Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 333 Damascus Village

Chapter 333 Returning to Dama Village
"I'll go!"

"I'll go."

Tian Duoliang and Black Bear scrambled to grab the travel mission. They also thought of the importance of Qingyun. He is now the soul of this team, so there can be no surprises.

He Shui glanced at them three times, and he didn't mind whoever went with him.My heart is still biased towards the county magistrate.

"What's the fight? I didn't go alone. Captain Bai and the others went with me. It's really inappropriate for you to go. I have to go in person to show my sincerity and represent the intention of the court, so that the village head of Dama Village can rest assured.

If He Laoer can't go down the mountain, you can only come to investigate the Wumo Village by yourself. Your skills are not good, and if someone finds out, you won't be able to escape.My time to practice qinggong is a bit short, but I can fly anyway, so I have no problem escaping for my life. "

Tian Duoliang, Crazy Wolf, Black Bear and the three curled their lips. Thanks to him, the time is short and he has a thick skin. He has only practiced for a day, okay?

The three of them had to admit that what Qingyun said was reasonable, he only learned lightness kung fu for one day, even though he was not able to fly safely, he did know how to fly, this alone was much better than them.

Captain Bai and the others are Qingyun's guards. Wherever Qingyun goes, they are there. They are strong in martial arts, and with their protection, Qingyun's safety is not a problem.

If they go, there is no need to ask Captain Bai. They will not go with them, and they will be hunted down. Probably, maybe, probably, they will save them, right? !

The three of them were at a loss.

Qingyun glanced at the silent people, patted the table and said: "That's the decision, I'll go, you help Heiba ​​build a good cottage, learn some experience. Come here today, mad wolf He Shui stay, the others scattered."

Tian Duoliang, Hei Xiong and Heiba ​​left, and Mad Wolf He Shui looked at Qingyun, not knowing what he was doing with them.

"What orders does Master Qing have?" Crazy Wolf asked.

"It was agreed at the beginning, please He Shui and the others to give money to suppress the bandits. Tomorrow, He Shui and the others will go back, five taels of silver per person, you will give it to He Shui and let them take it back."

She just thought of this idea, the money will be given sooner or later, sooner or later, anyway, she can't escape.

It's better to give earlier than later. After the bandits in the Black Suppression Village have been suppressed, give them some sweetness first, so that people can see the benefits. It will only make them follow her to do things wholeheartedly.

She will not feel guilty when she goes to Dama Village tomorrow, which shows that she is a committed person!

"Yes." Crazy Wolf replied, "Brother, I will call people from your village to come over and collect the money."

He Shui didn't expect this surprise. He grinned foolishly, looked at Qing Yun and Mad Wolf, pointed to the door and said, "Then I'll call them."

"Go!" Qingyun waved.


He Shui wanted to go back to Dama Village, so he ordered four or five brothers, and the others stayed in the cottage.

Before dawn, He Shui and others got up to make dry food. Aunt Li was not there, so he had to bring his own dry food when he went out. Qingyun couldn't do that kind of work, so He Shui could only do it by himself.

Qingyun wanted to do it, but He Shui would not agree.

At 06:30 in the morning, Qingyun opened his eyes on time and got up to wash.

He Shui and the others are already ready, waiting for him in the lobby, and breakfast is also prepared for Qingyun.

"So early?" Qingyun asked He Shui when he saw He Shui.

"I'm used to it. Breakfast is ready. Master Qing is coming over to eat."

No matter how good a man's craftsmanship can be, it's good to be able to cook well.

"Have you eaten yet?" Qingyun walked over and took a big bowl to fill a bowl of rice. Seeing that they were still sitting still, he asked.

"Eat it, but you didn't eat it."

Qingyun glanced at He Shui and the others. The cottage is not short of food now, and He Shui and the others probably wouldn't lie and starve to lie to her for the sake of face.

Qingyun didn't call them anymore, she lived a rough life and was not picky about food, and only had the minimum requirements for food: cooked as long as it is cooked!

He Shui and the others didn't even eat one-third of the big pot of rice, and Qingyun took all the rest of the rice, and even wiped out all the dishes on the table. twitch.

Is the magistrate too good to eat?

He doesn't eat as much as the rice bucket.

He Shui and the others had never eaten with Qingyun before, so they didn't know that he had such a big appetite. It was the first time they saw him eat so much, they were so shocked!

Who can afford it in an ordinary family?
No wonder Crazy Wolf specifically told him last night that breakfast must be cooked in a big pot. At that time, he was still in a daze, thinking, how can he finish eating such a big pot?

He Shui was very conflicted, the magistrate had such a big appetite, they didn't bring enough dry food!

"Master Qing, there isn't enough dry food, I'll prepare some more, let's start later!"

Qingyun glanced at him, then at the empty dishes on the table, and suddenly understood.

"No, my appetite is the same as yours."

He Shui was silent.

At dawn, Qingyun Heshui and his party left the cottage.

Tian Duoliang and the others were still sleeping, they didn't know that Qingyun had left, they didn't get up to see him off, they didn't realize it, they woke up at dawn, and learned from the brothers on duty outside the village that they left before dawn.

Heishazhai is not far from Dama Village, three days' journey, He Shui was in a hurry to go home, only slept for two hours at night and had to go on the way, and arrived in Dama Village in a day and a half.

There were children playing at the entrance of Dama Village. They recognized He Shui and the others. The older ones ran back to the village to inform the village head, and the younger ones ran towards them.

"Third Uncle, where have you been? I haven't seen you for a long time." A child ran over and hugged He Shui's feet.

"Third uncle went out to work to earn money, are you good at home? Did you listen to your parents?" He Shui picked up his nephew and put it on his neck. After the child screamed, he screamed with excitement.

"I'm a good boy, listen to what your parents say. Fight, Dama go forward!"

He Shui carried the child to the village.

Seeing the child, Qingyun thought of her own child, and didn't tell the child when she left. After being out for so long, I don't know if the child missed her.


When the village head learned that He Shui was back, he sent someone to inform his uncle that they were coming to his house, waiting for He Shui and the others to arrive.

"Village Chief, are you here for something?"

"My grandson was playing at the entrance of the village. When he saw He Shui and the others came back, he would definitely come to our house and asked you to come and meet people."

"He Shui is back, all right, why are you back? Did something happen?"

Every family knows that He Shui and the others went to the county government to suppress the bandits with the county magistrate.I've only been away for a few days, and suddenly came back...

The faces of the uncles were not very thoughtful, thinking of the worst outcome.

"I don't know, maybe I have something to do when I come back! I will see him later and ask."

The village chief didn't show his sadness in his heart, and didn't say a word. Only a few of He Shui and the others came back, and the others didn't come back, so as to save the uncles from thinking too much.

"Wait until he comes and ask."


The villagers who came back together greeted He Shuiqingyun and went home.Qingyun and He Shui went to the village chief's house, stepped through the door and saw many old people sitting in the yard.

"Hi, old men!" Qing Yun greeted them with a smile.

 Thank you, Fat Girl, for voting for the monthly ticket, okay?
(End of this chapter)

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