Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 35 The Leaf Hat

Chapter 35 The Leaf Hat

The group went up the mountain, Qingyun walked in front, Song Wenqian was behind her, and the old man's family of three were behind.

There were only five people in the group, almost all of them were old, weak, sick and disabled.The mountain road is rugged, and a few people walk very slowly.

Qingyun deliberately slowed down the pace to accommodate a few people, but it was still very difficult for Song Wenqian to follow.

Qingyun wanted to help Song Wenqian move away several times, but Song Wenqian did not agree.This is just the beginning of the start, and there is still such a long way to go, how can he go on?
"You go, it's not that I can't go." Song Wenqian waved him away, then took out his handkerchief and wiped his sweat.

Qingyun touched her nose, yes, she couldn't provoke the old man.Then he looked at the old man's family of three. Their family walked much more steadily, without much effort, and there was not much sweat on their heads. Their physical strength was much stronger than that of the old man, and even the little girl was stronger than the old man.

Qingyun deliberately avoided the place of the corpse and walked for a long time before reaching the dry riverbed.

Song Wenqian and the others looked at the bottom of the river. Except for the stones, they looked up at the poisonous sun, and then looked back at Qingyun.

"Is there really water in front of you?" Song Wenqian asked suspiciously as he followed the riverbed all the way to the riverbed that disappeared in the dense forest in front of him.

This river bed is about to dry and crack, can there be a ghost in front of it?
This ghost weather is really hot!Standing on the rocks, it seems that people are drying out.

Unable to bear the sun for a while, a few people walked under the shade of the tree.

"Yes, let's go!"

Qingyun couldn't stand the heat either, so he unconsciously pulled at his neckline, blew the air to cool him, and wiped the sweat off his forehead.

He glanced at the surrounding low bushes for a while, then walked over and folded a few branches with lush leaves. According to the style of the straw hat in his impression, he made a leaf hat and put it on his head to block the sun.

Feeling slightly better than nothing, then took it off and handed it to the old man.

"Wear it to save you from heat stroke!"

"Can this thing work?" Song Wenqian took a look at it, and put it on.There is something more on the head, not too heavy and uncomfortable.But it's really not that sun-kissed, and people aren't so dizzy.

Qingyun compiled another one and handed it to the old man.

The old man was flattered and waved his hand to refuse, "No, no, you wear it yourself, sir, I can make up this thing myself."

After the old man finished speaking, he ran over there and folded a bunch of branches and came back, flipping his hands, and quickly weaving a few leaf caps.

The speed is fast, and it is more beautiful than Qingyun, strong and light.

"Sir, Young Master, you wear this, this one is strong." The old man came over with two leaf caps he made, and summoned the courage to tell the two of them.

"Thank you bro!"

Song Wenqian took it over and threw away the one compiled by Qingyun. The craftsmanship was too poor, it was about to spread out, and the burrs hurt his scalp.

"Brother's craftsmanship is good, you can support your family wherever you go." After Song Wenqian put it on, it was indeed much more comfortable than Qingyun's.

The old man smiled slyly, "I used to have nothing to do at home, and people in the countryside would do it."

Qingyun looked at what he made up, and looked at the old man's hand, and decisively lost the one he made up, took it over and put it on.

"Thank you!"

"No thanks, no thanks," Seeing that the young master didn't dislike what he made up, the old man grinned happily with his yellow teeth.

This boy is different from what he heard!
The old man's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law laughed as they looked at the leaf cap on Qingyun's head.

Being able to help the young master, even a little bit, makes the old man feel much more at ease.

 I feel like there are very few people
  Dare to vote, let Dongdong see

(End of this chapter)

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