Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 354 The Secret of the Great Master

Chapter 354 The Secret of the Great Master
"It's possible," Qing Yun pondered for a few seconds, then nodded in agreement with Hei Xiong's words.

Covering his face with the fan in his hand, Qing Yun flicked his wrist and folded the fan beautifully, turned the handle of the fan with his fingers, and the fan made a circle in the palm of his hand.

Thinking in another way, if she is the head of Guigu Village and is provoked, she can't kill people openly, she can find fault behind her back!
"Come on, let's go. Listen to what they say."

After Qingyun finished speaking, he led the people over, just in time to hear the sixth head of Guigu Village ask, "Has Heisha Village come yet?"

The people in Guiguzhai are nothing. They knew they were behind, but they pretended not to know that they were sowing discord in front of the six masters of Wumozhai.

However, it is a good time for them!
"Here we come, here we come," Qingyun yelled loudly, then forcefully and brutally pushed away the bandits in Guigu Village who were blocking his way, and forced his way out of the Guigu Village team, killing them in front of the three masters , clasped his fists at the Six Masters of Wumo Village, "Six Masters, our Heisha Village has already arrived."

The second head of Guigu Village, seeing their people so useless, was stunned by a skinny ugly monster, knocked him to one side, and turned black with anger.

It's useless if you can't even stop someone!
The sixth master of the Wumo Village naturally saw this scene. The Wumo Village and Guigu Village seemed to be in the same breath, but it was all about face, secretly, they wanted to kill each other.He was naturally optimistic that he could see the collapse of Guigu Village, and he wished that the people of Heisha Village would fight them.

"You are?!" The sixth master of Wumo Village squinted at Qingyun.There are not only three masters in Heisha village, but in his impression there is no such person in Heisha village.

Where did this kid come from?

"My servant, the master of Heisha Village, this is the fourth leader of our Heisha Village." Qing Yun pulled Hei Xiong over and pushed him in front of everyone.

"Hei Xiong, the fourth leader of Heisha village, my elder brother sent me to congratulate the first leader's birthday. The sixth leader's name is like thunder, and seeing him today, he really deserves his reputation." Heixiong clasped his fists and said.

With those words, he not only pointed out his identity, but also revealed his purpose, and even praised him as the sixth leader of Wumo Village.

A strong general has no weak soldiers.

Qingyun is a reckless person. The people below her, from Tian Duoliang, crazy wolf and black bear to Heiba, have no intentions in their hearts, they are all honest on the surface, but dark on the inside.Even He Shui was not the straightforward person he appeared on the surface.

"Four masters? Master?" The sixth master of Wumo village was startled. When did Heisha village have another master and master?They haven't received any news from Wumo Village.

The Sixth Master squinted his eyes, scanned the group of people in Guiguzhai, then smiled and clasped his fists.

"So it's the Fourth Master and Master!"

This is considered to be an admission of the identities of Qingyun and Heixiong.

With a wave of the fan in Qingyun's hand, half of his face was covered, only his eyes were exposed.

Her intuition was correct, Wumo Village and Guigu Village had long been at odds, and due to unknown reasons, the two cottages created an illusion of peaceful coexistence.

One mountain cannot tolerate two tigers.

Everyone wants to be the overlord of Qishan.

As she expected, Wumo Village will support whatever Guigu Village targets.Guigu Village will target them at Heisha Village, and Wumo Village will protect them.

The sixth master of Guigu Village made a wrong idea.

Qingyun finds it strange that it is impossible for the sixth master of Guiguzhai to be ignorant of this matter, but still do this, what purpose does he have?
What is the purpose of the Six Masters of Guigu Village?
He sowed right and wrong in front of the six masters of Wumo Village, and wanted the people of Wumo Village to dislike Heisha Village. In this way, Heisha Village offended the two most powerful cottages. When the time came, they would slaughter the people in Heisha Village, Wumo Village will stand by and will not interfere.

If this plan fails, they still want to slaughter the people of Heisha Village for the same reason. Heisha Village has taken refuge in Wumo Village, which is their enemy of Guigu Village, and weakening the enemy's power is exactly what they are most willing to do.

The two masters of Guigu Village looked at each other. It seemed that the people of Wumo Village knew that there was a fourth master in Heisha Village.The plan didn't work out, as expected, the Sixth Master of Guigu Village wasn't too disappointed.

"It's been a while since I've seen your head, how is the head?" In front of the people of Guigu Village, the sixth head of Wumo Village was not angry, and he was also unhappy.

On the birthday of their chief, the chief of Heisha village did not come, not even the second and third chiefs, only two unknown soldiers were sent here. With the title of 'Black Bear', he filtered out all the well-known people in Shibazhai, and he didn't have any impression of it.

Heisha Village, they didn't pay attention to their Wumo Village!

"Big brother, he..." Hei Xiong scratched his head in embarrassment, glanced at the group of people in Guigu Village, struggled for a dozen breaths, and then beckoned for the sixth head of Wumo Village to come over.

Everyone saw his embarrassing words, and the two heads of Guigu Village also wanted to hear the reason, but seeing Hei Xiong acting like he didn't want them to know, they couldn't help it.

"Is there anything you can't listen to? Don't you think that you, the head of the family, have done something to be sorry for our Guigu Village?"

Qingyun and the others ignored the words of Guitou Guiguzhai.

The sixth head of Wumo Village thought for a while, then glanced at the gloomy faces of the two heads of Guigu Village, smiled, and listened to him.

But Hei Xiong pulled him away, obviously wary of the people in Guigu Village, and muttered for a while, the sixth head of Wumo Village was shocked at first, then sympathetic, and finally nodded.

"Six masters, I trust you, so I told you about this. This kind of thing will damage my elder brother's reputation, so don't let it out."

"Don't worry, I will never tell. It's not easy for you to be the masters." The sixth master of Wumo Village patted Hei Xiong on the shoulder comfortingly. Following such a stupid master, Heisha Village is not far from Miemen.

The second head and sixth head of Guiguzhai couldn't hear what Hei Xiong said, but when Hei Xiong got emotional, he leaked one or two key words, '.The big way'

The people in Guigu Village don't like Heisha Village's different treatment.

Because of the secrecy of the head of Heisha village, Qingyun and his group successfully resolved the dissatisfaction of the sixth head of Wumo village, and followed Guiguzhai and his group to the lobby.


It was getting dark, and the torches on both sides of the road had already been lit, illuminating the cottage brightly.

The melodious voice of silk and bamboo came from the lobby, accompanied by the men's teasing laughter.

The bandits guarding the lobby received the invitation from Guigu Village and Heisha Village, and shouted: "Guigu Village, Heisha Village is here."

At the entrance of the lobby, Qingyun Heixiong and Guiguzhai are standing side by side. Seeing Guiguzhai's sixth headman's fierce eyes, Qingyun is grinning at him, and the way he is shaking his fan makes people want to beat him up.

 Thank you Jingjing (Yushanfang), red rose, jingyexi, for voting for the monthly ticket, okay?

  From the 5th to the 10th, I have to work overtime at night, it is relatively late, try to squeeze out the time code words (authors who have not saved manuscripts cannot afford to be hurt~~~)
(End of this chapter)

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