Chapter 387

There was no news for six or seven days, and Heiba ​​was circling back and forth in the lobby like ants on a hot pot.

"Heiba, stop spinning around, spinning around makes us dizzy."

Several brothers in Dama Village felt headaches when they saw Heiba ​​spinning around anxiously.

After Heiba ​​and the others returned to Heisha Village, he had trouble sleeping and eating all night long.Worried about Master Qing's safety, worried about the safety of Crazy Wolf and Black Bear brothers, worried that Master Qing was chased and killed by bandits instead of destroying them?

"I can't think about it, I can't stop. Do you think Master Qing and the others can come back safely and smoothly? In the past two days, my right eye has been twitching non-stop, making money on the left and jumping on the right. It's a disaster!"

"Fuck you, kid, you don't know how to say good things, you just say depressing things."

A villager lightly slapped Heiba ​​on the back of the head. Although Heiba ​​is the boss of Heisha Village, he is the youngest.These people grew up with Heiba ​​as children, and he got used to it.

Heiba ​​didn't care either.

"Master Qing, Huang Kun and the others each brought two hundred brothers, which is quite a lot. Besides, you don't understand the mad wolves and black bears! They are all desperadoes, and they are all very skilled. It is not a problem for one person to hit seven or eight. , Bandits meet them is bad luck for bandits."

Others don't know the background of the two hundred brothers of Crazy Wolf and Black Bear. They have been in the mine for several years, how can they not know?

"You're right, Master Qing is so powerful, and mad wolves, black bears and the others are not easy to use. It's his own bad luck that the bandits meet Master Qing and the others."

"Yes, that's what happened. You are too nervous to worry about Master Qing, so you can't turn your head around and scare yourself. And Huang Kun and the others, the brothers heard privately that they used to be soldiers at the border. Now, killing bandits is not the same as killing chickens."

This brother from the Miao Village is very confident in Qingyun, Huang Kun and others.

They followed Qingyun, Crazy Wolf, Black Bear and the others all the way to Qishan, and they have seen too many miracles created by Qingyun and the others. Just like the brainless fans, they believe that no matter what happens, Qingyun can easily solve it in his hands.

Heiba ​​was persuaded, his anxiety eased a bit, and he calmed down a lot. He ordered: "Send a few people outside to investigate the situation, and report immediately if there is any situation. By the way, the cottage must be ready at any time. If you need our help, let's go immediately."


People in Miao Village, go down and prepare.


The original Wumo Village, now the Nineteen Village

After Qingyun and his team left, for the first few days, He Shui and Heqiu were still interested in digging tunnels on the mountainside with his brothers. After five or six days, they did not hear from Qingye and the others. The two brothers became impatient. There was no news for nine days, the two brothers couldn't stay any longer, and they were not in the mood to dig tunnels and set traps.

"Second brother, do you think Master Qing and the others have arrived?" He Shui couldn't sit still, so he could only ask He Qiu.In their He family, the smartest is the second child.

"It's been so long, it should be here." He Qiu wasn't worried.Qing Ye and the others went out to intercept and kill the bandits in Guigu Village and Huangquan Village, which was different from the previous raid on Wumo Village.

With him and Huang Kun as internal support in the Wumo Village, and drugging the bandits in the Wumo Village, Master Qing and the others can easily deal with the Wumo Village.This interception, the real effort, no one to help, can only rely on themselves.

On Huang Kun's side, He Qiu was more at ease. On Qingye's side, he had no idea at all. He wondered if Qingye and the others could succeed?

"I don't know what happened to Lord Qing and the others? Have you wiped out the bandits in Huangquan Village in Guigu Village? If there are no bandits in Huangquan Village in Guigu Village, wouldn't Master Qing and the others lie in ambush for nothing?"

He Shui felt uneasy and didn't know what to do, so he could only drag He Qiu to talk non-stop to divert the uneasiness in his heart.

"Second brother, tell me, should we send someone to investigate? Master Qing, Crazy Wolf, Black Bear and the others are so powerful, the bandits are definitely no match for them. Otherwise, I will take a few people to investigate outside. There are so many!"

In case Master Qing and the others are killed by bandits, they can run away immediately, or return to the village to farm if they can't.If Master Qing wiped out the bandits, they should be prepared to celebrate Master Qing and the others.

He Shui looked carefree, with a lot of small calculations in his heart, and he was even prepared for the retreat.

He Qiu didn't know what the third child in his family was thinking, so he thought for a while and asked, "Is there any news from Heiba?"

"I received the news yesterday, everything is normal." He Shui curled his lips. Heiba ​​belonged to Master Qing, and he would not report bad news to them.

If it were him, he would do the same.

He Qiu pondered for a while, and said: "I will take a few people outside to investigate the situation, third child, you take your brothers to continue digging the tunnel, and try to finish digging the tunnel in the next few days. Brothers on patrol, add two more teams, We must strengthen patrols, never leave the post for a moment, report to me immediately if you find the situation, and don’t make your own decisions. If you find a stranger, arrest them first, and talk about it when I come back.”

"Second brother, I'll go, you guard the cottage." He Shui was not happy to stay in the cottage and dig tunnels, he wanted to go outside to investigate the situation.

"Shut up." He Qiu glared at him fiercely, his expression more fierce than ever, "Nowadays, when you are playing around in the village, I am more familiar with the terrain here than you are. To find Master Qing, they are better than you. Easy, I didn't come back after seven or eight days, you go to Heisha village to find Heiba, or take them back to the village. If you dare to mess around, wait for me to come back and break your leg."

He Qiu knew who the third child was, and he couldn't be restrained if he wasn't vicious.

He Shui saw the expression on the second brother's face, there was no room for discussion, and he replied sullenly, "Yes."

county seat
Tian Duoliang arrived at the county government office in the middle of the night, except for the brother who guarded the gate at the gate, who knew about it, and did not disturb anyone.

In the morning, Du Chun'an went to work in the front office as usual, but was stopped halfway.

"Why did you come back? When did you come back? Is the bandit suppression going well?" Du Chun'an was very surprised to see Tian Duoliang suddenly.

"I came back last night. I need your help when I come back to check things this time. Don't tell Qingtian about my return, lest he worry about Master Qing."

Tian Duoliang said the purpose of his return this time, and by the way, he talked about their suppression of bandits, the handling of the cottage, and some plans of Master Qing.

".That's how things are. Lord Qing said that you worked with Ma Zhubo a lot, and Ma Ming's affairs are left to you. I only stay in the county government for one day, and I'm leaving tonight. Mr. Song, you have to talk about it. "

"Okay, I'm there with the owner of the horse. You should rest well and wait for my results."

Du Chun'an reassured Tian Duoliang and went to Qianya. When he arrived at Qianya, it was two minutes later than usual, and Ma Zhubo was already at work.

"Today is late."

The owner of the horse took a look at him, since Mr. Du came to the county office, he arrived earlier than him every day, and his subordinate was later than him, and today he was late for the first time.

 Thanks to alkaloid 666, Hanyou Younv Changge Slow Return, 20190303095100001, 13579 Mingzi Titanium Compensation, Qin, Mumu and Changmei, voted for the monthly ticket, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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