Chapter 330

What I said at the beginning was to suppress the bandits, but now that the bandits in Heisha Village have been suppressed, is the county magistrate going back home?
When the head of the Heisha village confessed, he also heard that there were three other bandit villages in Qishan, and each bandit village had more than a thousand bandits.

They were able to successfully wipe out Heisha Village this time, except that Heisha Village had the fewest bandits, and the other reason was that they took advantage of the sneak attack.

I don't know where the other three cottages are, so where did the sneak attack come from?
He never thought about whether the magistrate would go to suppress the bandits.

To be honest, He Shui doesn't really want to go back to the village. He doesn't like to farm and work. It's great to work with the county magistrate. If he has money, he can kill bandits, killing two birds with one stone.

He Shui glanced at Tian Duoliang, Mad Wolf, Hei Xiong, Heiba ​​and the four of them. Except for him, they were all from the magistrate of the county, wondering if he should also work in the yamen?

"Heisha village has just been taken down, and there are many things going on in the village. We will stay here for a while, and we can't go back now. He Shui, what are your plans?" Qingyun said.

Qingyun didn't want He Shui and the others to go back. Her people were small enough to wipe out the Heisha village. First, there were few people in the Heisha village, and second, it took advantage of the convenience of a sneak attack to attack them by surprise. The other three bandit villages were not like this The opportunity can be taken.

As soon as He Shui and the others left, there were one or two hundred fewer people, and even fewer people, making it even more difficult to suppress bandits.Just like the bandits in the front, it is impossible to be like Heisha Village. There are no dead people. The next time the bandits are suppressed, deaths and injuries are inevitable.

She is not a person who likes to be forced, and if He Shui goes back, she will not stop him from leaving.It would be best if they stayed voluntarily.

"Aren't you going back?" He Shui looked at Qingyun and the others in surprise.

"No, we'll listen to Master Qing." Tian Duoliang shook his head several times.

"We can't go back now. This place is not bad. If we leave, if the bandits from Wumo Village find this place and send them over to occupy it, wouldn't we build a copycat for them, wasting our work and suffering a lot! said Mad Wolf.

"After eradicating the Heisha Village, the Wumo Village came. This is still a bandit village, and the villages in this area will still be oppressed by bandits. It is meaningless for us to suppress bandits.

I plan to take them here to replace Heisha Village.Of course, you can't use the government's signboard. From now on, this will be the Nineteen Villages. "Qingyun said.

"Eh? Are you going to be bandits?" He Shui's eyes widened in shock. How did things develop like this? Didn't they come to suppress bandits?How did they become bandits?
Tian Duoliang, crazy wolf, black bear, and Heiba ​​all knew about it a long time ago, so they were not surprised at all.

Tian Duoliang slapped him and stared at him, "What kind of bandits, can they talk? This is a strategy, do you understand the strategy?"

He heard Qingyun say the word strategy.

Crazy Wolf saw that Tian Duoliang couldn't explain clearly, so he said.

"Master Qing means that if this place is vacant, instead of waiting for the bandits to occupy it and become a new bandit village, it is better for us to occupy it ourselves, so that the villages in this area will not be oppressed by bandits.

The name of the Nineteen Villages is a deception, it is for the bandits in Qishan to tell them that this land is owned by the owner, we are not weak, we can destroy the Heisha village, let the bandits in Qishan weigh it, Don't dare to take our place easily.We are still government officials. "

"That's what it means, we are wearing the skin of bandits and doing yamen affairs." Qingyun nodded.

"There are too many bandits in Qishan, and they wiped out a Heisha village, as well as Wumo village, Guigu village and Huangquan village.

On the border of Qishan, only these three bandit villages still exist, and the people of Qishan still live under the fear and oppression of bandits.I want to use the Nineteen Villages as my base and fight to the death with the bandits in Qishan.The task is very arduous and difficult, and it cannot be completed in a short period of time, and it cannot be wiped out within three to five years.

The bandits in Wumo Village are different from those in Heisha Village, they are much more ferocious than those in Heisha Village. I'm not sure if I can exterminate them. Dead people are necessary.Perhaps, the brothers are all dead, and the bandits have not been wiped out.

Too dangerous!I'm really glad that you've helped the yamen a lot this time, and no one has died yet.The next thing to suppress the bandits, we will do it ourselves.He Shui, take the villagers of Dama Village back! "

Qingyun advances by retreating, pretending to be good for you, and clearly persuades people to leave, but actually asks He Shui to stay voluntarily.

He Shui hesitated for a while, and said, "You stay here, what about the yamen?"

"The bandits in Qishan haven't been wiped out. It's not safe anywhere. Whether it's the yamen or it's here, the result is the same. The people in the county are honest and responsible people, and they won't make trouble. There are still dozens of yamen. Catch the Yamen servants quickly, nothing will happen."

After deciding to suppress the bandits, everything including the Yamen was planned by Qingyun.

"If you don't go back, we won't go back either. When we came out, we made an agreement with the village chief to follow you to suppress the bandits. There's no reason for you to stay. Let's go back.

The men in our Dama village are not cowards. When they came out, they were all ready to die, and they would not come if they were afraid of death.Suppressing bandits is not only for the yamen, but also for ourselves. If there are no bandits in Qishan, the life of our people will be easier. "

What He Shui said was what the village chief asked him to recite.I didn't have a chance to say it in the county government, but now I finally said it.

Besides, the magistrate is a formidable man who can kill even tigers, and the yamen servants are not ordinary people.

The magistrate of the county has made a plan, and he will definitely not let them go to death, and he will definitely be able to suppress the bandits.Besides, the people in the yamen are not afraid of death, and the people in their Dama Village are also not afraid of death.

"Don't rush to make a decision on this matter. Go back and discuss it with the villagers, and it will not be too late to reply to me. The cottage has just been established and there are too many things to be busy. If you don't rush back, stay for a few days and take a good look. "

Qingyun smiled, and it was done.

"There's nothing to discuss. I can make the decision on this matter, so it's decided. Let's stay and fight the bandits with you." He Shui's expression was very firm.

If you don't hug your thighs now, when will you hug your thighs?

"While everyone is here now, discuss the next thing. Who wants this cottage?" Qingyun looked at the four of them, and his gaze swept across Tian Duoliang's crazy wolf, black bear, and Heiba's faces.

Tian Duoliang, Crazy Wolf and Hei Xiong already knew that Qingyun was going to wipe out the bandits in Qishan, and the other three bandits had a large-scale cottage. They had already planned to choose one of the other three.

So keep quiet and wait for others to speak up.

Heiba ​​didn't know about this, he didn't know about the four bandit cottages, Qingyun gave him one.Later, the cottage he knocked down must not have his share, so he didn't open his mouth.

Qingyun glanced at Tian Duoliang and the three of them, and he could guess their little thoughts without looking at their expressions.

 Thanks to the No. 5 beauty, Chen Rong, 20180220174726094, Mumu and every time, xj bean sprouts, for the monthly ticket, ok?

(End of this chapter)

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