Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 36 Find the water source

Chapter 36 Find the water source
After resting for a while, the group set off again wearing leaf hats.

Qingyun and the others were hungry and thirsty, and no one shouted out, suffocating their heads and hurrying.

Song Wenqian leaned on a walking stick and walked on a crutch, his hair was soaked in the Han water, and it was so wet that he couldn't even wipe it off his face. , no land with moisture in the riverbed.

The previous estimate is still the same.

The old man's family of three supported each other as they walked, looked at the mother-in-law and daughter who were about to faint from exhaustion, looked at the young son in front, and suppressed the regret that was about to pour out.

It's useless to regret, their family can't go back, they can only follow them all the way to the end.

"Qingyun, how long will it take?"

Song Wenqian looked back at the old man's family, who was almost tired, and rested against the tree.Going further, the group of them really can't hold on.

Qingyun squinted slightly, staring ahead, the humidity in the air is getting thicker and thicker... He glanced back at the exhausted people, and said, "Come on, it's not far ahead. You can rest for a while and walk slowly, I'll take a look at the front and be back soon."

Their footsteps are too slow, and it takes at least half a day to reach the destination. She is still walking fast by herself, so go ahead and explore first.

Now there is drought everywhere, and not only are people thirsty, but the wild beasts in the mountains are also thirsty.Where there is water, beasts must be watching.

"Okay, let's go, we can't walk for a rest meeting. Be careful, don't be brave!" Song Wenqian asked worriedly.

"I have my measure."

Qingyun waved his hand away, out of their sight, and ran up, running for almost an hour before he saw the destination - Waterfall Cliff.

About 20 meters away from the waterfall cliff, Qingyun stopped, ran over without bumping, picked a thick and tall tree to climb up, and looked towards the waterfall.

There is a pool under the dry waterfall. It is too far away to see how deep the pool is. Is there any water in it?
With the dense humidity in the air, Qingyun must have water in the pool.

No beasts were seen beside the water pool, and in the bushes five or six meters away from the water pool, I wondered if there were beasts hidden there.

Qingyun added chapped lips, the old saying is not: "people die for wealth, birds die for food", and today she has to work hard for saliva.

Looking around in the woods, there is nothing that can be used as a weapon.His eyes were patrolling the big tree, and finally he picked a relatively straight root, almost two meters long, with a thick arm, and broke it into a stick as a weapon.

Sliding down the big tree, holding a stick, sneaking forward towards the water pool, gathering energy, watching all directions and listening to all directions.

Qingyun's purpose was to sneak behind the bushes and then sneak attack.

As soon as they arrived at the lurking destination, Qingyun flew up with lightning speed, and it was an indiscriminate bombardment at the bushes.

"bang bang bang"

The branches and leaves flew and fell, and soon the bushes were smashed to pieces by her, and the beast had not even a shadow.

Qingyun shook his numb hand and picked up the broken branches to see that there was nothing but branches.

She was nervous.

This bush doesn't have it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist elsewhere.

To be on the safe side, Qingyun checked the bushes and grasses around the pool, and there were indeed no beasts.

Qingyun pondered for a while, but without figuring out the reason, he dragged the stick to the front of the pool.

From the outside, the pool is five or six meters in size and seven or eight meters deep. Due to the drought, the bottom of the pool is less than one meter.

For this reason, the bottom of the pool can be seen extending to the bottom of the waterfall cliff, and even deeper.

(End of this chapter)

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