Chapter 384
Nineteen Villages

The cottage was brightly lit, and countless people ran out from every room in the cottage, everyone with their bags on their backs, heading for the playground.

There are a few big basins on the edge of the playground, and the big basins are full of water. It's dark and faint. I don't know what's in the water.

Soon, the people on the playground were assembled.

Crazy Wolf invites Qingyun to come over and give lectures to boost morale.

"Brothers, the exciting time has come. Can our mission be completed? Can the bandits in Qishan be wiped out? Can the people of Qishan live a stable life, success or failure, all in this battle.

Brothers have followed me all the way, manly man, shed blood, sweat but not tears, all of you are heroes!As the saying goes wow!A good man must make contributions.

Now is your chance to make a difference!Brothers participating in this mission, come out!See the basin over there?Soak hands in water, then apply to face.Crazy wolf black bear, you guys demonstrate. "

The brothers who followed Qingyun to suppress the bandits all knew what was in the big pot, but the new brothers, Huang Kun and He Qiu, they didn't know.

Crazy Wolf, Black Bear, and Heiba ​​came out, soaked their hands in the water, and scribbled on their faces. A terrifying face appeared in front of everyone. Huang Kun and He Qiu, who were mentally prepared, were also frightened. jumped.

Experienced brothers, needless to say, took the initiative to go to the big pot to smear. After smearing, they lined up again and waited for the task distribution.

Soon, the playground was full of ghostly green faces. Under the dark yellow torches, they were eerie and terrifying. If I saw too much, I would be afraid, let alone outsiders.

Qing Yun also smeared his face, and glanced at the brothers on the playground one by one, "He Shui and He Qiu stayed at the village, Heiba ​​returned to Heisha village, brothers follow the plan, let's go!"

With the last two words, Qingyun roared, and the brothers carried out the plan in an orderly manner.

"Stop, mad wolf, go over there."

"Master Qing, that's not the way to our ambush."

Qingyun and his group split into two groups, Qingyun Crazy Wolf ambushed and intercepted the bandits in Huangquan Village, Huang Kun Heixiong ambushed and intercepted the bandits in Guigu Village, and the two teams separated at the intersection.

Crazy Wolf led the way, and after driving for a day and a night, Qing Yun suddenly called a stop, pointing to another mountain road to make a detour.

"I know. I've been thinking about it all night. The place Huang Kun provided is a good place to kill. What if the bandits in Huangquanzhai don't come from?"

Crazy Wolf was really worried to death, but he was not surprised at all, he knew this would happen a long time ago, Master Qing is not a person who does things according to plan.

Plans are useless to him, Master Qing is a fickle person, he has one idea at one moment, and another at the next moment.

"Where do you go if you don't pass there? The road to Wumo Village can only be passed there, and the other roads are farther." Crazy Wolf wiped his face, and they are used to it!

I just don't know if Huang Kun is used to it?
"Not necessarily!" Qing Yun raised his eyebrows and smiled evilly, "There is a shortcut to Wumo Village in Heisha Village, who can guarantee that the bandits in Huangquan Village don't know about it?

It doesn't matter if I don't know, if I am the head of Huangquan Village, I will go to Heisha Village first, let the bandits in Heisha Village come forward, and go to Wumo Village to inquire about news for them.

What happened is also Heishazhai's responsibility, what a good substitute for the dead ghost!I don't care if it's a few days late, if something happens, it happens early, if nothing happens, it doesn't matter if it's a few days late.If you are the head of Huangquanzhai, why don't you do it? "

"Do it!" Crazy Wolf really made this sense after thinking about it. Wait, he was led into the ditch by Qing Ye's crooked reasoning again, shook his head, regained a little reason, rolled his eyes at Qing Yun, and asked undeadly: "Wanna?" One, why don’t the bandits in Huangquanzhai go this way?”

"No," Qingyun said confidently.

There is a headstrong boss, what can Mad Wolf do?I can't beat and touch, so I can only risk my life to accompany the gentleman!

"Turn the road and go to the Heisha Village. I know there is a place that is very suitable for an ambush." ​​Qing Yun's words determined the direction of the team.


On the mountain road, a group of people came forward in a mighty manner. If you look carefully, there are a lot of them. They are holding swords. They look aggressive but are chaotic.

"The third master, the eldest master was really detained by the Wumo Village?"

Among the leaders of this group, the one in the middle is the third head of Huangquanzhai, and the person who is asking questions is the third head's confidant.

They are all members of the head of the family, and some things are hard to say in the cottage. If something happens to the head of the house, there will be chaos in Huangquanzhai.At that time, it will be difficult to say who will be the master of the cottage.

"That's what I received. You can only find out if Wumozhai has detained people if you go to Wumozhai." The third master didn't believe that Wumozhai's big master was so stupid that he dared to provoke a civil war in the eighteen villages. People will not agree.

"A few hundred of us are going to the Wumo Village. In case the master is really detained, the brothers have to save the master. A few hundred of us will not be able to do the Wumo village."

The confidant almost said that the second masters had sinister intentions.

"It's not like we're fighting, besides, there's Heisha village!" The third master smiled sinisterly.

"Heisha village is not bad. Let's go, only the fourth master is left in the cottage, and the others are from the second master. What if they..." The words of the heartbroken, the two were separated from each other, worried The second masters took the opportunity to seize power.

"They didn't dare. Do you think that the head of the family will go to the Wumo village, and he will have a backup? They won't do it until they get definite information. The head of the family has controlled the Huangquan village for so many years. He knows who the brothers are. Who knows if this matter will be designed by the master?"

"It's true, the head of the family is wise and powerful." The confidant was relieved.

"Passing through the forest in front, we entered the territory of Heisha Village. It only takes two days to turn from there to Heisha Village. The third family, the brothers have driven for a few days, tired, hungry and sleepy. Why don't you go to Heisha Village first? After resting in the village, it won't be too late to go to Wumo Village to find out the situation after the brothers have recovered enough.

I heard that the people from Heisha Village have also been detained, so they have to send someone to Wumo Village to inquire about the news, and by the way, inquire about our master, why not?The people in Heisha village don't need it for nothing, and what happened is also Heisha village's, and it has nothing to do with us. "

The third family originally wanted to go straight to Wumo Village, but after hearing what his confidant said, he thought this idea was very good.

"Then go to Heisha Village first."


During the day, the deep mountains and old forests are silent, and the sun hanging high in the sky scorches everything under the sky viciously, as if there is a hatred.

The breeze blowing through the mountains brought a little bit of coolness.

Qingyun led half of his brothers in ambush behind the bushes, waiting tediously for the bandits from Huangquanzhai to arrive, and the brothers could take turns to rest. Qingyun didn't sleep for two days and two nights. surged up.

Qingyun moved his body slowly, yawned, tears overflowed from the corners of his eyes, twisted his neck, and made a lot of small movements, but it was useless, still sleepy to death, and finally pinched himself cruelly, causing her to hiss in pain With a hiss, he lifted his spirits.

The brothers around Qingyun accidentally saw his movements, and the corners of their mouths twitched, watching him gasp in pain, and panicked for him.

After an unknown amount of time, a figure shot from a distance.


The brother who went to investigate came back, ran to Qing Yun's side, and reported the situation.

When the brothers saw Cha Tan's brother come back, their spirits were shaken, and they were all excited as if they had been injected with chicken blood, staring at Shan Dao with fiery eyes.

"Give the order down, brothers, don't act rashly, wait for all the bandits in Huangquan Village to enter the ambush circle, and then act after listening to the order."

Qingyun turned his head and told the brother next to him, that brother should "yes" and go down to deliver Master Qing's order.

The people who followed Qingyun Crazy Wolf were their own brothers, and the people on Huang Kun's side were Huang Kun's brothers.

 Thanks to Shanyoumuxi, 13351858899, for the monthly ticket, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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