Chapter 386
What about "the way of the king of hell", when you hear this, you are fooling people, thinking they are fools.

The third head of the Huangquan village was angry and hated, and cursed:
"A group of young people who hide their heads and tails, and don't even show their faces. How dare they call themselves the overlords of Qishan. If you have the courage to report your name, I, the weasel, is also a well-known bandit on the road. I will not die at the hands of unknown pawns." .”

This nickname... makes people speechless.

"Since you asked sincerely, I will tell you generously and compassionately, we from Nineteen Villages, remember to go to King Yama and say hello to the old man for me."

Qingyun bared his teeth and yelled at his brothers: "Do you still want to go back to eat? Doing something is a waste of time!"

Shouted by Qingyun, the brothers shook their bodies and moved a little faster, staring at the bandits in Huangquanzhai with death eyes.

The third leader of Huangquan Village sees that coercion, bribery, and provocation are useless.

The other party was cold-blooded and ruthless, as if he wanted to kill them all, knowing that it would be useless to spend more words, he stopped talking, and looked around, looking for a way out.

I muttered in my heart: Nineteen Villages?never heard of that?When did a Nineteen Village pop up in Qishan?
"You son of a bitch, your opponent is me." Crazy Wolf kicked away the corpse, and killed the third head of Huangquan Village, shouting: "You are a big man who babbles like a woman, can you have a good time?" A fight? If you die, I will respect you as a hero. Listen carefully, grandpa is called a mad wolf, a bastard, and it is not wrong to die at the hands of grandpa."

The third leader of Huangquan Village: "." The group of ghosts on the opposite side are all sharp-tongued, and every sentence is poignant.

After half a day's effort, the encirclement circle was reduced by half, and the brothers died more or less, and their injuries were not considered serious.

"Brothers, kill me if you don't want to die. Only by killing a bloody path can we survive. Each person who escapes is 100 taels of silver!" The third master of Huangquan Village suddenly shouted holding a big knife, and then rushed towards the crazy wolf in front of him. .


The bandits were at the end of their rope, and if they fought hard, they might still have a chance of survival, so they rushed forward desperately.

The two sides fought together.When you meet on a narrow road, the ruthless wins.Whoever is not afraid of death, whoever does not want to die, can live.




In the shadow of swords and swords, more and more bandits fell on the ground.

After a long time, all the bandits in Huangquanzhai were wiped out.

"Clean the battlefield, leave here quickly, and send someone to Huang Kun's side to investigate the situation."

Qing Yun ordered Crazy Wolf to leave quickly.They temporarily changed the location of the interception. After Huang Kun and the others completed their mission, they might go there to find them.

On the mountain road from Guigu Village to Wumo Village

A group of bandits from the fourth head of Guigu Village walked slowly, carrying a big banner and riding a big horse.

"Four masters, if we hurry this way, nothing will happen, right?" The confidants of the four masters glanced back at the brothers, but couldn't figure out the intentions of the four masters.

They went to the Wumo village to rescue the second and sixth family members, and when they rushed to the Wumo village so slowly, they were afraid that the second and sixth family members would also become ghosts under the sword.

"Wumo Village doesn't dare to touch the second and sixth children. Let's go to Wumo Village just to make a formality." The fourth master shook his head foolishly with a grass in his mouth.

"It's likely that something happened in the Wumo Village, and people will be detained. They are not in danger, and they can stay in the Wumo Village for a few more days at most. The people detained are not only the second and sixth, but the head of the Huangquan Village is also detained. The poor one. I heard that the leaders of Huangquanzhai are restless and have done a lot of small tricks in private, and their chieftains are not in the cottage, so the restless masters are probably happy, and they wish that the chieftains of Huangquanzhai will not go back."

"Impossible? When the Shibazhai was established, there was a rule that traitors would be killed without mercy. If they broke the rules, Shibazhai and Qishan would have no place for them, and if they escaped, they would be returned by the Shibazhai." There are people from above chasing and killing them." The confidant scratched his head, the heads of Huangquanzhai are not so stupid, are they?

"Is there anything impossible? They didn't do it themselves. If something happened to Wumo Village, it has nothing to do with them. If something happens, it's because of Wumo Village. Just wait and see!" The fourth master of Guigu Village smiled. The one in Huangquan Village, if he wanted to seize power and usurp the throne, he would send people to sneak into the Wumo Village and kill the head of the village without anyone noticing.

"That's right. I heard that the leaders of Huangquanzhai have a lot of ambitions. The leader of Huangquanzhai is not dead, and it is enough for him to make trouble when he returns to the village. The fourth leader, when we go out, the leader will tell us to meet Heisha village when we have time." The third head, the second head and the sixth head are fine, shall we go see him?"

There are so many bones, another traitor.

He heard that the third head of the Heisha village is very valued by their head of the village, and that all the big and small things in the village are left to him.

Tsk tsk, greed is not enough to swallow elephants.He thought their Ghost Valley Village was so easy to rely on?

"No rush, let him hang out for a few days. According to the original plan, go to Wumo Village first, and it won't be too late to go to Heisha Village after the matter in Wumo Village is resolved."

"Wumozhai is really rich. The head of the family celebrates her birthday, and the girl who rents a building every year. I heard that the girls are as beautiful as angels. The brothers in Wumozhai are really lucky!" Hehehe, Sidangjia, the brothers have gone to Wumo Village, can you go and enjoy it?"

Girls who don't pay, don't sleep for nothing.

"There is a knife on Sezi's head, be careful to die on a woman's belly." Si Dangjia said.

"Being a ghost under the peony flower is also romantic! The brothers haven't been out for more than half a year, and they almost don't know what it's like to be a woman." The confidant didn't think so, and smiled obscenely.

"Go, the brothers are on their way day and night, it's the Wumo Village to reward the brothers."

A group of people from Guigu Village, talking about women, slowly walked into the ambush circle.

Huang Kun, Hei Xiong and the others, who had been in ambush for several days, finally waited for the bandits from Guigu village to come. When all the bandits from Guigu village had entered, Huang Kun signaled to pass the order.

Huang Kun and others, who were from the regular army, were different. They truly obeyed orders and prohibited them.Unlike Qingyun and the others, Qingyun ran out before he finished speaking.


After the bandits in Guigu Village entered their intercepting range, Huang Kun waved his hand, and the brothers in ambush rushed out, surrounded the bandits in Guigu Village, and killed anyone they saw, without a word.

"Who are you?" Guigu Village's fourth head shouted angrily.

No one answered his words.






Huang Kun rushed towards the tall man.

A killing is going on.

Half a day later, the bandits in Guigu Village were wiped out.

Huang Kun wiped the blood from his face, and looked in the direction of Master Qing, wondering what's going on with Master Qing?
"Clean the battlefield, go to the front to find a place to rest, and then rush to Master Qing."

 Thank you, baby Nini, obediently, Min, 20180220174726094, 13351858899, Xiangyang.Chen Rong, Fang Yan, Lan Lanlan 1999, tkpm, Mushu1106, I don’t know what name they took, 161117204038710, voted monthly ticket, what?

(End of this chapter)

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