Chapter 515
The hunting ground is very large, and it is more difficult to meet the rich and powerful children after they enter the forest and disperse. At least Qing Yun has not met a single person during his daytime wandering.

"Which direction are Liang Po, Zhao Yu and the others?" Qing Yun asked.

In the afternoon, I hunted two pheasants, found a place with running water, plucked and cleaned them, and added the prey I killed in the morning, and roasted them on the fire. Qingyun didn't know how to do beggar chickens, and he didn't have any materials.

"Two hills to the east, Liang Po, Zhao Yu, and the others are there." Bai Yanheng understood Qingyun's intention, and continued: "There are people in the east, west, south, and north of this forest.

There are two groups of people five miles to the north, about 40 to [-] people; three groups of people about [-] people in eight miles to the south; and a group of more than a dozen people to the west. "

Today is the first day of hunting, and the refugees are only two or three hours ahead of them in the woods, and they can't run far.In addition, the refugees had been starving for a while, had no physical strength, and had to avoid hunters during the day, and they couldn't run far in hiding.

Except for the refugees who didn’t know the terrain at the beginning and were hunted and killed, the other refugees, miners and beggars all fled to the mountains.

The prey hides, making the hunt more difficult but more exciting.

Many people had the same thoughts as Qingyun, instead of going back to the camp, they would find a place to spend the night after dark so that they could continue hunting the next day.

Qingyun Mingmian only brought a dozen people to the hunting grounds, and later he gave half of them to send Taohualihua and the others back, but the brothers who went back did not come.The remaining seven, after deducting Qingyun, Bai Yanheng and Bai Shaojie, there are only four brothers, and these four brothers have the best physical fitness and the best ability to run.

The secret guard followed quite a few, Qing Yun didn't know the exact number, only Bai Yanheng and Bai Shaojie knew that they both knew.

"The west side is the least crowded. Compared with the other three directions, the west side is relatively safe for us. Rest for one night, bypass them tomorrow and go west." Qing Yun said.

Qingyun and the others were divided into three groups, and they took turns to stand guard. The sky was bright, and a group of seven of them quietly bypassed the group in the west and continued to walk west.

For the first three days, Qingyun and the others avoided other people. They hunted only hares and pheasants. They didn’t kill a single person. They didn’t hunt much, and they scared away the prey. One to eat, nothing to spare.

On the fourth day, on a mountain top, Qingyun and the others suddenly met a group of resting teams, the leader Qingyun had the impression that they were all children of the rich and powerful.The people over there also saw Qingyun and the others, they didn't know what to say, and then they smiled and waved warmly.

Qingyun was about to respond to the person opposite, when the group of rich and powerful children on the opposite side suddenly attacked and shot cold arrows at them, Qingyun and the others were not prepared at all, and they were caught off guard.

"Damn it, what are they doing? Get out!" Qing Yun yelled at him while waving the big knife in his hand, splitting the arrows that were coming at him.

Fortunately, there were only a few people in their team, and the mountains and forests were full of trees, so they could hide behind the trees casually.

The most obvious target is Qing Yun. She is riding a horse, and it is difficult to avoid it in the mountains.

"Brothers, retreat first!"

The hero does not suffer from immediate disadvantages, there are many people on the other side, Qingyun yelled, and stepped back while intercepting the arrow, and when he left the shooting area of ​​the opposing team, he changed his way, Qingyun got off his horse, with gloomy eyes.

"Captain Bai, what do you think about this?"

Qingyun looked at the horse's hoof, and was shot by an arrow in the left front hoof, and the horse's buttock was also shot by an arrow. After running for a while, it could be seen that the horse's leg was limping, and it was no problem for a rider to walk slowly. Hunting and running could not work.

This horse is useless.

Abandoning the horse, the group of them continued to retreat. Without the dragging horse, Qingyun and the others ran much faster.

Qingyun doesn't believe that group of people don't know her, she hangs out with Liang Po and Zhao Yu every day, dare not say that all the rich and powerful children in the capital know her, at least all the rich and powerful children who come to the camp know her.

She is not a prey, even if you know her, you dare to shoot an arrow at her...

 That's all for today...

(End of this chapter)

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