Chapter 48
Qing Yun was startled, panicked, and subconsciously wanted to let go and swim back.

She is not a fish, but she does not have the ability to breathe in the water. Outside the pool, she can still fight with the big catfish. In the water, she has only a dead end.

The thought flashed in her mind, she let go of her hand, held her breath, pulled out the dagger on the fishtail, and swam back in one breath.

I don't know how deep you have swum, can you swim back with this breath?

The cave was originally narrow, and with a stroke of the water, it hit the soil wall of the cave, and when the head was raised, it hit the top again, and there was no room to turn around.

She was taken by the big catfish to swim forward. If she wanted to swim back, she could only swim backwards.

Can't paddle, paddle and swim forward.He supported the walls on both sides with both hands and stepped back.She couldn't see what was going on behind her, she was swimming in the dark, sometimes hitting her leg, sometimes hitting her waist.

She bared her teeth in pain and felt that it had been a long time, as if she hadn't swum back very far, she looked behind her, and it was still pitch black.

What's more terrifying is that she can't hold her breath anymore...

Qingyun was impatient, endured the pain, and swam backwards regardless of the madness.She murmured in her heart that she was not compatible with the water. Before she came in, she was pushed into the water, and now she was dragged into the water by a fish...

Thinking about it is very frustrating.I was trapped by a fish, and I was so embarrassed to die.


"Huh? No sound?"

Orchid came back with a bundle of wild fruits, and listened carefully. There was really no sound in the pool.

When Aunt Li saw her daughter came back, she opened her mouth and trained her.
"I went to the wild, and I didn't see anyone for a long time. This is the old forest. You still think that you are the back mountain of the village. If you want to enter, you can enter. If you don't come to help, I don't see that everyone is so busy!"

Orchid is not afraid of her mother, and said with a smile: "Mother, what do you think I found?"

He handed over the Tengman in his hand and said, claiming credit, "I found the herbal medicine in the woods. The doctor in our village used this herbal medicine to treat wounds, headaches, and fever."

Hearing her say this, it seemed like a panacea.

Song Wenqian glanced curiously, but did not recognize him.I heard her say again: "This wild fruit is sour and spicy, and the grilled fish is tasteless, so it's just right for painting."

Aunt Li: "..." She said something, and the girl said a lot.

I don't know the herbal medicine, but the people in the wild fruit village use it often, but it can be painted on the fish.

Throwing the thing to her mother, Lan Hua glanced at the water pool and couldn't help but ran to her father's side, "Father, there is no more water, young master..."

Old man Li tugged at his daughter, stopped her unfinished words, and looked at Song Wenqian worriedly, "Mr. Song, young master he..."

"It's okay, the water isn't deep until it reaches his thighs, and no one can drown. When he's soaked enough, he'll come up naturally." Song Wenqian's face was indifferent, and he also muttered in his heart that Qingyun had been soaking for a long time.

He wanted to take a look at the situation, remembered the impatient look of the kid, and suppressed the mention of it.

The water isn't deep enough to drown people?
Song Wenqian comforted himself and listened carefully, but there was no sound.The heart that just fell is raised again, don't drown like the orchid guessed?
Song Wenqian was absent-mindedly grilling the fish, and his eyes kept glancing at the water pool.


Qingyun couldn't hold back, opened his mouth and poured water into his mouth.Up to now, she has tried her best, but she still can't escape the ending of death.

In the face of death, she was calm. She died this time. I wonder if there is such good luck to live again?
 Dongdong is also flustered, why are there so few votes, collections, comments, and investments?

(End of this chapter)

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