Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 41 Too Inhumane

Chapter 41 Too Inhumane
According to the old man's instructions, Qingyun cut down four thick bamboo poles and made a slap-sized hole on it.

The old man borrowed Qingyun's knife, cut the fish into several pieces, put it in a bamboo jar and filled it with water, then turned back and called to his daughter, "Orchid, do you have any salt?"

Seeing the girl named Orchid turn her back, she took out a small handkerchief from her arms and handed it to the old man. The old man took it, carefully sprinkled some salt into the bamboo jar, put away the small handkerchief and returned it to the girl, and then covered it with a bamboo lid. , put it on the fire.

Qingyun glanced at their family in shock. Some of them escaped from the famine with money and food, and some with salt... rare!

While cooking the fish, the old man was not idle, he made a few pairs of chopsticks, and also made a few bamboo jars that could be buckled.

Qingyun sighed that the master is in the folk.

She squatted next to him and looked at him. Even though the old man's hands looked like chicken claws, she was very dexterous. After a while, she made a few bamboo jars, and even added bamboo lids to the bamboo jars, which functioned like a kettle. The water runs away, don't worry about the water spilling out.

"Uncle, you are amazing!" Qingyun sincerely praised with a thumbs up, making the old man embarrassed.

The old man returned the knife to Qingyun, and the fish over there was also cooked. Smelling the delicious fish scent, several people swallowed hard.

As soon as the old man said it was okay to eat, a few people rushed over like a hungry dog ​​grabbing food. One of them was holding a bamboo pot.

Salted fish tastes different and delicious.I have to say, the old man's family has foresight.

After a few people devoured their food and were full, they came back from mowing the grass and lay down on the floor to sleep.

As soon as Qingyun lay down, she heard Song Wenqian call her, "What have you just eaten and slept? Come here, today's task hasn't been completed yet."

"Mission? What mission?"

Qingyun just wanted to stay still, thinking that the old man didn't seem to have the task of serving her!

Turning his head to look at him, he saw the old man writing on the ground with a bamboo branch, and immediately let out a whimper.

Too inhuman?Just finished eating and learning to write!

One second was bubbling with happiness, and the next second, I was in hell and was extremely painful.

Qing Yunsheng got up reluctantly, moved over, broke a bamboo branch, and followed the old man to learn to read and write.

The old man's family, who had already lay down and slept, heard Mr. Song's words and looked over curiously. Seeing that it was your son studying, they lay down again.

The old man thought, Mr. Song is really not an ordinary person, can the one who can teach the son to read can be an ordinary servant?No wonder he dared to call the son to work.

Qingyun finished today's tasks and wrote down how to write them. Song Wenqian also took the test that she had learned the day before, but found that she had forgotten most of them, so she was fined [-] times before letting her go.

Qingyun returned to the grass shop to lie down, her mind was full of ghostly drawn characters, dashing to and fro, she collapsed so much that she wanted to scream.

The sky was bright, Qingyun got up and went to the bamboo forest to punch again, soothing the muscles and bones, and came back to wash up with water.

There were no conditions before. She could endure not taking a bath for a few days, and she could endure eating without brushing her teeth for a few days. Now that she had the conditions, she couldn't bear it for a moment.

He broke a branch, cut a strip of cloth two fingers wide and palm long from under the robe, wrapped it around the branch, soaked it in water, and rubbed his teeth like a bath.

Song Wenqian looked at his ruthlessness and twitched his mouth. This kid is really tossing, and he can do it ruthlessly.

He took out a wrinkled and invisible handkerchief from his arms and wiped his face.After thinking about it, I washed the handkerchief once, and wiped my teeth without being particular about it.

 Isn't old man Song cute? ????
(End of this chapter)

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