Chapter 385
When Crazy Wolf heard that the bandits from Huangquanzhai were coming, he was worried for a few days and finally let go.

The bandits in Huangquanzhai had no idea what was waiting for them in front of them. A group of people were talking about the girls in Hualou. They entered the ambush circle without any sense of danger. They seemed to come out to play leisurely.

Qingyun raised his hand, and the brother who sent the order stared at Master Qing. When the bandits from Huangquanzhai entered the middle of the ambush circle, Qingyun uttered a murderous word: "Kill!"

Before he finished speaking, Crazy Wolf rushed out first. As soon as he rushed out, the brothers scrambled to be the first, and rushed out in a swarm. There was no need to send orders to the brothers.

The orderly brother: "." MMP, is there still a need for him to do this job?
The Chuanling brothers cast their eyes at Master Qing, and rushed out with a big knife in hand. It was really a good idea to kill more bandits.

At the end is Qingyun.

Qingyun didn't join the battle, that bastard of Crazy Wolf had agreed with her in advance that she could come, but she couldn't do anything, Qingyun endured the heartache and agreed, making it even more painful for her to guard the cottage.

The brothers closed the encirclement circle and surrounded the bandits in Huangquanzhai. They killed them without saying hello, and only heard "ah~" and "ah~"

There was a shrill scream, and a circle of corpses fell on the ground.

This change happened so fast that the unsuspecting Huangquanzhai was caught off guard.

The third master riding on a tall horse turned his head and looked around. The person who rushed out to intercept them, his face was painted green, and only a pair of tricks remained outside. At first glance, he looked like a monster, which shocked him.

Not only the third master was taken aback, but the bandits in Huangquanzhai were also taken aback when they saw that face at first glance.

Look again, the one who was killed was his fucking brother, and the frightened brother was like a stupid roe deer, who was so stupid that he didn't even know how to resist, so he was killed.

The third leader was so angry that he vomited blood, and the brothers he brought were all his.

The horse under the seat of the third master was also frightened, raised its front hooves, kicked in the air, and then rammed around on the mountain road. The one who was killed and injured was also his own.

San Dangjia immediately tightened the reins of the horse, and made a few "screaming" sounds, but it was useless to appease the horse.

"who are you?"

No one ignored him.

Crazy Wolf and the others rolled their eyes when they heard what the idiots of the bandits in Huangquanzhai said. If you can do it, don't push it around. That's what Master Qing told them.

Chi Chi Wai Wai, I don’t know how many times I’ve died. Could it be that I won’t kill you if I tell you who it is?

"Do you know who we are? We are from Shibazhai"

"I know, I know, why are you so wordy, you are from Shibazhai, or Huangquanzhai among Shibazhai, we all know, don't blow yourself up."

Crazy Wolf pulled out the big knife, flicked the blood on the knife, and took the time to reply, with a perfunctory attitude.

"What's wrong with Shibazhai? Is Shibazhai very powerful? You killed people from Shibazhai." Qing Yun had nothing to do and was bored, talking to the bandits.

"Tell you, as long as there is a day in Qishan, there will be nothing about your eighteen villages, and I will disappear from Qishan's territory. I will see you destroy you once."

When it comes to arrogance, who wouldn't!
"In Lao Tzu's territory, I eat and sleep with Lao Tzu. If you don't pay the protection fee, you dare to be arrogant. I won't kill you, save it for the New Year! Brothers, work harder, finish your work early, and go back to eat early."

Hearing this, the third master was so angry that he almost vomited blood. He searched everywhere for the person who said this, and saw a thin man standing outside the encirclement.

Three masters speculated that the person outside might be the boss of this group of mysterious people.He didn't think the other party was thin, he just thought the other party was easy to bully.Those who can become the boss are generally powerful characters.

"Which path do you belong to? If you have offended me, please bring it up, and the minor ones will definitely be corrected. The minor ones are the third master of Huangquan Village, and I am willing to offer gold, silver and jewelry from the cottage to make amends."

The third leader, who was protected by his brothers, shouted, glanced around, and found that the people painted like ghosts were all fierce and ferocious, and they were not afraid of death.

On the other hand, the brothers on my side are like turnips and cabbage. If they are chopped down with a single knife, it won't be long before all the brothers will be killed.

The third head of Huangquan Village is also afraid of death, and wants to buy his life with money, nothing is more important than his life.Today's humiliation will be counted slowly after he returns.

"Hell's way." Qingyun grinned and came to take his life.

 Thank you Jing, 20170328041608170, there are trees in the mountains, is it still... Also, Begonia Huawuyu, Spring Sun Zaiyang, 13600815236, voted for the monthly ticket, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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