Chapter 358
"I heard that all the brothers are the right-hand men of the family and have made a lot of contributions. The boy heard about the heroic deeds of the brothers and admired them very much. Come, come, brothers, the boy toasts you."

Qingyun copied the wine jar, said good things without money, and paid respects to each table, no one was left behind, and he came back after a round of respect.

Hei Xiong's idiot face was so deceptive that everyone in the lobby thought he was a brainless idiot.

Usually naive people are very courageous.

"Second leader, you can get drunk after only a few jars, you can't do it!"

This idiot, after drinking with the second head of Guiguzhai, poured him down, staggered back, picked up two jars of wine, staggered, and went to the head of Wumozhai, the head of the village.

The two beauties who followed him couldn't hold back.Drunk people, irrational at all, are annoyed by being dragged by others, mercilessly push away the beauties who are entangled with others.

The bandits in the lobby were either looking for someone to drink, or they were having fun. No one paid attention to that idiot, and dared to go to Wumo Village to fight for a drink.

"Da... Da Dang... Dang, come, let me toast you."

The drunk Heisha village's fourth master, with circles in his eyes, can't see people clearly, can't speak well, and raises the wine jar to compete with the Wumo village's master.

Being drunk, he also knew that this person was not something he could move, and he was not forced by him like the head of Guigu Village.

The head of Wumozhai frowned, seeing that he would not stop drinking, for the sake of red coral, he raised the big sea bowl...

"No, I have to drink from the wine jar." Quan Xiong glared at him, and began to be unreasonable, "Does the boss look down on me, and he doesn't even drink wine with me. A man, you have to use the wine jar when you drink, isn't it? Girls."

The head of Wumo Village with sour teeth: "..."

Who the fuck is a bitch?Can he kill this idiot with one blow?

Well, he was really drunk, so he dared to act presumptuously in front of him.

What's the deal with a drunkard.

The head of the Wumo village put down the big bowl and picked up the wine jar on the table. The two touched each other and poured wine with their heads up.

Qing Yun seemed to be lying in the arms of the beauty, and seeing Hei Xiong's heroic performance from the corner of his eye, he secretly praised him: Good job.

After finishing the two jars of wine, Hei Xiong patted the head of Wumo Village on the shoulder, rolled his big tongue and said, "Da... Da Dang... Dang... Well done."

Then staggered back.

The dancing beauties couldn't dance for a long time. They were dragged into their arms by the drunken bandits, molested and ravaged by all kinds of molestation. On his face, he scolded coquettishly: "Master, good or bad!"

Qingyun has not escaped the beauties' poisonous hands, all kinds of chest attacks, thanks to her flattery, otherwise she would have been flattered.

What's more, not only hit her chest, but also hit her bottom, and even took off her clothes...

So unreserved!She wants to complain about that flower house, so it's not easy to sell and buy!

She can guard against the bottom, but she can't guard against the danger of being stripped of her clothes by a beauty in her arms...

These two things, Qingyun really can't bear it.At a time like this, chastity is important, and she doesn't care about pity and pity, so she pushes away the two beauties who are stuck to her body.

"My lord~~~" The beauty was about to cry, she was really charming, if it was a normal man, it would definitely cause evil fire.

Qingyun is not a normal person, no, she is a normal person, straight, she only likes men, no matter how beautiful a woman is, she can't impress her!
Son of a fart!
Qingyun wiped the cold sweat off his head, and refused the beauties to approach.

"Beauty, it's okay for us to kiss and cuddle, but it's out of bounds if you take off your clothes. I'm still a boy, I want to clean myself up and leave it to my daughter-in-law."

Qingyun smiled shyly, and hid the beauties around the table.It's rare for these two beauties to meet a man who is not lustful and wants to protect his wife. They think it's funny, so they don't let him go, chasing and shouting to take off his clothes and serve him.The two couldn't catch up, so they called the beauty next to them to join in.

Qingyun was about to cry, dodging left and right in the crowd, chasing after a group of beauties.The drunken bandit, seeing his distress, laughed out loud.

Qingyun sneered at the crowd, dodged the beauty's hand, and took the time to glance at the head of Wumo Village, his eyes flickered, and ran to the top.

When evading, it was inevitable that one would either step on the head of the house, or bump into the right-hand man, and staggered to the head of the Wumo Village, grabbed his sleeve, pointed at the beauty who was chasing and shouted: "The head of the house, help them! take off my clothes."

The leader of Wumo Village shook his head, he didn't drink much, he seemed to be drunk?
Something flashed through his mind, and before he could think about it, he saw the kid lying on the ground panting, clutching his sleeve, crying and howling like hell, he laughed loudly.

"No prospect, being chased by a few beauties like this."

Qingyun rolled and crawled, and rolled behind the head of Wumo Village.

In the lobby, a lot of waiters gathered at some time, quietly busy there.

Qingyun took a look, he was almost drunk, he gestured to Captain Bai and the others below, and gestured to He Qiu and the others in the corner.

The drinker slowly retreated into the shadows on both sides of the lobby, drew out the red ribbon from his bosom, tied it on his left arm, drew the weapon hidden under the table, and rushed towards the crowd.

After seeing Qing Yun's gesture, Black Bear Bai Yanheng and his party rushed towards their target.


Once the sweat medicine had taken effect, the bandits in the lobby were in a daze.

At this time, a shrill scream woke up the bandit who hadn't passed out, opened his eyes blankly, and looked around.

As you can see, a group of familiar brothers are holding big knives and killing anyone they see in the lobby.The bright red blood, with the sword raised, survived again, floating in the air.

"He Qiu, what are you doing?" Someone recognized the leader and severely reprimanded him.

He Qiu gave him a cold look, and swung the big knife.

The sudden change stunned the bandits, who didn't know what was going on, and watched the group slaughter them stupidly.

"What's the matter? What happened? Who are you?"

The head of the Wumo Village, who was also in a daze, was also frightened by the changes below. He felt a bad feeling in his heart, and reached for the weapon on the tiger's head, ready to go down to save people.

No one answered his question.

His hands were empty, and the head of the Wumo Village looked back. The place where he used to put his weapons was gone.

before drinking, still
The head of the Wumo Village stood up, only to find that he was weak
Remembering that the two people who came up were both from Heisha Village, they broke out in a cold sweat.

That black and thin boy was still there just now, but now he is gone.

There is a problem with those two people, no, there is a problem with the people in Heisha Village.

The head of Wumo village looked down, and he saw the fourth head of Heisha village slaughtering people from Guigu village.

 Thanks to the stars who look at each other, 20170518101539727, voted for the monthly ticket, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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