Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 37 Making Bamboo Ladders

Chapter 37 Making Bamboo Ladders

Fortunately, there were no dead beasts at the bottom of the pool, and the water looked clear and should be drinkable.

Is there a plague?The water is so clear, there should be no, Qingyun thinks uncertainly, that is, it is difficult to get water.

Climb up the cliff of the waterfall and look around, see if you can find a thick and strong rattan, tie it to the tree next to it, and go down to get water.

There was a bamboo forest in front of the water pool, about ten meters away from the water pool, Qingyun's eyes lit up and he had a good idea.

He jumped off the cliff and went straight to the bamboo forest. After wandering around in the bamboo forest, he saw two bamboos more than ten meters high with thick thighs, and took out a dagger to chop.

If there is a way to chop bamboo, start with the bamboo joints.Optimistic about the bamboo node to start, the dagger turned around the bamboo node, but fortunately she was strong, and she used her skill to push gently, "Ka Ka", the bamboo was broken.

Using the same method, cut off another bamboo joint.Cut off the branches on the bamboo joints, and place two bamboos side by side.

The dagger draws a fist-sized circle on the bamboo pole, and then starts to dig a hole, just dig through one side.The positions of the two bamboo poles to dig holes remain the same.

This is a very huge project, but there is hope. Qingyun worked very hard, and did not give up until his arms were numb.

What is Qingyun doing?
She was making bamboo ladders and fetching water from the pool.

After the hole was dug, I found a tree pole of the same size, cut it into the same length, and stuffed it into the bamboo hole. A bamboo ladder was created.

The water pool is only seven or eight meters long, and there is no need for the extra bamboo. Qingyun cut it off, cut out two bamboo sections from the chopped bamboo, and made two water jars, holding the bamboo ladder in one hand and holding the bamboo pot in the other, and went straight to the water pool.

The bamboo ladder slanted down to the water pool, Qingyun stepped on the ladder and quickly went down the water pool. When he reached the bottom of the pool, he pursed his lips and endured the feeling of being mad with hunger and thirst, and his eyes searched the water surface inch by inch.

She didn't want her hard-earned life, she didn't die in the famine of the refugees, but she served in a mouthful of water.

There were no dead mice or dead fish in the water. On the contrary, she also saw live fish swimming in the water.

The fish is alive and the water is fine.

Qingyun couldn't bear it any longer. He took a bamboo can and made a jar of water. "Gulu Gulu" poured down his mouth. After the cool water fell into his throat, Qingyun felt alive.

"Cool! This is how people live."

After pouring a bamboo pot of water down, Qingyun wiped his face and drank another bamboo pot of water.

If you don't have anything to eat, it's good to drink more water.

After drinking water, Qing Yun remembered the old man and a few people, looked up at the sky, and found that it was getting late.

If not, I cut two bamboos and made a ladder, and it took two hours.Time flies!
Qingyun clicked his tongue, "The old man has to curse again."

Looking at the bamboo pot in his hand, Qingyun held a dagger on the mouth of the bamboo pot, pierced two symmetrical finger-sized holes, and went to the top to cut two bamboo knots.

There were four bamboo jars in total, filled with water. After going up, I found a nearby tree with a good bark, cut off the bark two fingers wide, raised the four bamboo jars, hung it around my neck, and went back. Walk.

Song Wenqian and the others rested for a while, feeling that their physical strength had almost recovered, and walked slowly forward.The longer you rest, the less you want to move. If you haven't given up yet, let's go!

"Brother, let's go! Can sister-in-law hold on?"

"Have a rest for a while, it's much better." The old man and his daughter walked slowly with the help of his mother-in-law, and said without much confidence, "Sir, can you find the water, sir?"

(End of this chapter)

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