Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 349 An accident

Chapter 349 An accident
Master Qing and his group squatted on the mountain road leading to Wumo Village, wanting to see how other villages got in, they referred to it for reference, and they waited almost an hour, not to mention people, not even a ghost.

"Where are the people from Guigu Village and Huangquan Village?" Master Qing turned his head and asked Hei Xiong.

Who to ask?

He doesn't know either!

Hei Xiong scratched his hair, no expression could be seen on Hanhan's face, he came with Master Qing, asking him for nothing!
He thought so, but he didn't dare to say that, and said, "I don't know, Guigu Village and Huangquan Village are farther than our Shanzhai, maybe they are still on the way, and they should be here soon."

The black bear looked up at the sky, there was still half a day before dark, it was early!
"It's still half a day away. The birthday is in the evening, and the two of them should be able to catch up."

Hei Xiong is not sure. The power of Guigu Village is evenly matched with that of Wumo Village. According to common sense, it is naturally impossible to come early. The later you come, the more important the people in Guigu Village will be.

The protagonist usually arrives late, and will not appear until the last moment.

The power of Huangquan village is not as big as that of Wumo village. If they want to show off, they will weigh it carefully. They will not come too early or too late.Those who haven't seen them until now may have entered the cottage.

This is all guessed by Hei Xiong. Maybe the bandits in Guigu Village, who are reasonable and don't pay attention to those things, may have entered the village.

Among the four villages, Heisha Village is the least powerful. Logically speaking, Heisha Village came before Guigu Village and Huangquan Village, but they were still squatting on the mountain path.

According to him, the people from Heisha Village were the last ones to come.

Qing Yun didn't expect to get an answer from Hei Xiong, and the group continued to squat on the mountain path, waiting for the bandits, and waited for another half an hour. Seeing that it was getting late, there was still no ghost on the mountain path outside.

Qingyun frowned. They killed all the bandits in Heisha Village. They wanted to catch a bandit and ask about the situation, but they didn't have a chance to ask.After so many days, it is estimated that the bandits have lost their souls.

If I had known about this, the head of Heisha Village should have stayed for a few more days.

Qingyun thought, what a mistake!

"Forget it, don't wait, enter the village." Qingyun patted the non-existent dust on Yuebai's robe, and waved his brothers to enter the Wumo village.

"Master Qing, let's go like this?" Hei Xiong blinked at Qing Yun, was it too hasty?
"Why don't you go like this? You still want to sing? If you like it, you can sing, I don't mind."

Qingyun rolled her eyes, she is a counterfeit, she went into the Wumo village to kill people, so she didn't have to do anything because she was scruples about this and that.

It was a waste of time for half a day.

Hei Xiong rubbed his nose, yes, Master Qing can't afford to mess with him.


"Who? What are you here for?"

Before Qingyun and his group approached the foot of the mountain, the patrol team from Wumo Village spotted them and asked loudly.

Hei Xiong's current status is the fourth head of Heisha Village, and his status is different, so naturally he will not lower his status and talk to his minions.

Qingyun is the master, according to the outside world, it was just mentioned, her position is behind Heixiong, one step behind.On her left and right is Captain Bai Bai Shaojie.

"From Heisha village, here to celebrate the birthday of the head of the family." The brother behind Hei Xiong howled.

The bandits in Wumo Village were not seen, and they didn't know where they were hiding. Those who shouted from the air didn't know what method they used. It sounded like their voices were coming from all directions.

Qingyun glanced at the surrounding terrain without any trace, and tapped the fan lightly on the palm of his hand.

Crazy Wolf Daliang and the others suggested that if he pretends to be a master, he must wear a two-piece suit, a white robe and a fan.

She has a dark face, wears a white robe one size bigger, and holds a fan. She is dark and thin. Qingyun doesn't need to look in the mirror to guess her appearance, it's too eye-catching.

For the people of Qishan, she sacrificed too much.The people of Qishan, if they don't feel grateful to her, they will all feel sorry for her attire today.

"From Heisha Village? Why are you here so late?"

Qingyun's hearing was unusual, and the bandits from Wumozhai spoke again, and she immediately found their hiding place.

"I've been delayed by something in the village, brother, I'm sorry!" The brother who replied was also clever and good at making excuses.

"Do you have an invitation?" The bandit in Wumo Village asked again.


Qing Yun took the invitation from Hei Xiong and handed it over to the brother. The brother waved the invitation, and saw a dozen bandits emerged from the bushes on both sides of the mountain road 20 meters away, walking slowly with big knives on their shoulders. come over.

The bandit in the lead took the invitation card and turned it over, squinting at them while turning it over, and then threw the invitation card over.

"There is no problem with the invitation. I have been to Heisha village before, and I have never met you." The bandit headed up and down, looking up and down at Qingyun and his group, focusing on the black bear Qingyun and the two big boxes.

When the black bear is not naive, he has a ferocious expression on his face. He can stand in the middle of the team, and he can be seen as an important person.

Looking at Qingyun, I was surprised by Qingyun's dress, so I took a second look.

Hei Xiong snorted coldly, raised his head slightly, and looked at Wumo Village on the mountainside.

It's right if you haven't seen it.

Qingyun grinned, and took a step forward to reply. The fan pointed at the black bear and said, "This is our fourth leader. It has been two months since the first leader was brought up, and the news hasn't spread yet. Brothers don't know what to do."

"Four masters?" The bandit glanced at Hei Xiong disdainfully, looked at Qing Yun and asked, "What about you? What do you do?"

"I'm the same as Si Dangjia, the master who just came up. No, Da Dangjia sent me and Si Dangjia to celebrate Da Dangjia's birthday." Qing Yun said with a smile.

The bandits in Wumozhai looked behind Qingyun and the others, seeming unhappy, and asked with a sullen face, "That's the only number of people here in your Heisha village? Why didn't your big masters come? Even your third masters didn't come, so why don't you come?" Sending you more than a dozen new eggs here, don't you think we are the master!"

Anyone with long ears can tell that this person is looking for faults.

Qingyun stopped knocking on his fan, and Hei Xiong stopped looking up at the sky. The brothers stared at the bandit opposite with fierce and cold eyes.

"What are you doing? You still dare to stare at people? Staring at me again will goug your eyes."

The bandits in Wumo Village were taken aback, and after regaining their senses, they roared at Qingyun and the others with an extremely arrogant and domineering attitude.

As bandits in Wumo Village, they are qualified to be arrogant.

"Look at what you said, it's so misleading! How dare we not come to the big boss to celebrate his birthday? It's not an accident!" Qing Yun cast his eyes over, letting him think about it for himself.

The leader of the bandits thought about it for a while, but failed to figure it out, and his attitude was better than before. He glanced at the fourth head of Heisha Village and asked, "What happened?"

What kind of accident can make the head of Heisha village dare to come and celebrate their birthday?
 Whoever feels the shade of a pear tree, how lazy I am, 161004130533935, Zen in the Western Regions, 110415104123, Qinyuan Chunxue, U151865831, Tingting Yuli 216, ss7010130, ten 緈鍢菋噵灬, baby【】Rong Rong, cast Monthly ticket, okay?
(End of this chapter)

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