Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 371 Gathering Intelligence

Chapter 371 Gathering Information (5+)

Qingyun still has this awareness. No matter how strong a person is, his ability is limited. A strong team can be invincible.

That cheat book was suppressed from Heisha Village, so brothers can learn it.She is not all selfless, she will not give selflessly to the secret books of the Shangguan family.

"With some clues, coupled with Master Qing's experience, I have a hunch that after practicing for a while, I will be able to get started." Crazy Wolf said.

Of the five of them, Crazy Wolf has the best qualifications, Hei Xiongtian has the qualifications many times, and Heiba ​​Heshui is the worst.

"Practicing martial arts is not something that can be achieved overnight. It is important to persevere. I started practicing at the age of three, and now I am just barely getting started. Your aptitude is better than mine, but after half a month of practice, you will have a clue."

Qingyun was talking nonsense in a serious manner, but he clicked his tongue in his heart, his aptitude is really poor, and he only got a clue after half a month of practice.

Qingyun raised his eyebrows. As a qualified boss, the younger brothers are a bit useless, so we can't dampen their enthusiasm.

She is such a great boss!

Crazy wolf Tian Duoliang and the others believed it, and they had more confidence in themselves.

"Master Qing, what should we do with the bandits in Guigu Village?" It was Hei Xiong who spoke.

They were kept in the past because they wanted to pry out the information about Guigu Village from them, but now with Ma Ming, it is useless to keep those bandits in Guigu Village.

Qingyun stroked his chin, glanced at Ma Ming who was waiting quietly below, and asked: "Ma Ming, tell me, how to deal with them."

"Cut the grass and roots, kill them all." Ma Ming said without thinking, "Not only the bandits in Guigu Village will be killed, but all the bandits in Wumo Village will also be killed."

Qingyun raised his eyebrows, this Ma Ming is an interesting person.

"Why? Tell me your reason. I heard that those people seem innocent?"

Crazy Wolf and the others were first surprised when they heard what he said, and then they looked like they really did.

He Qiu is like this, so is Ma Ming.It seems that the villagers in Qishan hate the bandits very much.

"Innocent? It's hard to change the nature of the country! The bandits in Guigu Village are the same as the bandits in Huangquan Village. They are all selfish and selfish. They don't want to kill heaven and earth for themselves. For their own goals, they will do whatever they can.

Those of us who went up to the mountains to become bandits did so for our own villages. We were trapped in the bandit's nest for a long time, and no one could guarantee that we would still be the same as before.And I had to do things I didn't want to do. "Ma Ming's performance seemed to be sarcasm.

It's true!After all, in that environment, if you don't change, you will be eliminated by this environment if you meet this environment.

If he said that he never changed, Qingyun Mad Wolf and the others would doubt his intentions.Of course, even if Ma Ming confessed, Qing Yun and the others might not believe it.

Dogs travel thousands of miles and eat shit, and bandits are still bandits after they go down the mountain.

"Huangquan village has a brother-in-law who is the head of the family, and Guigu village also has a son who is the head of the fifth family. You propose to report each other's evil deeds. The fifth head of the family contacted his people and reported the other bandits in Guigu village."

Qingyun clicked his tongue, but he didn't expect that there was a big fish hidden in it.

"The brother-in-law of Huangquan Village knows that he can't survive. If the master is dead, he will die if he goes back to the village. Sooner or later he will be betrayed by the people around him, so he will put all his eggs in one basket and kill all the bandits in Huangquan Village.

The same is true for Xiao Wu of Guigu Village. I came to find Lord Qing, and in their eyes, it was a betrayal. Xiao Wu can't hide his identity since he can guess his identity.The second head and the sixth head died, and he would be suspected by the first head and the others when he returned.Wudang's family is still in the cottage, his mother, his brothers and sisters are also in the cottage, for the sake of his family, he will try to kill the people in Guigu Village. "

Qingyun glanced at him unexpectedly, he was also a smart man.

Who said that the ancients were stupid? Look at the people she met, mad wolf Tian Duoliang, black bear Heiba ​​and the others, which one was not smart.

At this moment, another brother came to guard the dungeon.

"Master Qing, there is a riot in the dungeon, and the rioters are the bandits from Guigu Village."

"Kill it!" Qingyun said emotionally.

"Yes," the brother led away.

"I still want to inquire about Huangquanzhai from Xiaowu's family... What a pity!" Qingyun said it was a pity, but the expression on his face was not the same.

The bandits in Guigu Village and Huangquan Village, Qingyun never thought of letting them go.

"Master Qing, I also know a little about the situation in Huangquanzhai. The people from the two cottages were locked together, and I often hang out with the people from Huangquanzhai. I didn't hear important news, but I heard some irrelevant gossip. Qing Do you want to listen?"

Qingyun smiled, but he is a talent, he said with a smile: "Listen, of course you have to listen!"

Better than nothing.

The people in Huangquanzhai are not stupid. The news that Ma Ming can find out is public in Huangquanzhai.

For example: How many masters are there in the cottage?How many people are there in the cottage?Which master is better with which master, which master is with which master, face and heart are at odds, often find fault with each other in private, and so on.

After Ma Ming finished speaking, Baba looked at the magistrate, wondering if the news would be of any use to the magistrate?

Qingyun pondered for a while, then asked again: "Do you know where Huangquanzhai is? Do you know the route?"

"I know, I have seen the paintings of the bandits in Huangquanzhai, and I remember it!" Ma Ming was very happy to help the magistrate.

Qing Yun signaled Mad Wolf to take some paper back and hand it to Ma Ming.After recalling carefully, Ma Ming dipped his pen into his saliva before dipping in the ink and drawing a zigzag line on the paper.

Qingyun came over and looked at it with her head. It was too abstract, and she couldn't understand it from just one route.

Crazy Wolf and the others also came to look at it, and they were stunned to see that there was only one route on the paper.

After Ma Ming finished the painting, he checked it carefully, and there was no deviation before explaining to the people around him what landmarks were on both sides of the route.

Qingyun took it down carefully, and compared it with the map of Qishan in her mind, she really let her find a route with a similarity rate of more than [-] out of [-]. It can be seen that Ma Ming did not lie to her.

As for whether the end point of the route is Huangquanzhai, they have to check.

"Draw the route of Guigu Village too?" Qingyun said suddenly.


Ma Ming changed a new piece of paper and drew the route of Guigu Village. Qingyun sympathized with finding the corresponding route in Qishan's map.

Qingyun laughed so hard that she couldn't see her teeth. Her biggest worry was that she didn't know where Guigu Village and Huangquan Village were. She didn't expect the surprise to come so quickly, and she got it all today.

"Ma Ming, you did a good job and helped me a lot. I will give you credit. If you have any requirements, please ask! Do you want gold, silver and jewelry, or do you want to marry a wife and go home? Think about it, come to the county government after suppressing bandits Find me. Heiba, take Ma Ming down to rest."

"Yes." Heiba ​​led Ma Ming down.

"Master Qing, how credible are his words? Is Ma Ming really the nephew of the owner Bo?" As soon as Ma Ming left, Tian Duoliang jumped up and asked Qing Yun.

 Go to sleep first, if possible, there will be another update, don't hold out too much hope, it will be stressful
  Cheeky Dongdong asks for votes

(End of this chapter)

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