Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 45 was attacked

Chapter 45 was attacked
The water ripples became more and more powerful, layer upon layer, pushing from the middle to both sides of the pool.

A big guy, appearing and disappearing from time to time, swam out of the cave at the bottom of the cliff, stirring the water surface to make a slight "crashing" sound, and slowly wandering in the pool.

The water surface is yellow and turbid and can't be seen clearly, but from the big guy occasionally showing his head and breathing on the water surface, it can be seen that it is a fish mouth.

Qingyun breathed a sigh of relief, it was not a snake.

From the head to the tail of the fish, it is about a meter or so, and it is indeed a big guy.

Qingyun smiled and added a mouthful, just as she was not full, it was almost the same after eating this fish.He stared at it with hot eyes, and then slowly slid down the bamboo ladder into the water.

The big guy seemed to have spirituality, and noticed that a powerful foreign enemy was coveting it, the fish head exposed on the water, circled around the pool, found nothing, shook his big tail, swam a few times leisurely, and then Ready to go back to the cave.

Afraid of disturbing the big guy, Qingyun moved slowly after entering the water, his eyes were fixed on it, he took a step, and when he saw that he didn't notice, he took another step. In this way, he walked slowly to the bottom of the cliff, grasped the wooden gun tightly, raised his arm, bent Waist stared at it.

The blue cloud is like a rock, standing there motionless.

The big guy who swam a few laps, had a good time, and slowly swam back towards the cave, sinking under the water.Qingyun couldn't see it, so she could only enter her hunting range based on the determined position of the swimming water pattern, and the wooden spear in her hand stabbed the fish head like lightning.

The big guy has thick skin and thick flesh, and Qingyun feels that it is difficult for the wooden gun to pierce the fish's head.

"So difficult to pierce?" Qingyun frowned, pressing down with both hands to pierce the fish skin.

Without waiting for Qingyun to continue to exert force, the big fish slammed its head hard, and the fish body rolled and twisted wildly in the water, stirring the water surface like boiling water, and the fish tail pumped on the surface of the water with a "pop" sound.

The wooden gun that had just pierced the skin of the fish was freed by it, the fish head sprang out of the water, saw the monster that attacked it, and then quickly sank to the bottom.

Qingyun wiped off the water splashed on his face, and his strength was quite strong, and he almost knocked her off just now.Staring at the slowly calm water, searching back and forth, no trace of the fish was seen.

I sighed in my heart: Has this fish become an essence?
Yu Guang saw that the head of the wooden spear was blunt. This wooden spear was considered useless. It couldn't pierce through it. It was useless to hold it. .

The pool is so big, except for the cave under the cliff behind her, there is nowhere to hide, after a few back and forth searches, I was stunned that I couldn't find it.

There was no ripple on the water surface, and it was really difficult to find it for a while. Qingyun thought about holding the wooden spear and stirring it wildly in the water to see if he could force it out.

"Where are you hiding?"

Qingyun stirred for a while, and the water in the pool became even more turbid, but there was no shadow of the fish.

Qingyun pursed his lips regretfully, and lost the best time, so it's hard to catch it.Looking at the water surface of the yellow pulp, it won't be clean for a while, so I just dropped the wooden gun and didn't catch it, and walked over to the bamboo ladder.

At this time, Qingyun's underwater leg was hit by a force, and she was caught off guard, and immediately stumbled, Qingyun subconsciously grabbed his hands to the side, and there was nothing on both sides.

With a "bang", he fell into the water, and the yellow muddy water was instantly poured into his mouth and nose.

Qingyun, who was soaked in the water, was stunned. He spat out the water in his mouth, but he couldn't react. He struggled to sit up and wiped the yellow muddy water on his face.

She was attacked!
(End of this chapter)

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