Chapter 351 Not a gang
The second head and sixth head of Guigu Village immediately turned black, thinking that they are also well-known figures in the eighteen villages, and they were reprimanded by an unknown person...

The second head and sixth head of Guigu Village glanced coldly at the people in Wumo Village, as if they were looking at a dead person.

The two of them did not dismount, and signaled to the attendants with their eyes that the birthday of the head of the Wumo village was a big celebration. It is not suitable to see blood.

It is not suitable to see blood, but it does not mean that they cannot be taught a lesson.

In the team of Guigu Village, a person walked out and shouted angrily: "Presumptuous! This is the second and sixth leaders of our Guigu Village. He was invited by your first leader and specially came to celebrate his birthday. Treat distinguished guests, you people from Wumo Village , is this how you entertain guests?"

Qingyun raised his eyebrows, and unexpectedly glanced at the people in Guigu Village, with a sharp tongue!
The man cupped his hands towards the village, "The head of the Wumo village is righteous, chivalrous and courageous, and the eighteen villages are united in spirit, and brothers are like a family. Now, you are using the name of the head to ruin his reputation." , you people in Wumo Village can remain indifferent, but we people in Guigu Village can't bear it.

Brothers, give me a lesson, teach them a lesson, and if you dare to ruin the reputation of the master next time, it will not be a lesson. "

Two or 30 people rushed out from Guigu Village, knocking the bandits from Wumo Village, who were caught off guard, to the ground and beat them to death.The bandits in Guiguzhai were so bad, they covered the mouth of the Wumozhai man so that he couldn't scream even if he wanted to.

Qingyun and the others saw Guiguzhai rushing towards them in a menacing manner, and hurriedly led the brothers back to avoid being implicated.

Some people from Guigu Village rushed towards Qingyun and the others, trying to clean them up.In their eyes, Qingyun's group and Wumozhai are in the same group, and the two of them are shoulder to shoulder and very affectionate.

"Hey, brother, where are we going? We made a mistake, we are from Heisha Village, and we are not with them."

Qingyun waved his fan to stop the people from Guiguzhai from rushing over, pointed to the two boxes in the line and said, "Did you see that? It's a gift from our head."

The bandits in Wumozhai glared at him bitterly when they heard that Qingyun had distanced himself from them.

The bandits in Guiguzhai punched out their fists, and they were blocked by Qingyun and Heixiong. Of the dozen or so who followed Qingyun, her guards accounted for half, and the other half were picked out by Heixiong. One blocked ten, which is a bit exaggerated , There is no problem with one block five.

There was no problem at all in dealing with the bandits in Guigu Village, and he pushed them away easily.

Bandits in Guigu Village: "...?!"

The bandits in Guiguzhai who were pushed away were stunned. They looked at Qingyun and the others, and then turned their heads to look at the second and sixth masters, waiting for their orders.

The second head and sixth head of Guigu Village also saw this scene. The brothers who followed them to Wumo Village, needless to say, were skilled and fierce.

The two masters looked at the group in Heisha village with different eyes, but they didn't seem to respond either.

This group of people looked unfamiliar, they didn't know any of them, if the head of the Heisha village came, for the sake of the same eighteen villages, to save face, at most it would be to say hello.

"Are you from Heisha Village?" The one from Guigu Village spoke up, or the sharp-tongued one, looking up and down at Qingyun and the others, the more he looked at them, the more he frowned, and he signaled the brothers not to do anything for now.

"Yes," Qingyun nodded, and towards Guigu Village, the two riders clasped their fists casually, and said casually, "I've seen the second and sixth masters."

Those with long eyes could tell that Qingyun was perfunctory them.

Hei Xiong and his brothers only glanced over there, without intending to salute.

The second head and sixth head of Guigu Village immediately narrowed their eyes dangerously, and even looked down on Heisha Village in their hearts, and even sent no one to Wumo Village to celebrate the birthday of the first head.

"Ghost," the second head of Guigu Village suddenly said, and the sharp-mouthed bandit who had spoken before responded, and then ran to the second head.

The two muttered to each other, wondering what the second master had said to the ghost, the ghost looked at Qingyun and the others, nodded, and walked over again.

Qingyun shook his fan, and the corners of his lips curled up. Heixiong and the others couldn't hear what the second head of Guigu Village said, but she could hear them clearly.

As expected of the second masters of Guigu Village, they are much better than the bandits in Wumo Village to doubt their identities.

"Are you really from Heisha Village? I have been to Heisha Village before, and I have never seen you."

Guitou narrowed his eyes and stared at Hei Xiong Qingyun and Hei Xiong Qingyun, feeling very unhappy. These dozen or so people dared to belittle their second leader, fearing that they didn't know how to spell death.

"Our Heisha Village is not as big as your Guigu Village. The well-known green forest heroes in the rivers and lakes either went to Guigu Village or Wumo Village. Nobody like us, who would remember?" Qing Yun Seriously.

The fan pointed at the black bear, "This is our Fourth Master, under the order of the eldest master, to celebrate the birthday of the head of the Wumo family."

Four masters?
Everyone in Guigu Village was stunned. Aren't there three masters in Heisha Village?When did there become a fourth master?
"It's only been two or three months since Sidang was promoted, so it's normal for you not to know each other." Qing Yun said calmly, as if he wasn't afraid of suspicion from the people in Guigu Village.

Guitou teeth looked sourly at the dark and thin boy opposite, and then looked back at the two masters.

"Why don't you big masters come? In the past, your big masters brought people here." The sixth master of Guigu Village drove over, condescending, and stared at Qingyun and Heixiong with cold and stern eyes.

The sixth head of Guigu Village is Cyclops. He is tall and burly, has evil spirits on his body, and is on a horse, giving people a feeling of oppression.

If the sixth leader of Guigu Village was facing the bandits of Wumo Village, he might be frightened by his aura, but unfortunately he was facing Hei Xiong and his gang.

When Qingyun killed people in the mine, the bloody aura was really scary. Compared with Qingyun, the sixth head of Guiguzhai was really insignificant, and there was no comparison.

Hei Xiong and the others face Qingyun every day, and are used to Qingyun's abnormality. What's more, they have followed Qingyun, from the mine, Guanshan County, to the current bandit suppression. They have experienced so many things and killed many people. How could the sixth master be frightened by him?

Seeing the group of people in Heisha village, all of them were very calm, the sixth head of Guigu village said "huh" unexpectedly, and the second head over there was also surprised.

The sixth head of Guigu Village was talking to Hei Xiong, so Qingyun didn't bother to talk to him.

 Thank you for being speechless, baby【】Rongrong, the fat girl who landed, June, voted for the monthly ticket, okay?
(End of this chapter)

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