Chapter 334

The village chief's grandson didn't mention that a stranger came back with him, let alone that Qingyun was also here, and the village chief was shocked to see Qingyun.

The last time He Shui came back from the county government, he had already told him that the person who rescued their whole village was the county government servant, and the weak young man was the county magistrate.

"My... my lord is here."

After the village chief was shocked, he immediately got up to greet him, wishing he could catch his grandson and beat him up, he didn't mention such an important matter.

The uncles knew the young man in front of them. The last time they rescued their village, they didn't know the identity of the young man's county magistrate. They sat still and looked at him with a smile. They were stunned when they heard the village chief walking forward and calling "Master" again. , and then stood up to greet him.

"My lord, my lord, please take a seat."

The village head cautiously invited Qingyun to sit up. He had never seen an official in his life, not even a policeman. He never thought he would be lucky enough to meet an official as grand as the county magistrate. His ancestral grave was smoking.

"You are welcome, the village chief. You are the master. You can sit here. I can sit here." Qingyun pointed to Dengzi by the door and said, "I'm really sorry. I came here without saying hello. The village chief just don't blame me. "

Qingyun smiled, looking amiable, not at all as fierce as she was when she killed the bandits.

"Where is it, it is the luck of Caomin and others to drive the humble house and make Caomin's humble house flourish."

Seeing that the village head was cautious, smiling, and in awe of the young man, the uncles almost couldn't resist inquiring about the young man's identity face to face. At the critical moment, they were still a little rational, so they finally didn't ask. .

Qingyun raised his eyebrows, and the tip of his tongue touched his gums.The two of them were bragging about business, which made her teeth ache.She really can't handle this kind of situation, she can handle it casually with a few words, this kind of occasion is suitable for Chun'an.

Qingyun smiled dryly and turned to look at He Shui. Unfortunately, He Shui's time with her was short, and he couldn't understand Qingyun's eyes that could only be understood but could not be expressed in words.

Qingyun had no choice but to kick him quietly. He Shui looked over, and Qingyun gave him a wink, signaling him to deal with the village chief.

He Shui looked at the village chief and then at Qingyun, and understood in seconds.

"Village chief, our village went out to suppress the bandits this time, and everyone is fine. The county magistrate handed out the money this time. In my place, please keep telling them to come and collect the money."

When Qingyun heard what He Shui said, he almost bit the tip of his tongue, and the corners of his eyes twitched. Although he didn't understand what she meant, he somehow diverted the village chief's attention.

"Okay, okay, okay, the men in our Dama village are all good. Boss, you go and tell everyone to come to our house to collect money."

As soon as he heard that he could get money, the village head didn't force the county magistrate to sit down, and ordered his sons and grandsons to go door to door to notify him.

"Thank you for taking care of the people in our village. On behalf of the whole village, the grass people thank you for everything you have done for us." The village chief stood up and bowed his hands to Qingyun.

"It should be, He Shui and the others are capable, and the village chief doesn't have to worry about it." Qingyun dealt with it politely, thinking that he must bring Chun'an with him next time he goes out.

After finishing the official business, the village head looked at the county magistrate, and tentatively asked: "I don't know what's the matter with your lord? As long as the grassroots can do it, go up the mountain of swords and go down into the sea of ​​fire, I will definitely do it for you!"

The magistrate of the county came with He Shui, and he must have business to do, and he would not come to visit the mountains and rivers.

"It's nothing, I can't sit still, I like to walk around. I heard that He Shui and the others sent money back, and I was worried that they would be robbed by bandits on the way, so I followed."

"So that's the case!" The village chief didn't quite believe this, and turned to look at He Shui.

He Shui nodded, "There's too much money, and the villagers can't all come back. It's not safe for the few of us to come back, so adults come to play with us."

On the way back, Qingyun explained to He Shui that she came to find He Lao Er, don't say anything, the less people who know, the better, and the fewer people who know, the safer He Lao Er.

Don't look at He Shui's carelessness, his nerves are as thick as a bucket, and his second brother's life is related, so he naturally listens to Qingyun's arrangement.

The village head believed it.

"The village has been built, and adults can visit our village at any time. He Shui, you are in charge of entertaining adults these few days. You must eat well, drink well, and sleep well. If the entertainment is not good, I want you to look good. Do you understand?"

The county magistrate came with He Shui, so it can be seen that He Shui has an unusual relationship with the county magistrate, so He Shui can only call on the county magistrate.

In fact, the village chief would prefer that the county magistrate stay at his house, but unfortunately he is not familiar with the county magistrate, so he dare not raise such a question rashly, it would not be worthwhile to make the magistrate angry.

"Village chief, don't worry, we will treat you well." He Shui promised, patting his chest.

Looking at He Shui's foolishness, the village chief's face was full of black lines, and he glanced at the face of the county magistrate. Seeing that he didn't tell me to object, he could only sigh that He Shui was a fool, and that he fell into the eyes of the magistrate.

The villagers knew that He Shui had brought back the money, and the masters of the house swarmed to the door of the village chief's house. The yard couldn't be crowded, so they waited outside the yard.

"He Shui, do you receive money?"

"He Shui, why are you the only ones coming back? When will the head of our family come back?"

"He Shui, what are you doing back here?"

When the villagers saw He Shui, they surrounded him and asked questions.

"Shaojie, go and register." Qingyun took out the registration book from his package, glanced at Captain Bai, and handed it to Bai Shaojie.

"Yes, sir." Bai Shaojie went out with his notebook and borrowed a desk from the village head.

"Squeeze what? Line up for me, the head of the family will come, and the rest will go outside and wait."

The yard was crowded with people, and there was no place to step down. The village chief was furious and yelled at the villagers.

The noisy villagers immediately pursed their lips and did not dare to make a sound. Seeing that the village chief was about to go mad, the villagers slowly exited the yard and lined up again.

Seeing the five taels of silver in their hands, the villagers laughed from ear to ear. It was hard to believe that such a good thing fell on them, like a dream.

Some villagers turned their backs and took a bite quietly. The money was real, and they grinned like a fool, holding it in their arms.

Their whole family can't earn two taels of silver in a year, but they can earn five taels of silver after being suppressed. The county magistrate is really a good person.

Everyone in Dama Village thought that the county magistrate was a bit stupid, and the villagers would only keep his words in their stomachs, so they wouldn't say it, and the money would be lost if they said it.

It took half a day to finish distributing the villagers' silver, and every household had it, and there were as many as ten taels.

After distributing the money, Qing Yun and He Shui returned to their home. The eldest brother and daughter-in-law of the He family had already prepared meals, waiting for them to come back.

"Brother, this is my silver, here it is." When He Shui got home, he handed over his silver to Brother He, smiling very proudly.

He can make money too!
Look at those aunts in the village, whether they will still talk about him behind his back in the future, they will not succeed in doing anything, they will just dawdle.

 Thanks to ss7010130, U151865831, for the monthly ticket, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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