Chapter 458
Qingyun dragged the boa constrictor back, and this is what he saw. The mad wolf Tian Duoliang led his brothers to look for him like crazy.

"Master Qing~~"

When Crazy Wolf Tian Duoliang saw him coming back, they swam towards him with tears in their noses and tears.

After searching for so long, I didn't see anyone from Master Qing, thinking that Master Qing suddenly saw Master Qing who appeared out of nowhere, the two big men cried excitedly.

Bai Yanheng and the others who were searching for Qingyun's whereabouts on the water surface, heard the cries of the mad wolf Tian Duoliang behind them, turned around and flew back, and arrived at Qingyun's side before the mad wolf Tian Duoliang, looked at him calmly, and glanced under his arm The object in the sandwich, the eyes are fixed.

That thing was actually beaten to death by him.

"Go up first, and then go up if you have something to say."

Qing Yun glanced over and saw that the brothers were a little tired, so it could be seen that they had been in the water looking for her for a long time, so he nodded to signal that the brothers all went to the dam.

Except for Bai Yanheng and Bai Shaojie, none of the brothers happened and Qingyun still had something.

Qingyun asked the brothers to go first, and she stayed behind, and when she saw a brother falling off the chain, she went to push it, and when all the brothers had reached the edge of the dam, she was the last to swim up.

As soon as the villagers threw the bride into the dam, they saw that all the foreigners who went into the water to find someone had swam back and were about to climb up the dam.

Today's sacrifice went very, very badly. Accidents occurred again and again, delaying the good time to send the bride to the River God. The River God will definitely be furious!

The monstrous anger of the River God was not something they could bear.

What's even more detestable is that this group of outsiders would do anything without saying a word, and bully their locals.

Troubles come out of poor mountains and evil waters!
This is absolutely true, even the girls they watched growing up are willing to let go, let alone foreigners.

The villagers looked at each other, lowered their eyes, and there was a frenzy of malice in their eyes. They suddenly became angry, and they took a hoe and a pole to block the dam, not allowing them to come up.

Floods occur everywhere in Handong County. It is not a matter of how many people drowned and dozens of foreigners disappear.

If someone asked, they would say that they were drowned, and there was a flood in the village!
When they saw that the boy who was the first to go into the water was still alive, they were shocked, feared and hated, and all kinds of emotions were intertwined, causing the faces of the villagers to distort ferociously.

Why is he not dead?

Why is he still alive?

Why didn't the river god swallow him?
Why is God so unfair, they stood here, but the river god devoured them, and this young man has been in the water for an hour, why didn't the river god eat him?
Thinking of the offerings they make every year and the brides they give every ten years, I can't hide my vicious thoughts.

go to hell!
go to hell!
Give me all to die!
Crazy wolf Tian Duoliang and the others never imagined that the villagers dared to stop them from going up the embankment, all of them were fierce, with cold eyes, staring at the villagers as if they were dead, and raised their big knives.

They are not good people, those who want them to die, they don't care whether you are a commoner or not, and they will not show mercy to those who want them to die.

The atmosphere was tense and tense like never before.

Seeing that a bloody battle is about to take place between the two sides, it is still an overwhelming one-sided killing...

Bai Yanheng and Bai Shaojie tapped the water surface with their toes, waved their sleeves, passed the crowd elegantly, landed on the dam, and swept the wind with their palms at the same time.



There was a sound of falling water, and the villagers fell into the dam like dumplings falling into a pot, leaving a large open space on the embankment of the dam.

This scene happened so fast, not to mention the villagers were stupid, even the crazy wolf Tian Duoliang and the others were stunned.

The brothers reacted quickly, taking advantage of the villagers not recovering, they climbed up the dam and looked at the villagers in the dam on the embankment and sneered.

Feng Shui turns, and now it's their turn to stop people.

Qing Yun, who was standing in the water not far away, always felt that he had forgotten something, and when he heard the sound of "plop" falling into the water, he suddenly widened his eyes in astonishment, cursed softly, dropped the python, and plunged into the water .

In the muddy water, several brides were sinking to the bottom, Qing Yun could clearly see that the mad struggle of the brides was in vain, a string of blisters overflowed from their mouths or nasal cavities.

Qingyun gritted his teeth viciously, and blinked to the brides.Fortunately, the brides were not dead, and they were still angry. They waved their daggers and threw them one by one from the water to the water.

A girl who weighs dozens of kilograms is so light in Qingyun's hands, which does not conform to scientific principles at all.

Of course, as far as Qingyun's strange ability is concerned, science can't explain it. No matter how weird things happen to her, the more times they happen, the more common they become.

Once thrown, it was thrown into the air, and if it fell again, it would fall into the water. It was better than drowning if it didn't die.

The villagers regained their senses in the water, screaming and screaming, and climbed up the embankment like crazy, regardless of whether you are from the same village or whether you are relatives, they tried their best to climb on the people in front of them.

No one is as important as their own life.

The narrow-minded crazy wolf Tian Duoliang and the others didn't kill the villagers, they simply took revenge. When they saw someone coming up, they kicked them down, forget it if they didn't see it, and the villagers made a profit.

Qingyun came out of the water and saw their bad behavior, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he shouted at Bai Yanheng on the embankment: "Captain Bai, pick someone up!"

The bride who fell from the sky was thrown back to the dam by Qingyun like a ball.

Bai Yanheng didn't make a move, Bai Shaojie and the others took it, and slapped the girls on the backs, slapping the water out of their throats, and put them aside.

When the bride's parents saw their daughter, they rushed over and cried heart-rendingly: "My poor daughter~~, you died so badly~~ How hard is your life~~"

Same as mourning.


After losing the girl, Qingyun plunged into the water again. It's a pity that such a thick boa constrictor is lost, so it must be fished up, and some water will be collected by the way.

The embankment was trampled on by the villagers, and there was already a hole the size of a millstone, and no one noticed that the water was overflowing.

This time, Qingyun collected it on purpose, not just a trickle like before.

The water flow in the dam is like a river bursting its embankment, rolling in with turbulent waves; it is also like a galloping horse, carrying thunder and roaring.

Qingyun closed his eyes, and saw a cloudy water ball the size of a fist in his mind.Yes, it's not a water drop but a water polo. It rolls round and round. Every time it rolls, the water polo gets bigger. It doesn't stop until the water polo rolls to the size of a watermelon.

She couldn't stop, her mind was full of pain, although she used her brain too much, that is to say, her mental power was consumed too much, and she couldn't stop it even if she wanted to.

When I opened my eyes, I felt that my energy had been drained, and my whole body was weak.Fortunately, she couldn't drown in the water, so she dragged the boa constrictor limply up.

 Thank you Cangu, Xiaoyan, Tingfeng, Min, 161117204038710, 110921115305167, voted for the monthly ticket, okay?

  Thanks to jly69, Peiyo, for the reward, okay?
(End of this chapter)

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