Chapter 352

In the eyes of the second and sixth masters of Guigu Village, Qingyun is just an idiot and has no right to talk to them. Even Hei Xiong, the fourth master, deserves their attention.

"Brother had an accident and couldn't come." Hei Xiong smiled innocently, "I've heard that the heads of Guigu Village are all well-known figures in Shiba Village. Seeing you today, the rumors are true."

Where is Shibazhai?Bandit den, a group of bandits, apart from burning, killing and looting, their notoriety spread far and wide, what else could they have a great reputation for?

Others thought that Hei Xiong was complimenting the two masters of Guigu Village, and even the two masters of Guigu Village thought so, and they didn't hear his ridicule, except for Qingyun and his party.

"What's the accident? I can't even come to celebrate the birthday of the head of Wumo village, so I send you a new person." The sixth head of Guigu village is a bit aggressive and unforgiving.

The bandits from Wumo Village, who were pinned to the ground and beaten, also wanted to hear about it.

"Your eldest master had an accident, why didn't the second and third masters come? Could it be that your second and third masters also had an accident?"

The black bear had an expression of "how do you know?", then scratched his head in embarrassment, and smiled heartily:

"I heard that there is a new girl in the building. She is as beautiful as a fairy descending to earth. The second brother has long wanted to see it, but the eldest brother has been pressing her to stop. The eldest brother is inconvenient to move these days. The second brother secretly went down the mountain without telling the eldest brother. I see that girl has gone and hasn't come back yet.

The eldest brother still doesn't know that the second brother has gone down the mountain.The third brother is also the same, the third brother is the same as the eldest brother, he can't move these days, he has to take good care of him, and he will be fine for a month.When I go back, I must tell my eldest brother and third brother that the second head and the third head of Guigu Village miss them both, and I will visit you two in Guigu Village another day. "

Hei Xiong talked nonsense, but he didn't say anything unexpected.

He didn't hear what he wanted, and the sixth head of Guigu Village became unhappy, narrowed his eyes, and stared at him dangerously.

Hei Xiong was still naive, with a look in his eyes that couldn't understand him.

The two cottages fought fiercely with each other, and in the end, neither of them gained the upper hand. They seemed to have forgotten the bandits in Wumo Village who were beaten on the ground in a tacit understanding.

Qingyun raised his eyebrows, swung his fan away with a "swish", and fanned it pretendingly, then took a step forward, and said with a smile: "Harmony makes money, and harmony makes money. They are all from Shibazhai. What can you do to make money?" So nervous. You see, the weather is getting late, so everyone should enter the village early to save the head of the village from worrying."

Qingyun is reminding them that on the territory of Wumozhai, it is also the birthday of the head of Wumozhai, so it is best not to make such an ugly mess, disturbing the happy event of the head of Wumozhai, and everyone will have nothing to eat.

"Second head and sixth head, please." Qingyun reached out his hand, let the brothers get out of the way, made way for them, made a gesture of invitation, and signaled them to go first.

"You, you're doing well." The Sixth Master took a deep look at Qingyun, don't think he doesn't know that the people from Wumozhai come to find fault, and Heishazhai must instigate behind his back.

He was not blind, so he naturally saw the people from Heisha Village and Wumo Village mixed together.

"Thank you for the praise from the Six Leaders, I'm ashamed to take it." Qing Yun responded with a smile, not at all humble.

Liu Dangjia gritted his teeth, as if he had hit cotton with his fist, unable to exert force.Taking a deep look at Qingyun again, he led the people from Guigu Village up the mountain.

The bandits in Wumo Village, who were lucky enough to survive from Guitou and the others, all of them had bruised noses and swollen faces, breathed lightly, and grinned their teeth in pain from the pain on their faces, and limped, they walked up to Qingyun.

"Brothers, you guys... I really feel sorry for you. The people in Guigu Village are so useless, they don't hit people in the face, why are they so hard, look at the faces of the brothers...

It is said that beating a dog depends on the owner. They don't look at the monk's face, they also have to look at the head of the family.Fortunately, this is the territory of Wumo Village, if it is elsewhere, the brothers will die. "

Anyone with a little brain knows that Qingyun is provoking, and provocations are done in an upright manner, and those with more brains will not listen to Qingyun.

The people from Wumo Village were beaten up just now, and they couldn't vent their evil fire, and they couldn't stand the people from Guigu Village for the time being, they were annoyed!

These bandits are simple-minded, and they succeeded as soon as they were provoked by Qingyun.Thinking along Qingyun's train of thought, he was afraid and at the same time viciously poisoned Guigu Village.

Fortunately, it was in their territory of Wumo Village. If it was anywhere else, with the fierceness of Guigu Village, more than a dozen of them would have been killed by the people of Guigu Village.

"Hey, forget it, your arms can't twist your thighs, so you should be bitten by a dog. Who told them that they are the masters of Guigu Village, so they can't afford to mess with them, so forget about it, and avoid them in the future. "

Qingyun patted the bandit who was the leader of Shouwu Mozhai comfortingly, and turned around to call his brothers to enter the village.

"Let's go, it has been delayed for quite a while. People from other villages arrived early, but our Heisha village didn't arrive. They thought our Heisha village was late on purpose. Hurry up, follow Guigu village and the others, and go into the village together. "

Hei Xiong took his brothers and quickly chased after him. Qingyun fell behind, shaking his fan, and prepared to catch up slowly.

"Brother, what happened to your master?"

Qingyun glanced at the grabbed arm, and turned his eyes to the bandits in Wumozhai. They all looked like this, and they still didn't give up, and wanted to inquire about the head of Heishazhai.

"I really want to know?" Qingyun looked at him helplessly, as if he was so entangled that he couldn't help it.

The bandits in Wumo Village nodded, knowing him intuitively, this news is very important.

Qingyun looked at the brothers in front of him, beckoned him to come closer, and said mysteriously: "I tell you, don't tell it, it's really embarrassing for a man."

The bandit in Wumozhai swallowed his saliva seriously, and said solemnly: "Don't worry, I'm very strict with my mouth, and I will never say anything."

"Last time the second head went outside and brought some beautiful girls back. Our third head closed the door and had a fight with those aunts for a few understand!"

Qingyun blinked and gave him a taste, and you tasted it slowly.

The bandit in Wumozhai blinked in bewilderment... half of what he said was left in half, what a fart he knows!
Qing Yun glared at him bitterly, then his eyes slipped down to him...

The bandits in Wumo Village were stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized.

"You three masters..." The bandit subconsciously clenched his legs, "The masters of your cottage really know how to play."

Playing with women will ruin your life...

"Brother, I didn't say anything, so don't talk nonsense! I'm leaving, don't tell anyone!" Qingyun worriedly asked again and again, and the bandits in Wumozhai made a poisonous oath that they would not spread the word. He left under the oath of going out.

Qingyun didn't mind at all, she discredited the head of the Heisha village, anyway, he was gone, it didn't matter if he was ashamed or not.

 Thanks to Chen Rong, Tianxin Lake, ~Shuang~, 13576 Mingzi Titanium Compensation, Ice Crystal, for voting for the monthly ticket, okay?
(End of this chapter)

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