Chapter 46
Before she could stand up, her back was bumped again, and it felt as if her internal organs were displaced. The pain made her grin, tears bursting out, and she couldn't help but scolded "Damn".

Qingyun knew who attacked her!Who else but the dead fish? !
It is still a fish that must be reported to the gang.


After spitting out the yellow muddy water in her mouth, she was attacked by a fish twice in a row, and Qingyun became angry even if she was a Bodhisattva, not to mention her bad temper.

Supporting the bottom of the pool with both hands, kicking the bottom of the pool with both legs, like a skateboard, he quickly retreated until his back was against the wall of the pool, and his eyes searched back and forth vigilantly.

There are ripples on the water surface, spreading to the entire pool surface layer by layer.

Qingyun suddenly looked to the left, only to see a series of bubbles on the rippled water surface, popping up and disappearing.There are no ghosts of fish.

Looking to the right again, nothing.

"Is it fine?"

Qingyun murmured, staring at the water, wishing to see through the water and find the fish.I pinched the stinging calf bone, but luckily the bone wasn't broken.

"Master, what's the matter with you? Are you okay?"

After not seeing Qingyun for a long time, Song Wenqian called Orchid to come and have a look, but saw that the young master was covered in yellow water, sitting in a puddle, thinking that something had happened, and screamed in fright.

Hearing Orchid's scream suddenly, Song Wenqian's heart shuddered, and he ran over quickly, where he couldn't care about grilling fish.

Old Man Li followed closely behind.

"what are you doing?"

Song Wenqian looked up and down, and he was relieved to see that Qingyun was fine except for his awkward appearance.

Old Man Li also breathed a sigh of relief.

Qingyun was also startled by the sudden scream of the orchid, looked up at a few people, Yu Guang glanced at the water surface, didn't want them to worry, and said casually: "The weather is too hot, come down and make a bubble. What a fuss? Startled me. You are busy with your work, you will come up after soaking."

Lan Hua smiled embarrassingly, knowing that she was in trouble, and ran away without waiting for her father to train people.

Song Wenqian: "..."

Can he kill this damn boy?
"This water still needs to be drunk. How can everyone drink it after you take a bath?"

Song Wenqian was so angry that he glanced around the pool, found a stone the size of a slap, and threw it beside him.

"The water to drink has been filled with bamboo pots, and the water to be used is also ready..." Qing Yun defended with two sentences, Yu Guang glanced at the sudden movement of the water in front of him, and his pupils shrank.

"I know, I know, the bubbles are all soaked, and they will come up after a while. I'm busy with your work, don't worry about me." Qingyun perfunctory him and sent him away as soon as possible.

"What's good for soaking in yellow mud water, you don't think it's dirty, come up quickly." Song Wenqian didn't bother to care about him, his eyes fell on his waist, he was worried that the appointment documents were damaged by the blisters.

Qingyun waved his hand, indicating that he knew.

Seeing that Qingyun didn't understand what he meant, Song Wenqian had to ask, "Are you okay with your waist?"

"It's alright, it's alright! Go on with your business!" Qingyun didn't understand the old man's suggestion. He thought the old man was babbling, distracting her, annoying, and turned his head and roared.

Song Wenqian mistakenly thought that Qing Yun had read it and that the documents were all right, so that he could take a bath in peace, and went back with confidence.

There were no idle people waiting to interfere, and when Qing Yun looked forward again, the fish had already disappeared.

Qingyun rubbed his tongue against his teeth, turned his eyes to the side, and took out a dagger in his hand.

She is also the master who will be punished!

She has grown up so much, and she has never suffered such a loss. She is still a fish. If she doesn't find her way back, she has no face to say that she is from the Shangguan family.

So, today she had to kill the fish and eat it.

(End of this chapter)

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