Chapter 52

Qingyun ate half of it and slowed down.She really didn't want to study, and when she saw those words, she felt like reading a book from heaven.

Procrastinate if you can, if you can't.

Song Wenqian anticipated his bearishness early, stared at him, and when he saw that he was deliberately delaying time, he coughed to remind him.

Qingyun has a thick skin and eats slowly and calmly, as if he didn't hear Song Wenqian's cough.You don't know, she doesn't know.

Song Wenqian glared at him in vain, but Qingyun didn't look at him, so angry that he stabbed Qingyun in the back with a wooden stick, Qingyun gasped in pain, and was almost caught by a fishbone.

"What are you doing? What about eating? You won't be allowed to eat, so how can you learn?" Qingyun held the bamboo jar like a flea, twisting to avoid the old man's stick.

What a devil!
"Don't give me this set, eat it quickly! If you don't finish it within a quarter of an hour, the task will be multiplied five times." Song Wenqian stabbed a few times but missed it, dropped the stick, and ruthlessly multiplied the content five times. .

Qingyun wailed and screamed, trying to make the old man soften.Song Wenqian was indifferent and didn't even give him an eyelid.

Qing Yun said "tsk", thinking that Old Man Song was cruel.I didn't dare to touch the fish, so I speeded up to eat, and almost choked her to death.

The old man Li's family of three looked at him in shock, stunned, and ate forty or fifty fish.

My mother, no wonder Mr. Song called the young master a "rice bucket". They thought that the young master's appetite was a little bigger than ordinary people, but they didn't expect...

The loss is that the young master was born rich and did not worry about food and clothing.In a family like them, the family's rations for a year are not enough for him to eat for a month.

Curiously, he looked at the young master, and then at his flat stomach. Where did all the fish go?
Then the three old man Li's family were ashamed and moved. The young master has such a big appetite and eats so little on weekdays. It is all because of the burden on their family that the young master has not eaten enough, so he saved the food for their family.

After eating the fish, Qingyun wiped his mouth, and the old man Li asked, "Young master, are you full? Should I burn some more fish?"

"No need, I'm full." Qingyun sighed and walked to Song Wenqian's place, breaking a wooden stick in his hand, and studying without love.

Song Wenqian didn't finish today's teaching until the sun went down, the sky was dark, and the words on the ground could not be read clearly.

Qingyun rubbed his sore wrists and practiced calligraphy for an afternoon. His hands were sore and swollen, and he was still retracing what he had just learned in his mind.

"Old man, that's not right. I finished eating the fish within the stipulated time. Why do I still teach so much? It's more than the past few days."

Qing Yun later realized that what she learned today was beyond her imagination.

No wonder the brain is confused.

Only reacted now.

"What are you doing this afternoon?" Song Wenqian asked.

"No," Qingyun shook his head, all the fish were caught, and there was no excuse to go into the water.

"You have nothing to do, why don't you study? Isn't it boring to spend time with nothing to do? An inch of time is worth an inch of gold."

Qingyun rolled his eyes, how could he be bored?She strolled around the neighborhood, digging out the bird's nest by the way, and passed by in the afternoon.

"You don't know what's going on yourself? How much do you know about the common sense that even a three-year-old child knows? Don't hurry up and learn more. When you get there, have to do those things yourself."

The old man Li's family is here, and some words are inconvenient for their family to know.

(End of this chapter)

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