Chapter 457
The blood streak spread in the water, and the strong smell of blood spread in the water.

The boa constrictor hiding in the old nest, smelling the bloody smell outside, subconsciously wanted to rush out of the old nest, and swam to the entrance of the cave. I don’t know what to be afraid of, and retreated to the old nest again, "hissing", restlessly in the nest The disk spins.

Qingyun dragged the sheep deeper and deeper, the blood of the sheep was almost exhausted, and the boa constrictor was nowhere to be seen.

"It's not scientific!"

Qingyun muttered, the villagers only lost one or two pigs, and they didn't bleed as much as she did. The boa constrictor was found quickly following the smell of blood, and there was no reason why they couldn't find her here.

She was like a mermaid in the water, her legs swayed, and she rushed forward like an arrow off the string, unstoppable.I dragged the sheep to swim back and forth in the water for a few laps, but there was still no movement at all.

Qingyun clicked his tongue, the routine operation was not working, so she changed to an unconventional operation.

Close your eyes, feel the water, and gradually, that mysterious feeling came again.

It seems to be integrated with the water, she is the water, the water is her, people and water are one, the water is her eyes everywhere, and within the waters, she is the king.

"found it!"

Qing Yun curled his lips into a smile and swam down to the depths of the dam. It was almost 40 to [-] meters deep here, and the water got cooler the further you went downstream.

Qingyun had never swam so low before. He only searched for signs of boa constrictors, but he didn't notice the water plants more than one meter high growing under the dam. The water plants were the same color as the mud at the bottom of the dam.

Under the cover of aquatic plants, there is a one-meter-wide hole, deep and cold, dark like the mouth of a fierce beast, looking creepy and shuddering.

Qingyun pushed aside the water plants and walked over, revealing the hidden cave under the water plants, left the sheep behind, and crawled into the cave.

The boa constrictor hiding in the deepest part of its lair seemed to have sensed the danger, spitting out the snake star letter 'hiss hiss' in panic and uneasiness.It's already hiding here, why doesn't that terrifying existence let it go.

It is coming!
It's here!

The boa constrictor's big tail, because of the commotion, hit the wall violently, and the sound of "crack, bang, bang" echoed in the old nest.The entire body of the boa constrictor retreated desperately.

There is no passage behind, and there is no way to retreat.

Qingyun walked unimpeded all the way to the deepest part of the lair. This place is like a lobby, about ten feet in size and four or five meters high. As soon as he entered, he met the big snake head of the boa constrictor.

One person and one snake, relatively speechless, big eyes meeting small eyes, a dignified atmosphere gradually flows between one person and one snake.

One person and one snake did not move, allowing time to pass quietly.

Qingyun squinted slightly, moved, holding the dagger, step by step, like a tragic hero who generously went to justice, gone forever.

The evil spirit surged, and then condensed on her dagger.An invisible force moved towards the python in front.

Qingyun didn't notice anything, it doesn't mean the python didn't feel it.As soon as the momentum enveloped it, there seemed to be a mountain pressing on it, turning into a piece of cloth, tightly wrapping the whole body of the snake, and gradually shrinking.

The boa constrictor lowered its head gradually, spitting out the snake letter, and was about to beg for mercy.
Qing Yun thought that the boa constrictor opened its mouth and was about to devour her, so he rushed over with the dagger in his hand, kicked the ground, soared into the air, and stabbed the dagger at the seven inches of the boa constrictor.

For this knife, Qingyun used [-]% of his strength, the dagger was blessed with evil spirit, it was as sharp as an artifact, it easily pierced through the snake's skin, pierced into the snake's body, the whole dagger was submerged in, only the handle of the dagger remained outside.

Qingyun spun the dagger fiercely, pressed his palms on the handle, and pressed down hard, only to hear a 'pop' sound, and the dagger handle also entered the snake's body.

The boa constrictor, which has ruled the dam for over a hundred years, rolled and struggled on the ground like a caterpillar in pain. Before he could utter the words of begging for mercy, Qing Yun clenched his fist and threw it at the python's head. .

But Xu Yi, the boa constrictor was beaten to death by Qing Yun.

Qingyun slid down from the python's head, panting against the python, his arms were sore and limp, he rested for a moment, then stood up and stared at the python.

It was the first time to fight with this kind of fast-growing thing, which was exciting and dangerous. She was afraid that it would be over if she was not careful, so she didn't have any spare energy.

In retrospect, the lethality of the python is not worthy of the name, and it is completely incomparable with what I saw on TV.

Qingyun tilted her head, she didn't know why, she always had the illusion that the python didn't resist, as if asking for mercy
"Shangguan Qingyun, Shangguan Qingyun, are you stunned!"

Qing Yun patted his forehead, ya ya bah, she herself is not normal, which made her almost bewitched, a man-eating boa constrictor, begging for mercy?Think too much!
Qingyun meditated, regained his inner strength, watched the boa constrictor wondering what to do, and finally dragged it out of the boa constrictor's lair to swim back.

Here at the dam, because Qingyun didn't come back, everything was messed up.

The villagers in Xiagang Village, Shanggang Village saw with their own eyes a foreigner entering the water, and they didn't come out for half an hour after entering. They didn't need to think about it to know that the boy sacrificed to the belly of the river god.

Crazy wolf Tian Tara is going crazy.

"Master Qing, Master Qing"

"Master Qing, Master Qing is too messy!"

"I'm going to tell Mr. Song about this."

Crazy Wolf Tian Duoliang and the two turned around like ants on a hot pot, staring fixedly at the water surface, muttering frantically in their hearts: Master Qing, come back soon!Master Qing, come back quickly!

As time dragged on, the two couldn't wait any longer, and took their brothers into the water to find someone. They searched around the dam several times, but there was not even a hair.

"Master Qing~~~"

The two yelled across the water.

This time, Crazy Wolf Tian Duoliang and the two were really scared.

"Captain Bai, you guys are very skilled, hurry up and find someone in the water! If something happens to Mr. Qing, you don't have to worry about it." Tian Duoliang came out of the water to take a breath, seeing Captain Bai and the two indifferent He was trembling with anger, staring at him with fierce eyes.

What about the bodyguard?

Damn, Master Qing is nowhere to be seen, but the one named Bai can still stand there peacefully, as his personal bodyguard.The more I look at it, the more I feel that they are not good people with the surname Bai.

Bai Yanheng glanced at the people on the water surface, and Bai Shaojie from the corner of his eye, and the two of them flew towards the water surface of the dam little by little, like birds fluttering in fright, step by step, leisurely stepping on the water surface, startled. layer ripples.

The ignorant villagers still prostrated themselves on the ground, shouting loudly, praying for forgiveness from the river god.It would be best if all the outsiders were buried in the belly of the river god, saving their offerings.Thinking that if you know the three-legged cat kung fu, you can fight against the river god, you are overwhelmed!
The mind is really vicious!

Of course, the bride still has to give it away.

The few brides who managed to escape from death were recaptured by the villagers and thrown into the dam after singing the lyrics for the sacrifice.The bride's parents grabbed their daughter's hand and wept, the scene was so sad.

 Thanks to wmhjjf, 20170803001959532, U151865831, Lanlanlan 1999, 20210506152552291, the treasure is stupid, there are trees in the mountains, and the pool is late, back to the past, U1467407161, voted for the monthly ticket, okay?

  Thank you lhrgxf for the reward, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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