Chapter 369 Cause (seeking a monthly ticket)

"It's my fault." Hei Xiong sighed quietly.

"It still needs to start from a few days ago..."

After Qingyun was pulled out that day, heixiong Heiba, who realized that he had been fooled by others, went aggressively to the dungeon where the bandits were temporarily held, and interrogated the people from Guigu Village and Huangquan Village.

The black bear's cold, ferocious eyes, full of hostility, swept over dozens of people present.

"Master Qing is kind, he doesn't like to kill innocent people randomly, that's why you can live till now. Our brothers are different from Master Qing, they are cruel and merciless, those who dare to deceive me will end up...hehe"

After Hei Xiong sneered, Hei Ba took two brothers and dragged a man out from the crowd, that man was from Guigu Village.

He was the one who fooled the black bear Heiba ​​first.Before Quanxiong and Heiba ​​came, this man was bragging about how powerful he was to the people from Guigu Village and Huangquan Village, and fooled the new devil, and the brothers around flattered him and flattered him, making him feel high.

Then...then, Heiba, the black bear, came again and dragged him out without saying a word.

"Hero, hero, what did I do wrong..."

Before he could ask for mercy, Heiba ​​stuffed a rag into his mouth, and the two brothers, one on the left and one on the right, supported him and dragged him out of the cell.

A wooden frame was prepared outside the cell, and two brothers supported him and tied him to the frame.A brother came over with a wooden box on his back and put it beside him.

The bandits in Guigu Village and Huangquan Village crowded into the cells, unable to figure out what was going on outside, they stared fearfully and curiously.

The brother opened the wooden box, took out a boning knife from inside, and took out a whetstone, sharpened the boning knife a few times on it, the sound of sharpening the knife was like a magic sound.

Then he took the boning knife and walked to the shelf. The cold boning knife slid down from above the cheek of the bandit in Guiguzhai.


The bandits in Guigu Village were yelling wildly in fright. Through a layer of fur, they could feel the cold of the boning knife, and their hairs stood on end. They tried their best to avoid the knife on their faces.

After guessing what was going to happen outside, the bandits in the cell turned pale with fright and avoided their sight.

In the past, this game was their favorite.Because they were the ones holding the knife, watching the prey struggling, fearful, uneasy, and shivering, they let out a big "haha" laugh.

Today, they are the meat on the chopping block.

A torch was lit in the dungeon, and under the dim light, the tip of the knife, with a cold light, was drawn up against the neck, but did not leave the slightest trace, which showed that the person holding the knife was a good hand.

The bound Guiguzhai bandits understood what was going to happen next and struggled frantically.And the group of strange people outside looked at all this with a blank expression.

The clothes of the bandits in Guigu Village have been picked apart by the boning knife, revealing their not-so-white bodies...

"Ever heard of death by a thousand knives?"

In the silent dungeon, Hei Xiong's cold voice suddenly sounded, "I heard that a person with a good knife skill can cut [-] times on a human body. I have never seen it before. I will see it with you today."

The cell was dead silent again!
After the start of thousands of cuts, the rag that blocked the mouth of Guiguzhai was pulled out, and the screams like killing a pig echoed in the brains of every bandit, shaking their brains to buzz, It's useless to drive it away, you can hear it even if you cover your ears.

The dungeon is filled with thick blood...

The shrill screams like killing a pig, from the high pitch at the beginning, gradually became more and more exhausted, the voice became hoarse, and nothing could be uttered, and then it was only a hissing pain.

The bandits all knew that the man in Guiguzhai was dead.

"Master Xiong, this one is dead." said the brother who executed the knife by [-] cuts, and died without even surviving the [-] cuts.

The bandits in the dungeon were still silent.

The black bear glanced over the bandit's face, as if he had noticed something.The bandits who survived in Guigu Village and Huangquan Village may not necessarily be innocent. They survived because these bandits used some means to hide it from them and teamed up behind their backs.

"Trash, I haven't even received five hundred knives." Hei Xiong glanced back, and said emotionally, "Catch another one."

Heiba ​​took the two brothers in again, caught one, tied it to a wooden frame, and started the second one.

The second one was even more useless, without even three hundred knives, and died.

"Heroes and heroes, I'm from Huangquanzhai, I can say anything, please don't kill me."

When Heiba ​​entered the cell for the third time to arrest people, a bandit finally collapsed, kneeling in front of Heiba ​​with snot and tears.

The bandits in Huangquanzhai glanced at him and silently lowered their heads.

"I just came here not long ago. I don't know much about the situation in Huangquan Village. My sister is the master's concubine. I want to come to Wumo Village to open my eyes. My sister begged Master Ma to arrange for me to come in."

The bandit didn't need Hei Xiong Hei Ba and the others to press him for questioning, he just spoke out.

Seeing the faces of the two devils getting darker and darker, he immediately said, "I don't know much, but I know that there is a person who knows a lot about Huangquanzhai."

Someone behind the bandits felt a little uneasy. No one should know his identity?
After finishing speaking, he pointed to the person hiding in the corner behind the crowd, "He is the brother-in-law of the head of the family. I accidentally found out that he went to see the head of the house through the secret passage and heard what they said. No one in the cottage knew about this. The head of the house Don't worry about others, all the gold, silver and jewelry will be handed over to his brother-in-law for safekeeping."

"Hero, man, don't listen to his nonsense, he is a villain. He used to rely on his sister to be the master's concubine in the cottage, and acted recklessly. In order to survive, he bit like a mad dog."

"You're talking nonsense, big brother, don't listen to him. He has a secret key hidden in the middle of his shoe, which is the key to the treasure house."

"Both of you, go and take off his shoes." Hei Xiong ordered the two brothers to go in, helped Hei Ba and they grabbed him out and took off his shoes.

Hei Xiong took a look at it, saw the mystery of the sole, took a small knife, slowly cut it from the middle of the heel, and took a finger-sized key from it.

The proof is like a mountain!

He can't deny it.

"That's right, I'm the brother-in-law of the head of the family. A hero, my brother-in-law just died, and I feel sad. Can you let me think about it for a few days, and I will naturally tell you all."

The news of the tortured confession is not as true as his voluntary confession!

"If you dare to fool me..."

Hei Xiong hadn't finished his harsh words when he interrupted him.

"My brother-in-law is dead. Is it necessary to fool you? I don't know who owns the cottage. Why should I help those white-eyed wolves. I only have one request. In the future, when you destroy the cottage, can you let my sister go?"

 Thank you for the monthly ticket voted by Midnight @阳光
(End of this chapter)

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