Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 370 Another surprise

Chapter 370 Another surprise (seeking monthly ticket)

"As long as the information you provided is true, I will definitely let your sister go."

The two sides reached an agreement, and Heiba, the black bear, took his brothers away. Who would have received the news today that all the people in Huangquanzhai were dead, and they were killed by the brother-in-law of the head of Huangquanzhai.

Ghost Valley Village was also affected, and half of them died.

Hei Baliang, the black bear, was teased again.

"...That's the way it is!" Hei Xiong said angrily, if that kid was still in the shower, he would be heartbroken after eating it.

"Interesting!" Qing Yun raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "I never knew that there are people with integrity and loyalty among the bandits. It's a pity! You don't blame you for this. No one thought that there was a strange thing among the bandits." .”

The black bear was depressed, and he was not comforted at all.

At this time, a brother ran over. He was guarding the bandit side of the cell, and there was obviously something wrong when he came here.

"Master Qing, there is a bandit in Guigu Village. He says he has information, but he wants to see you by name, and he won't tell you when he doesn't see you."

Qingyun was taken aback, glanced at the two black bears and Heiba, pointed to his nose and asked, "You want to see me? Are you sure you heard me right? Didn't you want to see the black bear?"

Not only Qingyun was confused, but Mad Wolf and the other five were also confused.

What information does he have that he has to tell in front of Qing Yun?
"No, I want to see you by name."

Qing Yun pondered for a while, nodded and said: "Okay, you bring him over, let's see what the hell he is going to do."

No one spoke in the lobby, it was very quiet.

It wasn't long before someone brought him over, and the face was covered with dirt and face, but his eyes were shining brightly.

"Master Qing," the bandit in Guigu Village saw Qing Yun, and knelt down with a "bang".

This sudden change made Qingyun and the others startled.

"You..." Qingyun narrowed his eyes and looked at him, this person seemed to know her.Qingyun carefully recalled the memories, but she had no impression at all, she was very sure and certain that she had never seen this person.

A person she has never met, but knows her... Interesting!
"Master Qing, I am Ma Zhubo's nephew, my own nephew Ma Ming."

This news is too shocking!

Qingyun and the others didn't react for a while.

The owner of the horse had a nephew who was a bandit in the village, and they hadn't heard anything about it. The old man, the owner of the horse, was too strict, so he didn't show any clues.

Looking back, did she kill someone to silence her?Or murder?
"I went home secretly, and my uncle showed me your portrait, and asked me to write it down. In case we meet one day, I will cover you up."

Regardless of whether what Ma Ming said was true or not, Qing Yun won the favor of the owner of the horse.

"I've never heard Ma Zhubo mention you. Since you know my identity, I can only kill you. My identity cannot be exposed. For the sake of the people of Qishan, you should understand!"

After Qingyun spoke, he stared at him with icy cold eyes.

Ma Ming smiled.

"Uncle said that Lord Qing is a person who is dedicated to the people. When I saw him today, it was as he said. Don't worry, Lord Qing. I have not revealed a word about you. I am very grateful to know that Master Qing is suppressing bandits. Master Qing has done everything for Qi Shan.

The small people speak lightly and cannot represent the people of Qishan, but can only represent themselves and kowtow to Master Qing a few times.As long as the bandits in Qishan can be wiped out, not to mention my life, but the life of my old Ma's family, we will give it without saying a word. "

This Ma Ming is much thinner and sharper than the horse owner.

Tian Duoliang, Crazy Wolf, Hei Xiong, Heiba, and the four of them looked at each other, and at the same time exclaimed vigilantly: What a coincidence.

Master Qing is going to attack the Wumo Village, and there is He Qiu in the Wumo Village.Master Qing wants to attack Guigu Village, and another nephew of the horse owner Bo comes to Guigu Village.

The four of them felt that Master Qing's luck was a little weird!

Qingyun also felt that all of this was too improvised, it was perfectly improvised!

She never believed in the fact that the world was falling apart.

"You say you are the nephew of the horse owner Bo, what proof do you have?"

As if waiting for Qingyun to ask, Ma Ming took off his shoe, took out a piece of paper from the shoe, and handed it up.

There was a slight crack in Qingyun's calm expression, and a trace of disgust flashed in his eyes.What's wrong with the ancient people, no matter what time it is, they like to hide things in their shoes.

Hei Xiong went down and took it, and after reading it, passed it to Crazy Wolf. When they finished reading it, they handed it to Qing Yun, but Qing Yun didn't pick it up, glanced at it, and signaled Crazy Wolf to return it.

"If you are really Ma Bo's nephew, save your life first. You came to find me?" Qingyun guessed that Ma Ming's coming to her was related to the matter of Guigu Village.

Qingyun just discovered an interesting phenomenon.

In the four bandit villages in Qishan, more or less people from the villages went to the mountains to become bandits.

For example: Wumozhai, He Qiu from Dama Village, and the villages under the jurisdiction of Wumozhai all have people in Wumozhai, there are seven or eight more, and two or three less.

Guiguzhai, the nephew of Ma Zhubo, the magistrate of the county government, may not be the only county seat, and the villages under the jurisdiction of Guiguzhai may also have people who are bandits in Guiguzhai.

By analogy, Heisha village and Huangquan village also work as bandits in the villagers, but unfortunately there is no one they know, otherwise they can cooperate.

"I have been in Guigu Village for 15 years, and I have been hanging out with Brother Nan. The second head and the sixth head of the Wumo Village came to celebrate the birthday of the head of Wumo Village. Brother Bao stuffed people in. After hearing about Brother Nan, he was upset and wanted to plug people in." Come in.

Brother Nan's good brothers don't want to come.Every year after his birthday, he would fight with other cottages in the valley, and many brothers would die.Calling the brothers below to Wumozhai has become a habit, and you can't hide from it. I thought about it and found an unimportant job to carry the banner, so I followed. "

Rather clever.

"There are six masters in Guigu Village. In addition to the six masters, there are two more powerful men in Guigu Village. Brother Bao, Brother Nan. Brother Bao is the confidant of the first master, and Brother Nan is the confidant of the second master..."

He didn't hide any information about Guigu Village that Ma Ming knew, and he said it all.Of course, what he didn't know, he didn't say.

Like He Qiu, Ma Ming had no choice but to become a bandit on the mountain. He had been hiding in the village for so long, and after so many years, someone would rescue Qi Shan from the devil. The court seemed to have forgotten Qi Shan.They almost gave up, who would have thought that Wumo Village would be overthrown overnight.

Ma Ming sees the light of hope, and this light is Lord Qing, the county magistrate of Qishan.

"If the information you provided is true, I will credit you with credit." Qingyun glanced at Tian Duoliang and the four crazy wolves. The four of them were not good at light work. The best spy, Owl, went out to find a doctor again. He couldn't find a suitable person for a while. .

Qingyun thought about it and wanted to go there in person.This proposal was canceled by her, wouldn't Tian Duoliang and the others agree?

"By the way, how are you doing with the cheats given to you?" After Qingyun finished learning the cheats, he gave Tian Duoliang and the others to learn.

 Surprised? Unexpected?

(End of this chapter)

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