Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 353 Is the Heisha Village Coming?

Chapter 353 Is the Heisha Village Coming?

In just a quarter of an hour, rumors that the big boss and the third boss of Heisha Village had ruined his life by playing with women spread among the patrol team in Wumo Village.

When the banquet started, rumors spread that the head of Heisha Village, Sandang Village, had contracted Hualiu disease, and was dying of a disease, and would soon die.

Qingyun and the others caught up with the bandits from the Wumo Village, and stuck behind the Wumo Village, only five or six steps away from them. The bandits from the Wumo Village looked at them poorly, first with disdainful eyes, and then with various words of ridicule and contempt for them .

Qingyun and the others were indifferent, listening with a smile on their faces, as if they were not the ones mocking and despising the Wumo Village, so they just followed the Wumo Village.

Seeing their lingering ghosts, the bandits in Wumo Village were not happy, and went to the front to inform the second head and the sixth head, and then the ghost came.

Guitou frowned and stared at the group in Heisha Village. Qingyun had a thick skin and returned a kind smile.

"Four masters, who are you?!" Guitou compared the distance between the two families, they were too close, if the people from Heisha village made a sneak attack, they would suffer a lot.

Hei Xiong rolled his eyes at the ghost, continued to maintain his lineage of being the head of the family, and lightly refused to talk to the subordinates below.

"What's the matter with us?" Qingyun said puzzledly, as if he didn't understand what Guitou said, and turned his head to glance at the brothers, saying, "It's pretty good!"

Seeing the people in Heisha Village pretending to be stupid with him, Guitou lost his patience, and said coldly: "You are following too closely, we don't worry, back 20 meters, follow again, don't blame us for being ruthless."

Qingyun Heixiong and the others disagreed.

"That's what you said..." Qingyun shook his fan and laughed mischievously, "Ghost, you people in Guigu Village are too domineering! This road does not belong to your family, it belongs to Renwumo Village. Besides, Where are you following closely? It’s not so far away.”

Qingyun gestured the distance between the two teams, there is a lot of space!

"Your Guigu Village family has a great career, and you look down on our Heisha Village. The people in our Heisha Village are self-aware and won't hold you back. Don't worry, we still have a little bit of backbone.

You don't have to stare at us defensively, what can we do?Finding death is not enough for your Guigu Village to get stuck between your teeth.Let's go, don't worry about it, the big boss' birthday will be late. "

Guitou coldly glanced at the group of people in Heisha Village, suppressing his anger, it was the first time he found out that the people in Heisha Village were so shameless that they didn't go offline.

There is a saying that is right, their Guigu Village family has a great career and great influence, and people who are not afraid of Heisha Village will follow. If it is not the birthday of the head of Wumo Village, it is not appropriate to see blood, otherwise they will kill Heisha With this group of people in the village, how dare Heisha village dare to hit the door?

"You... Heisha Village is not bad." Guitou smiled angrily, his cold eyes glanced at Qingyun and his party and they left.

"Second leader and sixth leader, the people in Heisha Village refuse to leave, and they will follow behind us." Guitou returned to the front of the team, ahead of those people in Heisha Village, their eyes were full of contempt.

"They want to follow. Let them follow. Heisha Village... the past few years have been getting worse and worse, sooner or later..." The sixth master glanced at the second child, but didn't say anything after that.

"After celebrating the birthday of the head of Wumo Village, shall we..." Guitou made a silent gesture on his neck.

"You go and make arrangements. It's just a few bastards. If you kill them, you will kill them. It doesn't matter. Our Guigu Village is not something that a dog or a cat can come to provoke. Just let everyone see the power of our Guigu Village. "The second master said.


Qing Yun and the others didn't know that because of their provocation, the people in Guigu Village planned to kill them after the banquet.

Following Guigu Village, Qingyun and his party have saved a lot of trouble.

For example: the team on patrol, who is the person asking?As soon as Guiguzhai's identity was revealed, the patrol team immediately let people go up, and Qingyun and the others behind him didn't ask any questions, thinking they were from Guiguzhai's gang.

Another example, when entering the gate of the cottage, the bandits at the gate checked their invitation card from Wumozhai, Qing Yun and his team didn't need to look at their invitation card, just follow along.


The gate of the cottage was slowly closed behind Qingyun and the others.

Wumo village sent six masters to welcome guests at the gate, and when they saw the people from Guigu village coming, they immediately bowed their hands and saluted, and laughed loudly:

"The second head and the sixth head, the elder brother sent me to pick you up. He is waiting for you in the lobby. I haven't seen you for a long time. I heard that the two have made great contributions and left a name there."

After entering the village, the second and sixth masters of Guigu Village got off their horses and saluted the visitor with fists cupped.

"Small fights are not worth mentioning. How can I compare with you." The second master waved his hand, as if he didn't dare to be the leader, "I wasted time on the road, came late, and made the sixth master wait for a long time."

"Hey, you two are being humble again. I heard from my elder brother that the people over there emphasized your name so that they can recite it. It can be seen that the second awakening is not small, and his future is limitless. You two are promoted, don't expect to mention a brother." The sixth family is bragging about the second family of the Guigu family, the sixth family, who is digging a hole.

The 200 people who came here may not all be the second and sixth masters, and no one can guarantee whether there are any senior masters.

The sixth head of the Wumo village tried his best to praise the two heads of the Guigu village, and put all the credit on them, and deliberately left them aside.

If the second and sixth masters are smart, they will naturally give half of the credit to the first master.If the two of them put aside the head of the family and made great achievements, what would the two of them want to do?
If this word reaches the ears of the big master, what will he think?
"Where, where, the Eighteen Villages are connected with each other, and the brothers are like a family. Today is the birthday of the head of the family, let's not talk about other things, it's time to meet Mrs. Shouxing."

The second master didn't realize the sinister intentions of the sixth master of the Wumo Village, and after bragging about each other, he went into the village to go to the mountain to be the birthday star.

"Please, both of you." The sixth head of the Wumo village made a gesture of invitation and led the people to the banquet hall.

"The people from Heisha Village in Huangquan Village have arrived long ago!" Six Master asked casually, rubbing his chin.

"The people from Huangquan Village arrived in the afternoon, but the people from Heisha Village haven't arrived yet. It's strange. In previous years, the people from Heisha Village were the first to arrive."

The sixth head of the Wumo Village was talking, only to realize that something was wrong, and called the brother next to him to tell him: "Go and ask the patrolling people, have you seen anyone from the Heisha Village?"

The man was ordered to go out in a hurry, and when he passed by Qingyun and the others, he didn't take a second look.

Qingyun and the others were far away, so they couldn't hear what they said. They only saw the people from Wumo Village and the two masters from Guigu Village walking together, talking and laughing.

"Master Qing, those two grandsons are not things, aren't they trying to sow discord?" Hei Xiong watched for a while, always feeling that the two grandsons were speaking ill of them, and then approached Qingyun and whispered.

 Thanks for the euphemism, Tu Jinmei, baby【】Rongrong, enchanting under the moon, voted for the monthly ticket, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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