Chapter 42

The old man's family wasn't so particular about it, just gargle twice with saliva and they were done.I still saw Qingyun brushing their teeth, and I was embarrassed that I was too sloppy to do so.

In the past, when they were in the village, no one rinsed their mouths and teeth. They had been here for decades, and it was nothing.

Rich people are very particular about it!

Orchid is a girl. She looked at her father and mother, and at the son and husband over there. After thinking about it, she also tore off a piece of cloth to rinse her teeth.

For breakfast, the fish caught by Qingyun was cooked and eaten with their own bamboo jars.

"What's your plan next?" Song Wenqian asked suddenly, but his eyes were on Qingyun.

The old man's family also looked at Qingyun.

Qingyun swallowed the fish in his mouth and glanced at a few people, feeling a lot of pressure.

What can she plan?Definitely go to work!

Glancing at the surrounding geography, if it weren't for the lack of fields and soil to grow things, she would have wanted to live there.

Escape is so hard!She can't stand it even a child from a rural area, let alone others.

Suffering must continue!For the sake of her life, she had no choice but to take office!

"After breakfast, the bamboo pots were filled with water, and they each took a few down the mountain. They joined the main force and continued to go to Longqing. Do what you can, don't think about how many you have to carry. The way down the mountain is not easy to walk. The water is heavy, and it will be more difficult to walk for a long time. I don’t want us to be exhausted before we meet the main force!”

When Qingyun said this, his expression was calm, which gave the old man's family a reassurance.

Or go to Longqing, the preparations must be done.Song Wenqian planned in his heart.

"How many fish are there in the pool? I caught all the dried fish and used them as dry food to eat on the way. There's still a month left in Longqing, and all the food that can be eaten along the way must have been dug up."

The situation is getting worse.

They have only stepped into the boundary of Longqing Mansion, and there are people who eat leaves and soil, so they have to be mentally prepared.

It has been dry for several months, and there has not been a drop of rain so far. It seems that the drought will continue.Longqing Mansion is a little dangerous!
"There are still more than a dozen fish," Qingyun estimated based on the size of the water pool, and Ningmei said: "The idea is good, but it is not suitable. The dried fish is too heavy, and everyone is hungry outside. Refugees, I'm afraid..."

Ants kill elephants.

Even if she can fight again, she will not be arrogant enough to fight a group of refugees alone.That's not being brave, it's courting death.

"Who asked you to put it on your body?" Song Wenqian shook his head amusedly, and glanced at the bamboo jar on the ground, "That's not something ready-made!"

Qingyun followed his gaze and looked at the bamboo cans on the ground, his eyes lit up, "You mean to use these bamboo cans for fish? This is a good idea."

Bamboo jars won't leak when they are buttoned up. When eating, find a place to hide in a remote forest, so no one should find it.

Thinking of this, Qingyun was instantly motivated, picked up the wooden gun from last night, and prepared to go fishing in the pool.

"Don't be in a hurry to catch the fish, you can bring water to burn first. You can't bring raw water. Drinking too much raw water is not good, and it's easy to have diarrhea." Song Wenqian felt that he couldn't drink too much raw water, and he couldn't tell the specific reason.

Song Wenqian's words reminded Qingyun, she had never seen it before and could imagine how many people died of famine after fleeing the famine all the way.

Where there are corpses, there will inevitably be plagues, and water is the easiest route to spread the virus.

Qingyun was annoyed. She still didn't think carefully. If she had thought that the bamboo pot could boil water earlier, she would have prevented everyone from drinking raw water yesterday.

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(End of this chapter)

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