped down.

"Where did Master Qing say that such a good thing happened? It's all thanks to Master Qing. Master Qing, I offer you a toast." He Shui held a bowl to Qing Yun.

Qingyun poured a bowl, and when they touched the bowl, it was done.

The four of Tian Duoliang and the others were on their own, they didn't toast to Qingyun, Mr. Song also served them to look at Master Qing, wine is not a good thing, drinking too much will cause bad things.

Besides, there are still things to talk about tonight, and people are drunk, and they talk about shit!
He Shui respected a bowl and took it away when he saw it was good. The county magistrate is not very old and he is away. Drink a bowl of meaning and meaning, as long as he wants it.

"The bandits in Heisha village have been wiped out, what's Qingye's plan next?" He Shui ate the food with a chopstick, and then looked at Qingyun opposite.

 Thank you for being desolate, Jingjing (Royal dining room), 12****18, Free Spray, 119***343, for the monthly ticket, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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