Chapter 337

"Wumo Village is not comparable to Heisha Village. There are twice as many bandits in Guangshan Village as Heisha Village. The walls of the Shanzhai Village are three to four meters high. There are watchtowers on all sides of the tower, which can be seen from every corner. The love scene under the mountain.

You were able to successfully suppress the bandits in Heisha Village, not only because you were lucky enough to sneak attack, but the more important reason is that the bandits in Heisha Village lost their minds.

Master Qing, let me tell you something that you don't like to hear, the strategy used in Heisha Village does not work well in Wumo Village. In Wumo Village's Dadang Village, the people under the management are very strict.I heard that the master came from there. "

He Shui is not optimistic about the county magistrate and their attack on Wumo Village.The reason why he came with He Shui was to see who the very, very powerful county magistrate in He Shui's mouth was.

Really saw people, a little disappointed.

There is a saying: To be useless is to be a scholar.The magistrate of the county is a small sample who will fall when the wind blows. I'm afraid he hasn't killed the bandits yet. When he sees the bloody scene, it's good not to scream in fright. Don't expect him to kill the bandits.


Qingyun didn't understand which side it was, and now was not the time to think about it.But He Qiu was not optimistic about her ability to suppress bandits, she could see it.

If you don't like her, why do you tell her so much information?
"Hearing what you said, the bandits in Wuzhai are even more cunning and fierce in the four cottages! Taking advantage of our troops, now that our troops are strong, we must exterminate them even more." Qing Yun smiled.

"Whether you can fight or not, you have to fight. People live in the world, and they can't do what they are sure of, taking advantage of the right time, place, and harmony. Some things, if you are not sure of winning, even if you have only one point to win, the end will be miserable. , or to do.

Because there is a burden on your shoulders, even if the burden is so heavy that it breaks your waist, you still have to carry it.Who doesn't know that it is easy to let go of the burden, but the consequences of letting go of the burden are very serious, and many, many innocent people have to bear it.

If I dare to suppress the bandits in Wumo Village, there is naturally a way to break into the village, but it will take a little more effort. "

What Qing Yun said was easy to understand, and He Shui and He Qiu brothers understood it. The county magistrate carried the heavy burden of Qishan on his shoulders, and for the sake of the people of Qishan, he knew what he couldn't do instead of what he had to do.

Whether He Shui felt it or not, I don't know, but He Qiu felt it the most.For the first time, he met an official who did practical things for the people.

"I don't know what method Master Qing has, but I have a better method here." After careful consideration, He Qiu decided to block the big one.If you lose, you will be lost at most. If you win, you will be free from now on, stand up and be the master.

"What way?" Qingyun squinted his eyes, really couldn't miss He Qiu.

"I can be your internal response, but I have one request." He Qiu looked at Qingyun solemnly.

"Internal response?"

Qing Yun was stunned, and glanced at He Shui out of the corner of his eye, then looked at He Qiu, very surprised by his choice.

To be honest, if He Qiu served as an internal response, it would be more effective for them to attack the Wumo Village, but he proposed it on his own initiative, and the meaning is completely different.

Qingyun has no reason not to agree.

"You have to think about it clearly. It's very dangerous inside. We can't even enter the stronghold. You are the only one to move in the stronghold. If someone finds out, it's too late to save you."

When He Shui heard that his second brother was going to be the internal response, he frowned at him, disapproving of his actions in his heart, but didn't say anything against him.

His second brother is as stubborn as he is, and even eight horses can't pull back what he decides.

"Think clearly, you have too few people, it is not advisable to attack the stronghold from the front; sneak attack is also not feasible, from the foot of the mountain to the stronghold, there are five steps, one post, ten steps and one post, and there are patrols, patrolling day and night. Opportunity sneak attack.

If you want to attack Wumo Village, you can only outsmart it.Is there any plan that can compare to Li Ying? "

Qingyun raised her eyebrows and smiled evilly, He Qiu's style of behavior was very suitable for her.

"That's a good idea. What's the request? Tell me." To put it bluntly, when He Qiu asked her to kill someone, Qing Yun would do it.

He Qiu sighed quietly, and said seriously: "Not all bandits are bad people. These days, if they are not forced to be cornered and unable to survive, who would go to the mountains to become a bandit.

For example, I went to the mountains to become a bandit, just because I wanted the cottage to make life easier for the village. "

Qingyun glanced at He Qiu, there was something in his words!
"I agree with this very much. It is a good thing for you to go up to the mountain as a bandit when you have no choice. Wearing the bandit's skin is to make a living for the people of Qishan."

Qing Yun silently clicked his tongue, so, what did He Qiu want to express?
He Qiu was relieved to hear that the magistrate also agreed with his words.

"There are a lot of people like me in the cottage, and being a bandit is a last resort and you can't help yourself. Master Qing, I only have one request, don't kill brothers like me."

After He Qiu finished speaking, he stared straight at Qingyun, "Don't worry, Master Qing, the brothers I want to protect are not bad guys, they are villagers from our villages in Qishan Mountain. Since we became bandits, we have never joined forces with bandits or killed them." I have never helped a bandit to harm anyone.”

"Yes, I believe you. As long as they are guaranteed by you, I will not kill them. After the bandits are suppressed, their freedom will be restored. Which village they came from and which village they go back to. From now on, they will still be the people of Qishan."

Qingyun grinned lightly, interesting!

No one would believe it, but there is still a stream of cleanliness hidden in a place like Bandit Village.

"How many people are there?" Qing Yun asked curiously, guessing that there were not many of them, at most a hundred or so.

"Two or three hundred people!" He Qiu said.

Qingyun clicked his tongue, unexpectedly happy!

"The people in the cottage are in your charge. If you are trustworthy, you can disclose the news to them. You have not been out for a short time. Go back first and don't attract the attention of others. I will send someone to inform you of the specific attack plan. Captain Bai, send someone to send Brother He Qiu, go back."

"No need for Master Qing, I have walked this road many times, and I can go back with my eyes closed. There are too many people, but it is easy to be exposed." He Qiu rejected Qingyun's kindness, and went back alone.

Qingyun glanced at Captain Bai, and Captain Bai made a gesture, and someone followed him, secretly following He Qiu all the way.

As soon as He Qiu left, Captain Bai put away the Ye Mingzhu, and the cave was immediately pitch black, and he couldn't see his fingers.

"It's getting late, sleep here tonight, and leave early tomorrow morning." After Qingyun finished speaking, he went to the ground.

"Okay, then I'll go to bed." He Shui was also tired and sleepy, he had no opinion, and fell asleep not long after lying down, snoring like thunder.

In the dark, Qingyun opened his eyes, twitched his mouth with a headache, and asked Bai Yanheng, "Captain Bai, is there a way to stop He Shui from snoring?"

The snoring sounds like thunder, if someone overhears it, something serious will happen.

It was pitch black in the cave, and I don't know how Captain Bai accurately found Bai Shaojie and looked at him, but Bai Shaojie understood the meaning of Captain Bai's eyes.

 What I owe, make it up today
(End of this chapter)

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