Chapter 514
The banquet ended in the middle of the night, drunk a little too much, Qingyun shook his head, wobbled and was about to go back to the tent, Liang Po, who was a little drunk, called to stop Qingyun who was about to leave.

"Guan Yun, the night is fine tonight, let's go, let's go for a walk in the woods."

I was so excited after drinking that I couldn't fall asleep for a while. When I heard that Liang Po and the others were going to go hunting at night, they all booed and wanted to follow.

"You guys go, I won't go, I'm very dizzy."

Qingyun waved his hand and refused on the pretext of being drunk. Liang Po, Zhao Yu and the others were a little regretful that Guanyun would not go, and then rode into the woods.

Qingyun returned to the tent, drank the hangover soup prepared by Captain Bai, meditated and practiced exercises to get rid of the alcohol in his body, and opened his eyes to see Bai Shaojie who had gone out came back.

"Master, here is the map of the hunting ground." Seeing that Qingyun woke up, Bai Shaojie handed him a map.

This map was drawn by Bai Shaojie, Bai Qi and the others after traveling all over the hunting grounds.

The map is drawn in great detail, with valleys, slopes, forests, guard posts of officers and soldiers all on it.Qingyun's eyes scanned the map inch by inch, a small part of the map coincided with the place she went to, and other places were all unfamiliar.

After Qingyun wrote down the map, he handed it to Bai Yanheng, "Captain Bai, write it down too."

"Bai Qi and the others have written it all down." Captain Bai glanced at it, threw the map to Bai Shaojie, and signaled him to go out and find a chance to burn it.

"Have Taohua and the others returned to the inn?" Before going to sleep, Qing Yun remembered this and asked Captain Bai.

When they arrived at the camp, Qingyun found that except for her maidservant, the others including the prince did not bring a maidservant to wait on them, so she could only send Taohua and the others back.

Can she still be more noble than the prince?


At daybreak, the campsite suddenly sounded the sound of a "woo woo woo" horn. Qing Yun, who was still sleeping late, was awakened, thinking that something had happened, he was not awake, and subconsciously rushed outside.

"Master, it's the horn of the camp." Bai Yanheng, who was guarding the tent door, immediately grabbed Qing Yun's wrist to stop him from rushing out.

Qingyun conditioned reflex to block, the two exchanged two moves, Qingyun finally came to his senses, and each stopped.

Qingyun rubbed his face, scolded MMP a few words in his heart, raised the crack of the tent and looked out, none of those dignitaries ran out to look, but they were really patient.

"What are they blowing the horn for?" Qingyun figured it out, the one blowing the horn must be someone from the Jingji Camp, and the officers and soldiers of the Wucheng Division and Yamen were also woken up, swearing outside.

"Shao Jie went to inquire about news, and he will be back soon." Bai Yanheng reported sternly, which made Qing Yun look at him twice more.

Qingyun lowered the curtain of the tent, washed up, and Bai Shaojie came back.

"The horn blowers are from the military aircraft battalion. When I went there, I saw that they were releasing people in cages, throwing away some food, and driving them into the woods."

Qingyun raised his eyebrows, and he was let out, and he was going to hunt today.

"Tell Bai Qi and the others to be careful, our good days are coming to an end."

Qing Yun stretched her waist, the Hongmen Banquet has been confirmed, and she doesn't know what dangers are waiting for her ahead, nothing more than assassination, sneak attack, and framing.

After Qingyun finished his breakfast, he stayed in the tent for a while. When he went out, the sun was high, and many rich and powerful children also came out of the tent. They gathered together in twos and threes. They were talking about something, and they looked very excited.

Qingyun glanced around, the cages were all empty, except for the hunters like them, there was no prey in the camp, and they were probably driven into the forest by officers and soldiers.

Not long after, the princes came out.

I don't know when, a high platform was built next to the camp, and a gong and drum was set up on the high platform. A guard went up and beat it, and everyone in the other place looked over.

The initiator of this hunt, the second prince, walked up to the high platform with royal dignity, and the people scattered around the camp slowly walked towards the high platform.

Qingyun also walked over.

"Everyone here knows that this is a hunt. I want to tell you that this hunt is different from the past. In the past, everyone hunted wild animals in the royal hunting grounds. This time, the prey we hunted is not wild animals.

Presumably what the prey is, you should have a guess in your heart.That's right, it's what you think in your heart, have you seen those cages?All the prey have entered the forest, what are you waiting for?
Go, boys of my Dayong Dynasty!Whoever hunts the most prey, Bengong and several brothers of Bengong, will have a big gift for No.1, and whatever you want can come true. "

After the second prince's passionate words, the camp sounded the horn again, but this time it was a charge horn.

The crowd was quiet for a few seconds, and suddenly burst into screams, not from fear, but from excitement.Excited and screamed a few times, the swarm dispersed, and soon a group of rich and powerful children on horseback with bows and arrows rushed into the forest with a 'ohhhhhhhhhhhhh' horse.

When most of the people entered the forest, Qingyun rode slowly into the forest, and was about to choose a direction at will, when he heard Liang Po's voice from behind.

"Guan Yun, let's go together!"

Apart from Liang Po, Zhao Yu and the others are all behind.

"You guys... why are you still here?" Qingyun was surprised, there were so many people just now, she didn't notice Liang Po and the others, she thought they followed the crowd into the forest.

"That's not waiting for you, we are good brothers!" Liang Po rolled his eyes at Guan Yun, what he didn't say was that he was slow because he asked his elder brother about the situation.

Zhao Yu and the others were slow for the same reason.

"Go, they are all gone, let's catch up quickly."

Liang Po, Zhao Yu and the others immediately drove their horses into the forest. There were only so many prey, unlike in the royal hunting ground, where the wild beasts could be driven out from the depths of the forest after hunting.

Qingyun walked slowly behind them, and before he got too far into the forest, he heard screams from far away in the forest, as well as the excited screams of the rich and powerful children who had hunted their prey.

Several people looked at each other and ran over there, only to see a few corpses on the ground, and each corpse was missing a pair of ears.

"Which bastard got lucky, it's a good start! Let's go, brothers, brothers, you can't be compared." Liang Po poohed, looked around, and rushed towards the place where the prey might be the most.

Qingyun calmly glanced at the corpses on the ground. They were dressed similarly, so it was hard to tell whether they belonged to mines or refugees and beggars?
After Qingyun crossed over, he never deeply realized that in a dynasty where imperial power is supreme, human life is not as cheap as weeds.

After Qingyun finished sighing, Liang Po, Zhao Yu and the others had already run away and disappeared. After thinking about it, they chose to go in the opposite direction.

After running the horse for a day, Qingyun beat a few hares, he was hungry at noon and did not go back, so he roasted and ate it, and found a shady place to sleep when he was full, and then continued to wander in the woods. He wanted to wait until it was dark After that, I went back to the camp to rest, and after thinking about it, I couldn't go back.

 Thanks to Peiyo, zl, Mo Yannian, ~"Brahma Heart Returns to Dust"~, Chen Rong, ss7010130, baby【】Rong Rong, Min, Feifei, Zui Xianzhong, 081012070446148, Huaduoduo 2, Xingchen Vera , I voted for a monthly ticket, okay?

  Thank you son for visiting the brothel together and giving rewards, Peiyo, jly69, okay?
(End of this chapter)

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