Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 43 Eat All You Can't Take

Chapter 43 Eat All You Can't Take

Fortunately, they only drank for two days, the water in the pool was clean enough, and they were fine.On the way back, you have to pay more attention to water and food.

It is true that there is an old man in the family who has a treasure.Many things she didn't expect, the old man helped her think of.

To be able to meet the old man, and to hold on to it successfully, is simply a piece of shit luck!

So the old man has a quirky temper, and she can tolerate the matter of forcing her to read!
"I can't drink raw water. I'll fetch water and you'll burn it."

Qingyun didn't mention the plague at all, so as not to cause them panic.

Several people divided their work, and they were busy with each other.

The old man took Qingyun's dagger and made a lot of bamboo pots. In addition to water, he also had to hold dried fish.

Qingyun was fetching water, and when he passed the old man, he remembered something, stopped and asked, "Uncle, what is your surname?"

It's not good to always call people "Uncle" and "Uncle". If you want to escape from the famine in the future, you have to know what the old man's surname is.

"Young...Master...I can't...I can't..." This shocked the old man, his face turned pale, it could be seen that the old man was very frightened.

Qingyun didn't expect the old man's reaction to be so big, but he asked what his surname was, and didn't say anything taboo, how could he be so scared?Look back at the old man.

Song Wenqian understood the old man's fear.

He smiled and said, "You will call him Uncle Li and Muzi Li in the future. That's your Aunt Li, and this is your Uncle Li's daughter Orchid."

It's inconvenient to explain right now, another day he has to spread common sense with this kid!
He is a noble son, calling ordinary people "you" and "gui", but he must not scare people to death!

Although Qingyun didn't understand the powerful relationship, the old man would not harm her, so he nodded and said yes, keeping this matter in his heart and asking someday.

Busy and busy, most of the day has passed.

"I won't be able to leave today." Song Wenqian looked up at the sky and looked at the dried fish that had not been roasted much.

Qingyun glanced at the dried fish that only contained two bamboo cans, then glanced at the dozen or so fish piled up in the leaves, and the fish roasted on the fire...

The quantity is a bit large, and it will not be finished in half an hour, but it is good to be able to bake it today.

"Eat first, then bake when you're done."

Qingyun took her own scorched fish and bit it. She was hungry, and she didn't pay attention to those scorched things. It didn't matter if she was scorched, she could eat it.

Song Wenqian and Li Laohan's family also eat grilled fish, but they choose the burnt ones.I have to hurry up and finish the fish today, I don't have time to cook the fish.

After eating, Qingyun took the diabolo jar and went down to fetch water to wash up, and he came up and said to the crowd, "I'll see if I can catch all the fish, it would be a waste if I didn't catch them here, and it won't take long for the water in the pond to dry up. It won't be long. Take as much as you can, and eat everything you can't."

After a meal of fish, she has never been full, food is in short supply, and she is embarrassed to say that she is not full, it would be good to have something to eat.

Hungry, you won't die of hunger anyway.

Song Wenqian paused, knowing that Qingyun was not full, she had almost finished eating a few hundred catties of pythons, and one fish was not enough for her to stuff her teeth.

If it was just the two of them, Song Wenqian would definitely persuade him to eat more. With Old Man Li's family, the food had to be counted as Old Man Li's family.

"Okay, just do as you say."

He definitely agrees to have the conditions to feed Qingyun. This team is relying on him. If he falls, they will be completely ruined.

They can eat less, Qingyun can't, he must maintain a good state.

(End of this chapter)

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