Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 39 How to kill fish without water

Chapter 39 How to kill fish without water

"Are you serious?" Song Wenqian looked at her.

The stinky boy's luck is unbelievable, he can find food when he is hungry, and water when he is thirsty.It's like God's son, he wants what he wants.

"Can I lie to you?" Qingyun gave the old man a white look, "I found a big pool in front of me, four or five meters in size, eight or nine meters deep, and the water was at the bottom of the pool. When I came back so late, I just made a ladder to fetch water. "

"Son, you are amazing!"

I don't know when, the girl came to Qingyun's side, heard his great achievements, and praised him full of praise.

Song Wenqian's gaze wandered back and forth on the two of them, smiling inscrutable.

Qingyun glanced at her, smiled, and turned back and said to the old man, "I also saw fish in the water! Dinner can be considered to be settled. Enough rest, let's go, work harder, and arrive before sunset."

"What are you waiting for? Let's go!" Song Wenqian immediately urged Qingyun to hurry up.

Hearing that there were fish to eat, the group of people walked forward as if they had been beaten with blood, and it was impossible to see that a few of them were about to die just now.

Qing Yun's estimation was correct, and the group really reached the water pool before the sun went down.

Seeing the big water pool and the bamboo ladder exposed outside the pool mouth, the few people who were walking out of breath, their eyes burst into a faint green light, they rushed over with a few strides, and looked down at the bottom of the pool.

"There is really water." Song Wenqian said in disbelief, feeling unreal.

"A lot of water," said the old man, and laughed like a fool.

"There are really fish in it, it feels like a dream." The girl stared at the bottom of the water and said.

Qingyun smiled, took the sharpened wooden stick that was sharp like an awl, and pulled out a few people, "Okay, don't look, don't look, the water won't run. It's getting dark, I'll go down. Catch the fish, and you gather firewood and burn the fire."

"Are you okay?" Song Wenqian glanced at the wooden stick and didn't have much confidence in him.

"Will it work, try it and you'll know."

Qing Yun went down from the bamboo ladder to the bottom of the pool, stepped on the bamboo pole on the water, bent over, raised the wooden stick in his hand, and stared at the water.

Soon there were fish swimming over, the big ones were four or five pounds, some were the size of a palm, and the smaller fish were only the size of a finger.

Qingyun raised his hand, the stick fell, and the stick flew out as fast as lightning, pierced through the four or five pound fish, and plunged straight into the bottom of the pool.

Qingyun pulled out the wooden stick, looked at the fat big fish and smiled, a series of eating methods flashed in his mind.

Braised fish, steamed fish, boiled fish, oil splashed fish, stewed fish with white tofu...

"Young master caught the fish," the girl lying on the edge of the water pool shouted back at the people behind her. The people who were burning the fire were no longer burning, and they ran over to see.

"What are you doing stupidly, don't throw it up soon, one fish is not enough to eat, so before it gets dark, grab a few more." Song Wenqian roared at Qingyun.

Qingyun rolled his eyes and grinned, the dead old man is really not cute.The fish was pulled from the stick and thrown upwards, and the fish landed on the grass with great precision.

Qingyun caught another four or five big fat fish, each of which was about three or four kilograms, and one per person was enough.

When I came up and saw that the fish was still alive and kicking, I couldn't help but ask, "Why didn't you kill the roast?"

"How to kill without water?" Song Wenqian looked at Qingyun with the look in his eyes... It was hard to say.

Qingyun licked Hanako, she seemed to see from the old man's eyes that the old man was calling her an idiot?

The old man's family of three silently stared at the ground, as if flowers were growing there.

(End of this chapter)

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