Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 40 Bamboo Boiled Fish

Chapter 40 Bamboo Boiled Fish
Qingyun pouted and decided not to have the same knowledge as the old man, grabbed the fish and walked to the pool.

"I'll go down and kill the fish." Qing Yun said.

"We want to drink the water below. You go down to kill the fish. It's blood and fish intestines. It's bloody, dirty, and smells fishy. Is the water still drinkable?" Song Wenqian said.

Qingyun laughed, she never knew her patience was so good!Staring straight at the old man for a few seconds, he raised his eyebrows and asked with a smile, "What do you say, I'll listen to you."

"You go down to draw water, you don't need to kill the fish."

Qingyun dropped the fish in his hand and went down to fetch water with four bamboo jars.

Song Wenqian smiled with satisfaction, and he knew how to be patient, which was not bad.After getting along for so long, he has long seen that this kid is rebellious and doesn't grind his temper, and sooner or later he will cause a big disaster.

When she got down into the pool, the old man's family of three secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked up at Song Wenqian in admiration.

On the way here, Mr. Song told them that Mr. Song was the servant of the noble son.As soon as he became a servant, he was so daring that he did not hesitate to call up the young master.

"Orchid, you and your mother are going to kill the fish. I'll go pick up more firewood and come back. After dark, the woods are very dangerous. The fire can't be extinguished tonight."

The old man is also an experienced person, and he took care of the work of their mother and daughter, and went to pick up firewood.

The two of them took the fish, went to the dry river bed, found a large flat stone, pressed the fish with one hand, and held the sharper stone and the swish scales in the other, and then opened their stomachs and broke their stomachs. .

Qingyun fetched the water, and handed the bamboo jar to the girl. The water in the four bamboo jars was not enough to wash, so Qingyun threw back and forth four times to wash the fish.

Qingyun was holding the chopped bamboo stick and was about to skewer the fish for grilling, but Song Wenqian stopped her, "Stop skewering, this time grill the fish and eat it."

"Boiled fish to eat?" Qing Yun gave him a meal and looked at him in surprise, "How can you cook without a pot and a cauldron?"

The old man is really whimsical, and he still cooks fish?Does she still want to boil the fish?

"You've been wearing brocade clothes and jade food since you were a child, and you don't know that you're excusable." Song Wenqian smiled, "I'll teach you a trick today."

She is wearing a brocade and jade food!
In modern times, although she has no money, she is happy and healthy.When I came here, I almost died, and now I think about how to survive all day.

Qingyun smiled and gave a naughty salute, "Thank you sir for your teaching."

The old man returned from picking up firewood, and just heard Song Wenqian's words, and took it over, "Master, Mr. Song is right, you can burn fish and use those bamboos."

After getting along, I found that your son is very good at talking, and he is not arrogant. He looks down on their country men. The old man is a little more courageous, and occasionally says a word or two.

"Bamboo?" Qingyun turned his head and swept towards the bamboo poles, after a little thought, he suddenly realized.

She had never eaten anything made of bamboo before, so she didn't think about it, but she had heard of it, such as bamboo rice.

"Yes, bamboo can cook rice and vegetables. Before fleeing the famine, my family was in the bamboo rice business..."

The old man sighed when he said this, thinking of the previous days, although it was a little bit bitter and tired, at least the family was not in danger.Natural disasters and man-made disasters, when will it be the first?

"Let's not talk about the past. If you want to cook fish, you have to pick bamboo with thick roots." The old man said.

"Let's go and chop the bamboo."

Qingyun took the old man to the bamboo forest. The old man picked two bamboos with thick thighs, and Qingyun was responsible for cutting them down.

The old man wanted to help drag one back, but Qingyun glanced at his shriveled, black and thin body and refused, dragging it back to the pool with one in one hand.

Song Wenqian came over to take a look, and nodded with satisfaction, "This bamboo is a good choice."

 When I was a child, I went to Chunyou to eat bamboo-cooked rice. Have the babies ever eaten it?

(End of this chapter)

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