Chapter 388
"There's something wrong, it's late."

Du Chun'an explained, walked to the desk where he used to work, picked up yesterday's official documents, and continued to read.

His thoughts went back to half a quarter of an hour ago. Not long after he left Tian Duoliang's house, Tian Duoliang chased him again, only said a word to him, and went back to sleep after speaking.

The two discussed business together as usual.

An hour later, the two of them suspended their official duties and took a rest.

Du Chun'an poured a cup of tea and brought it to the owner of the horse, chatting while drinking tea.

"Chun'an, when will your lord come back?" The horse owner Bo took a sip of tea, savoring it carefully with his eyes closed, with an expression of enjoyment.

In fact, the tea leaves are just ordinary tea leaves, but the horse owner, Bo, hasn't drunk tea leaves for many years, that's why it's like this.Only when he works in the county government can he drink tea. At home, his old man always drinks boiled water.

The county magistrate was away from the county office for a month, and the county magistrate said that the county magistrate took Zhang Butou and Qin Butou into the forest to hunt.

The county magistrate went to the mountains twice to hunt within a few months.This time, I went there for a month, but no one came back.

The owner of the horse is worried and bitter, but he can't tell others!
Qishan is not peaceful, there are bandits everywhere, no one knows if there is a bandit den in the deep mountains and old forests?In case, the county magistrate is unlucky and breaks into the bandit's lair
The consequences could be disastrous.

Du Chun'an scanned the lobby, beckoned the owner of the horse to come closer, and whispered to him: "My lord is not coming back so soon!"

"Why?" The owner of the horse didn't understand, it was useless to spend time in the forest if he couldn't hunt the prey.

"You know about Huangjiabao Dama Village, right?"

The horse owner Bo nodded, what does it have to do with the two villages if the magistrate does not come back?
Du Chun'an understood the meaning in the horse owner's eyes, and said quietly: "My lord looks at the foolishness, it seems that it is not very reliable, it is all superficial phenomenon, for outsiders to see."

The horse owner Bo still nodded. My lord sometimes looks a little unreliable.

"You have been in the yamen for a while, and you have often been in contact with your lord. You have always known your lord's true nature. Your lord has a kind heart, and you only want to do something practical for the people."

The owner of the horse still nodded, they all saw what the lord did for the people of Qishan, they were grateful and at the same time rejoiced that they had a good parent officer, which was the blessing of the people of Qishan.

"The tragedy of the Huangjiabao in Dama Village, the yamen from the lord to the yamen guards, I feel very sorry for these things, especially the lord, very angry. In the territory under his jurisdiction, his people, his people , was persecuted by bandits, but he was helpless"

Du Chun'an sighed quietly.

"My lord is very proud. Because of these two incidents, he was hit too hard, and he has been depressed for a long time. We are all worried about your lord, and we will never recover from it."

"My lord, is he alright?" The horse owner Bo stared in shock, he didn't even know he had discovered such a thing before.With an adult's arrogant temperament, he will indeed be hit.

Du Chun'an took a sip of tea, "My lord locked himself in his room for a few days. Because of his pride, he couldn't tolerate failure, where he fell, and where he got up. This concept has been carried out in his bones since he was a child.

After he came out, he took the yamen servants with him and went out quickly. He used the excuse to go hunting in the mountains, but he was actually going to suppress the bandits. If the bandits in Qishan were not completely wiped out, your lord would not come back. "

"Suppression of bandits? Didn't your lord go hunting in the mountains?"

The horse owner Bo stared wide-eyed in shock, and the teacup in his hand fell onto the table in a gaffe, making a loud bang.

"Suppress the bandits!" Du Chun'an nodded, shattering the luck that the horse owner Bo had misheard.

"The yamen servants in our yamen don't even add up to two hundred. With such a small number of people, the county magistrate took them to suppress the bandits? Does he know how many bandits there are in the bandit village?" Ma Bo's voice was a little higher and sharper. .

Du Chunan frowned without showing any trace.

"Why didn't you stop my lord?" Ma Zhubo couldn't sit still, and paced back and forth in the lobby anxiously.

He knew that the magistrate had always been bold, but he didn't expect the magistrate to be so bold!When hunting tigers, bears and blind people, hundreds of yamen servants can hunt them back together.

But bandits can't!
He heard from his nephew Ma Ming that there were thousands of bandits in his bandit village, and they all killed without blinking an eye.The magistrate of the county is not enough for bandits to stuff his teeth.

When the county magistrate is dead, the bandits will transfer their anger to the people of Qishan. The first target of revenge is them who concealed the county magistrate, the people of the county.

How to do?
Is it still too late to report to the bandit village?

"How to stop? What the adults decide, cannot be refuted, and nine horses can't be pulled back." What to stop?If the county government hadn't needed someone to guard it, he would have wanted to follow the adults to suppress the bandits.

On the side of the couch, how can you allow others to snore and sleep!
Qishan bandits threaten the safety of adults.With his domineering temperament, he will never allow the bandits in Qishan to exist. Instead of waiting for the bandits to kill him, it is better for him to kill the bandits first.

The attitude of the bandits to the adults is also the same, otherwise several county magistrates would not have died in Qishan.

Both sides are undying mortal enemies.

"Master Bo, I heard that you have a nephew who went out to find a living and hasn't come back for many years, is that right?"

The owner of the horse froze, turned around slowly, and looked at Du Chun'an.

The atmosphere in the lobby gradually became dignified.

"What's the meaning of Mr. Du's words?" Mr. Ma asked calmly, his expression was very calm, and his heart sank. Could it be that Du Chun'an knew about Ma Ming's matter?
Du Chun'an glanced at the calm horse owner Bo, and scolded "Old Fox".

Maybe Ma Zhubo didn't notice, and on weekdays, he affectionately called him "Chun'an" and "Chun'an", and it was related to his family, so he became an alienated "Du Zhubo" again.

"Don't be nervous. I don't mean anything else. By the way, you may not be very clear about your lord's suppression of bandits. Let me tell you."

The owner of the horse narrowed his small eyes, unable to figure out what kind of medicine was sold in Du Chun'an's gourd.He asked about his nephew for a while, and now he mentioned the county magistrate.

The horse owner Bo Ya sat down patiently and picked up the teacup again.

"It is widely rumored that there are eighteen villages in Mount Qi. My lord has received information that there are only four bandit villages in Qishan, Guigu Village, Huangquan Village, Wumo Village, and Heisha Village..."

Du Chun'an picked some unimportant, trivial, and tellable news, and told the horse owner Bo.

"...Half a month ago, I received the disappearance of my lord. All the bandits in Heisha Village were wiped out by my lord. Two days ago, I received news from my lord that all the bandits in Wumo village were wiped out by my lord."

These two news, like two bolts of lightning, made the horse owner Bo's brain "buzz", and after a while, he asked in disbelief, "You said that your lord wiped out the two bandit villages?"

Did he hear wrong?

If the bandits are so easy to wipe out, why has the border generals never wiped out the bandits every year?
 Thanks to the forgotten corner 0704, 13600815236, listening to the wind, \Oo little melody Oo, sunny day, Y-, voted for the monthly ticket, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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