Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 338 Night Detective

Chapter 338 Night Detective
Qingyun sometimes doubts whether they have night vision ability like her.Of course, this idea only flashed in her mind and disappeared.

Bai Shaojie walked up to He Shui, slashed He Shui's neck with a knife, and then there was no sound.

"Leave someone to guard He Shui, and the others will follow me to explore Wumo Village at night."

The purpose of asking He Qiu out to meet is to find out the old lair of the Wumo Village, explore the Wumo Village at night, and find out the reality of the Wumo Village.

It's not that Qingyun doesn't believe He Qiu's words, she never likes to be passive and likes to take the initiative.The information provided by others, without on-site inspection, will always be discrepant, it is best to go on your own.

After leaving the cave, the opportunity to test Qingyun's lightness skill came.

The toes touched the ground, and Qingyun flew up the tree like a balloon.

Captain Bai and Bai Shaojie followed Qing Yun, guarding his safety at all times.


Qingyun waved his arms and flew forward like a nighthawk.The feeling of flying with the wind is so beautiful that Qingyun is intoxicated.

If she didn't have business to do, she would have wanted to fly in the mountains and forests several times.

Only Bai Yi knew the route, he led the way ahead, Qingyun and the others followed, Qingyun used the lightness kung fu for the second time, except that the lightness kung fu was not smooth at the beginning, and the flying became smoother afterward.

Captain Bai and the others followed Qingyun two steps unhurriedly, looking very relaxed.

About 30 meters away from the foot of the mountain, Qingyun and his party stopped, hid behind the dense leaves, and observed carefully for half an hour. The patrolling team, like the information provided by He Qiu, appeared on time.

As soon as the patrol team left, Qingyun and his party immediately flew over.The higher you go, the more patrols there are, and the shorter the interval between patrols.

Thanks to He Qiu's information, Qingyun and his group got under the wall of the cottage without any risk, and when no one was there, they climbed over the wall and entered the cottage.

"According to the plan, Captain Bai and I will be in one group, and Shaojie and you three will be in another group. We will meet here an hour later, which is Zishi."

Bai Shaojie looked at his grandfather, seeing him nodding, he took Bai Yibaier to the west, Qingyun Baiyanheng Baiyi and the others to the east.

The three of Qingyun walked for a few minutes, but they didn't meet anyone from the patrol team. The situation was the same as what He Qiu provided!

The cottage is tight on the outside and loose on the inside!

The leader of Wumo Village is really confident that no one can break into the village.

Seeing a patrol team approaching from a distance, the three of Qingyun flew up to the eaves and hid in the darkness under the eaves. When the patrol team passed by, the three of them flew down from above and continued to explore.

The cottage with 500 people was very large, and the three of Qingyun went around and got dizzy, so it was best to fly up to the roof and walk from above.

The houses in Wumozhai are about the same height. From the roof, you can see the situation below and the situation in the distance, and more importantly, you won’t be dizzy.

Not long after walking, the three of Qingyun heard the sound of singing and dancing in front of them. The three of them looked at each other and walked over there.

It is the second quarter of the Hai hour, that is, 09:30 in the evening, and the night bathing has just started. The ancient people had no entertainment at night, and they went to bed at about 09:30.

Qing Yun thought that Wumo Village was the same as Heisha Village, except that bandits were still bandits, but he didn't expect Wumo Village to be much more upscale and have nightlife.

The sound of singing and dancing came from the largest courtyard. When they got close, the three of them could clearly hear the coquettish and coquettish sounds of the women in the room, as well as the men's teasing and drinking orders.

Qingyun could smell the mellow wine scent across a courtyard.

Qingyun clicked his tongue, feeling uncomfortable.In order to survive, she died, she couldn't eat well, she couldn't sleep well, she didn't have any clothes that looked like a person, and because of the official uniform she was wearing, she had to put on a show, and she was so worried that her head was almost bald.

The bandits in Wumo Village live happily and happily like gods, with wine, meat and beautiful women to accompany them, no wonder they all want to be bandits.

She wants to be a bandit in these days.

Bai Yanheng accidentally caught sight of Qingyun's ferocious face, and looked away, not guessing that this person was fine just now, and no one provoked him, so why would he be angry.

Personality is so unpredictable!
Qingyun made a gesture, and the three of them flew to the roof over there. First, they looked around cautiously, but there was no one there. look away.

Seeing the scene below, Qingyun couldn't help cursing "Damn" in his heart.

In the lobby, a group of beautiful girls dressed in colorful and very beautiful fluffy gauze skirts, about sixteen or seventeen, danced in circles, and the gauze skirts flew up, like a fairy, and they were so beautiful.

The point is that the gauze skirt is translucent, you can vaguely see the scenery inside, and the style is wrapped around the chest, half-wrapped, which is even more attractive.

Especially when Qingyun looked at the beautiful scenery from a high place, he could only yell "Fuck" in his heart, what did these women eat to grow so big?
Especially when the girls raised their hands, raised their legs, and flew their eyes, it was really charming. It fascinated the bandits sitting on both sides of the lobby, and whistled at the girls.

Not to mention men, even Qingyun was dumbfounded, all of them are stunners!

Qingyun guessed that the bandits who could sit in the lobby probably had some status in the cottage, and they held at least one woman in their arms, and some even held two or three.

The table in front is full of delicious dishes, all of which are meat dishes, such as roasted chicken, stewed pork feet and roasted fish.Qingyun seemed to see the roasted chicken and pig's feet beckoning to her, "Come and eat me", and couldn't help swallowing secretly.

Qing Yun was deeply jealous of the bandits, swept around, covered the tiles, turned to look at Captain Bai and Bai Yi and the other two, only to see that they were looking at her with strange eyes.

Qingyun raised his eyebrows, thought for a while, but to no avail, he attributed their gazes to the fact that they were sick.

He Qiu's status is too low to participate in this kind of happy life of drunkenness and dreams.

Having said that, He Qiu didn't seem to mention that there was such an activity in the cottage. Did he forget, or did he think it was unnecessary, and felt that it had nothing to do with what they did?
The three left the roof, wandered around the cottage, and were touched by the three into the kitchen.Looking at the big fish and meat on the table, Qingyun couldn't hold back, went down and followed a roasted chicken and pig's foot, shook it, and silently asked the two if they wanted it?
Captain Bai shook his head and refused, but Bai Yi didn't have the nerve to ask for it.

After walking around the east side, the three returned to the meeting point, Bai Shaojie and the three were already there, a group of six people dug out of the cottage, and went back to the cave to sleep.

He Shui woke up in the morning and rubbed his sore neck. Why did he feel as if he had been beaten, and asked Qing Yun suspiciously: "Master Qing, how did you sleep last night?"

(End of this chapter)

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