Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 357 Beauty's, Poison Also Drinks

Chapter 357 Beauty's, Poison Also Drinks
Singing and dancing in the cottage promotes peace and prosperity, drunken life and dreaming death.

Outside the cottage, a conspiratorial massacre is in progress.

After dark, Mad Wolf Tian Duoliang, Heiba ​​and He Shui, together with their brothers lurking everywhere, appeared like ghosts, sneaking up on the patrol team in Wumo Village.

The brothers all seemed possessed by killing gods, and saw a flash of cold light, and the bandits of Wumozhai, who were caught off guard, only had time to see a column of blood splashing out, and they didn't even know what the enemy looked like, and then nothing up.

After succeeding, leave immediately and rush to the next sneak attack place.

The brothers advanced from the foot of the mountain to the cottage on the mountainside.

"Master Qing, Hei Xiong and the others, what's going on?" He Shui said worriedly.

Master Qing is the magistrate of Qishan County, if something happens to him, they will all be ruined.

In a word of conscience, Master Qing came to Qishan and did not exploit or oppress the people. He also solved problems for the people, found work for them, and paid back their wages.Where can I find such a good magistrate?
The village head said that this is the first time he has seen a county magistrate who is a man of the people after living for decades.

He Shui has 1 to [-], and doesn't want Master Qing to have an accident.

Tian Duoliang wiped the blood from his face, and looked up at the cottage above.Qingyun Heixiong and a dozen of them sneaked into Wumo's stronghold, and no news has come out until now, and they are all worried to death.

"The scourge will last for thousands of years. The bandits in Wumo Village are all dead, and Master Qing will be fine." Tian Duoliang was quite confident in Qing Yun, "That kid, I guess he would not want to leave."

Tian Duoliang really understands Qingyun, and his guess is almost inseparable!

Anyone who has seen Qingyun fight in the mine knows his strength well.

"Auspicious people have their own appearance. Lord Qing is very strong, don't worry about him, what you should worry about is the bandits in Wumo Village. Inform the brothers, complete the operation as soon as possible, and don't make mistakes that affect Master Qing's plan to suppress the bandits. He will not I will personally come over to clean you up."

Crazy Wolf's words pierced the hearts of the brothers.

Master Qing has planned for a long time to suppress the bandits in Qishan, if anyone drags him back, Master Qing will probably be cut to death.

Thinking about that scene, everyone shivered.

"Crazy Wolf is right, we still worry about ourselves. Not to mention the bandit den, even on the battlefield, with thousands of troops, Master Qing can come and go freely." Tian Duoliang wiped the sweat from his brow and said.

"Hush, someone is coming." Crazy Wolf suddenly gave a warning, and the group of people fell silent immediately, lurking quietly in the bushes.

The team slowly advances little by little.

There was a faint smell of blood in the air.

Destined tonight is not an ordinary night.

A line of killing is coming.

Master Qing squinted at the beauty, looked down at the wine bowl by his mouth, and said with a smile: "As long as it is fed by a beauty, let alone wine, it is poison, so I will drink it as usual."

After finishing the words, he opened his mouth, drank the wine in the bowl in one gulp, and then scented the beauty's face.

Bai Yanheng and Bai Shaojie, who were behind Qingyun, saw Qingyun's frivolous behavior, and their face twitched fiercely, looking at him... It was really hard to describe, extremely complicated.

Looking at his performance, those who didn't know thought this kid was a hungry ghost, but who would have thought that this kid was the Grand Master of Qishan County.

Judging from his skillful way of teasing girls, it is estimated that this kid was also a playboy at home before he came to Qishan.

The original plan was to add perspiration medicine to the meals, and the drinks were drinkable.No, as soon as the wine was in his mouth, the black bear also found that there was something wrong with the wine, paused, turned his head to look at Qing Yun, saw Qing Yun nodded slightly, and swallowed it.

There is a problem with the wine, the food should be edible?

After a busy day, the black bear is a little hungry.He thought there was something wrong with the food before, so he didn't dare to eat it.Looking at the big fish and meat on the table, the black bear's eyes lit up, grabbed a big pig's trotter, and gnawed it roughly.

The two beauties snuggling up to the black bear saw his rude behavior, their eyes flashed contempt, and then they smiled and flattered him.

Qingyun drank the fine wine that the beauty handed to his mouth, and from the corner of his eye, he glanced at all the bandits in the lobby, including the leader of Wumozhai who was sitting first.Several heads of Huangquan Village in Guigu Village toasted to the head of Wumo Village one by one. Seeing that everyone drank with their own eyes, the big stone in their hearts finally fell down.

"What's going on? A little dizzy?"

The head of Huangquanzhai, after drinking the wine in the bowl, only felt the figure in front of him, like a group of demons dancing wildly, full of spy shadows.Shaking his head, he fell into the arms of the beauty beside him.

The black bear sitting on the left of Qingyun, and the heads of Huangquanzhai sitting on the right, heard his words and glanced over.

The bandits in Huangquan Village were the first to come and drink the most, so naturally they were the first to attack.

When everyone saw the behavior of the head of Huangquanzhai, they thought he was drunk, and no one thought about it.

The sixth master of Guigu village was afraid that the world would not be chaotic, so he taunted: "Yo, I heard that the master of Huangquan village never gets drunk for a thousand cups. When we met today, I realized that rumors are just rumors, and that's all!"

There are still two people in Huangquanzhai who are not drunk. Judging by the staggering appearance of the two of them, it is estimated that they will soon be there.Maybe he drank too much wine, his mind was muddled, and he was so agitated that his face turned blue with anger. He picked up the wine jar, staggered and walked over.

"Six masters drink well, come come, grandpa will accompany you to drink, the one who doesn't drink is the grandson."

The wine jar touched the wine jar on Liu Dang's table, and stared at him provocatively.

The sixth head of Guigu Village, young and vigorous, also couldn't stand the excitement. He picked up the wine jar on the table and poured it. After filling the whole jar of wine, he wiped his mouth, the wine jar turned upside down, and not a drop of wine flowed out.

Not to be outdone, the head of Huangquanzhai raised his head and poured wine.

Two people, you and I are fighting wine, so fierce, it seems that the other party is killing his father and enemy, if you don't fight each other down, it will be hard to get rid of the hatred in your heart.

Qing Yun was worrying about the people in Guigu Village, the head of Huangquan Village helped him a lot, he turned his head and gave Hei Xiong two "hiss", motioning him to look at Guigu Village.

The black bear wiped his mouth, and wiped the beauty's body with his hand. Seeing the beauty's expression that seemed to be crying but not crying, he held the beauty's face and scented it hard.

"Beauty, wait for Master to love you well!"

Then he picked up the wine jar and headed towards the second head of Guigu Village.

"I heard that the second master will not get drunk with a thousand cups, I respect you." After Hei Xiong finished speaking, he picked up the wine jar on the table and forcefully stuffed it into the hands of the second master of Guiguzhai, touched it, and then waited for him to do it.

The bandits sitting in the lobby, seeing this good scene, all booed and asked the second master to drink.

Qingyun glanced at the lobby, except for the bandits from Huangquanzhai and the bandits from Wumozhai, some of them fainted one after another, and those who didn't fainted were pretty much the same. After half an hour at most, they would all fall into a coma.

Qingyun picked up the wine jar and went to toast, she is not qualified to toast those who are in charge, but she is qualified to toast to the right-hand man of the house!

With a beautiful woman in his arms, he wobbled and walked towards them.

 Thanks for the monthly ticket voted by 157****5691, okay?
(End of this chapter)

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