Chapter 47 Drag in
After searching for a circle, but still no fish was found, Qing Yun was not discouraged, and continued to shoot back and forth on the water.

Suddenly, Qingyun's eyes were stagnant, and he finally found it.

On her left side, there is a water pattern that is different from other water patterns.The thin water lines are dizzy like circles. If you don't look carefully, you think they are water lines rippling in the water blown by the wind.

Qingyun clenched the dagger tightly and stared at it.Sure enough, the water pattern was slowly swimming towards her.

The eyes flashed fiercely, and Qingyun raised his dagger and stabbed towards that trajectory.


Qingyun clearly heard the sound of the dagger piercing the fish's body, but he didn't know whether it was the head or the tail of the fish.

Immediately, the water churned, and only the sound of "rushing" was heard.

During the tossing, Qing Yun could see clearly that it was a fat catfish, the fish twisted wildly, and like before, he threw off the dagger on his back.

Having learned from the previous experience, Qing Yun hugged the fish body and pressed the dagger down hard, stabbing it all into the fish flesh.

The big catfish struggled and tossed even more frantically. Qingyun followed it and rolled in the water non-stop. The yellow muddy water poured into her mouth and nasal cavity, and she poured it again immediately after spitting it out. She almost swallowed several times.

What was even more surprising was that the fish was so powerful that it almost lifted Qingyun down. Seeing that it couldn't get rid of the foreign object on his body, the fish tail slapped towards Qingyun.


Qingyun, who was caught off guard, was suddenly pumped, causing her to gasp in pain.


Spit out the yellow water in his mouth, Qing Yun subconsciously held it tightly to avoid being thrown off, and the other hand pulled out the dagger and stabbed the fish tail fiercely.

Let you smoke her!

One person and one fish were stirring and stirring in the water pool. The noise was a bit loud. The few people grilling fish in the open space heard it and looked at each other and glanced at the water pool.

"Master he..."

Knowing that he couldn't see the situation in the pool, Old Man Li still stretched his neck and looked around, then looked at Song Wenqian.

"That water... I can't drink it anymore, let him go!" Song Wenqian didn't change his face, and scolded Qingyun a few words in his heart.

It's no wonder that Dou Da's ignorant, ignorant and ignorant dude is talking about him.

There is still energy to play in the water, and the speed and number of literacy can be doubled again.

I really can't drink it. How can I drink it after taking a bath?Thinking of the bamboo pot filled with water, several people breathed a sigh of relief.

Or before today, they didn't dislike it. On the premise of clean water, who can drink bath water?
Mr. Song didn't talk about the young master, and the old man Li's family wouldn't even bother about it.

Qingyun didn't know the old man's plan, the water choked into his nose again, and he sneezed fiercely, without any warning, and a sense of badness came out of his heart.

Before she could think about it, she pulled out the dagger and stabbed it again.The big catfish that was mad in pain, after struggling frantically, still couldn't get rid of the foreign object, so he had to drag the foreign object and quickly fled back to its cave, so fast that Qingyun couldn't respond.

The more the catfish struggled and tossed, the more Qingyun held on tight, even if she was tossed and dizzy, she was fighting hard to win the fish.

When she returned to her senses, she realized that the surroundings were pitch-dark, she couldn't reach her fingers, and there was light behind her.

Qingyun noticed that she was swimming, the light behind her gradually dwindled, and it was getting farther and farther away from her, and soon it was only the size of a finger, and then there was nothing...

Qingyun was stunned for a while, only to realize that she was dragged into the deep pit under the cliff by the big catfish.

 Surprised? Unexpected?

  Does your baby feel that way? I went to the pond to catch fish during the Chinese New Year. The fish was too big and I didn’t catch it. I was almost thrown into the water by the fish (>﹏<)
(End of this chapter)

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