Chapter 348

"I'm from Wumo Village. I'm sending invitations on behalf of our head. Are you sure you have informed them?"

The bandits in Wumozhai looked like they were on a high mountain, staring unkindly at the patrol team that stopped him. It was the first time they had met such a treatment that they didn't even allow them to enter the valley.

If the brothers in the cottage knew about it, he would lose face!

"Brother, our head master expected you to come, so he sent us brothers to wait here specially. It's not that we won't let you in. The master of our cottage, on a whim, trained troops in the valley and dug traps everywhere.

No one to lead the way, falling into a trap, dead is easy, don't have to suffer, I'm afraid I'm afraid that I'm half dead, alive and painful, what a pain!

Our master has a strange temper. During military training, no one is allowed to disturb him, and even the words of the head of the family don't work.The third leader of the big family is afraid of being accidentally injured, so he hides in the stockade and cannot come out. Our brothers can only patrol here if they run fast, and those who run slowly can only consider themselves unlucky.

It's for your own good to stop you. If you really want to enter the valley, I won't stop you. If anything happens, don't blame me for not reminding you!Hey, brothers, you have to testify for me. When asked by the boss, I persuaded him! "

After finishing speaking, step back to the side to make way, as if you can enter if you want, and don't stop.

The other brothers in the patrol team all nodded and agreed to testify for him.

The mixture of true and false words makes it more believable.

The bandits in Wumozhai looked towards the valley, then carefully looked at the expressions on their faces, and took a step in tentatively. Seeing that they didn't stop them, there was a gloating smile on their faces, wishing him to go, Although the people on patrol, their smiles quickly subsided, did not escape his eyes.

The bandits in Heisha village were eager for him to go, but he didn't dare to go, so he withdrew his foot and threw the invitation to them.

"You guys just know that I'm here, it doesn't matter if you enter the valley or not, every year, your cottage doesn't have any new tricks, I'm tired of seeing them.

It's getting late, and I have to rush back to the cottage to help, so I won't go in.Invitation card, you bring it to your master, remember to come on time that day, our birthday is different this year, and we have invited several oirans, we will arrive tonight. "

The bandits in Wumo Village babbled and showed off, waiting for the bandits in Heisha Village opposite him to honor him with money.

The brothers of the patrol team have a very good temper today. They are so nervous that they didn't understand the show off of the bandits in Wumozhai, let alone give money. They thought the other party had finished talking and was about to leave.

The bandits in Wumo Village waited till he blinked sorely, and the bandits in Heisha Village looked at him like a fool, almost maddening him to death.

His attitude was not as good as before, he spoke in a strange way, five out of ten sentences praised Wumozhai, and five sentences belittled Heishazhai.

In his mouth, Wumo Village is the most powerful, with strong soldiers and strong horses, rich and well-fed people, and it is the most powerful cottage in Qishan, no matter how you look at it.

Heisha village is not a fart, no one wants people, no one wants money, not even a beggar's den, the bandits in Wumo village are not worthy of carrying shoes, he can come to Heisha village to send invitations, give them In order to save their great face, they must hold and respect him.

The brothers on patrol listened to him with a smile, not angry like dough, they went in one ear and out the other, attached to his words, then belittled themselves, pretended to keep him, and finally sent him away enthusiastically.

"Bah, what the hell, in a few days, grandpa will let you know why the flowers are so red."

The bandits from the Wumo Village were no longer visible, and the brothers in the patrol team snorted disdainfully. Do you really think they don't understand what the bandits from the Wumo Village want?

It is faster to dream of taking money from them.

There was no problem with checking the invitation, and sent brothers to send it to Lord Qing, and they continued to patrol.

"Master Qing, Wumo Village has sent invitations."

Tian Duoliang, black bear, crazy wolf, Heiba, He Shui, all came to Qingyun after hearing about this.

"Hey, the things are there." Qingyun crossed his legs and threw peanuts to eat.

I don't know that brother, fried her a plate of peanuts to go with the wine.Qingyun grabbed a handful, threw it into the air, opened his mouth to catch it, and when he heard Daliang's words, he raised his foot and kicked the table next to him.

Tian Duoliang and the others looked over, and there was a flowery invitation card on the table, and when they got closer, they could still smell the fragrance.

Tian Duoliang followed Song Wenqian and learned some characters. He knew the characters on the invitation card, but the characters were too ugly, even uglier than what he wrote, so he couldn't bear to look at them directly.

"Master Qing, what are your plans?" Crazy Wolf rolled his eyes at the invitation, saw the words on it, twitched the corner of his eyes, and dropped it.

"Go, why don't you go, the birthday of the head of Wumo Village must be fun. I have never seen a bandit celebrate his birthday, so I just went to open my eyes. The original plan will go ahead as usual. Hei Xiong is going to give gifts on behalf of Heisha Village, and I will be with him. "

Tian Duoliang and the others knew Qingyun's temperament, and he never changed his decisions.

The days passed by at a leisurely pace, and the brothers were so busy preparing dry food that they all had time to spare, even Qingyun was working arm in arm.


after dark
A group of people came out of the cottage and disappeared into the woods without a sound. The huge cottage was empty, and there was not a single brother left behind. They all followed Qingyun to suppress the bandits.

The things in Heisha Village come for nothing, it doesn't matter whether they are kept or not guarded, no one will attack the village, so things are stored there, so they are naturally safe.

If you really want to keep people to guard the cottage, it is estimated that there will not be many, at most a dozen. The Quan Yu brothers are going to suppress the Wumo Village. If someone comes to attack the cottage, a dozen brothers will not be able to stop them. If you die in vain, why not go with them Suppressing bandits, with Qingyun watching, may not necessarily die.

In the end, it was done, no one was left behind in the cottage, and all the brothers in the cottage went to suppress the bandits.

After traveling day and night, he finally arrived at the foot of the mountain in Wumo Village on the morning of the birthday of the head of Wumo Village.

Tian Duoliang, Crazy Wolf, Heiba, and He Shui followed the plan, avoiding the sight of the patrol team, lurking in the bushes in the blind area to rest, waiting for the dark.

Entering the territory of Wumozhai, Qingyun Heixiong and the others separated from the main force with a dozen brothers.

Captain Bai, Bai Shaojie, and the others were so handsome that Qingyun didn't allow them to follow them. In the end, they changed their appearances, and the two handsome guys turned into swarthy middle-aged men, so Qingyun agreed to follow them.

Of course, Qingyun's appearance is also conspicuous. Among the bandits, she is not as thin as her. Qingyun also changed his appearance, with a dark face and dyed yellow hair. At first glance, he looks like a black-skinned boy who is too hungry.

Qingyun and the others rested in the cave where they came last time, slept beautifully, and had lunch, and the group of them went leisurely to Wumo Village.

(End of this chapter)

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