Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 53 Long Pain is worse than Short Pain

Chapter 53 Long Pain is worse than Short Pain
Qingyun: "..."

Every time Song Wenqian took this to talk about something, he just pinched her pulse, and pinched it exactly.

Yes, she can't say enough about the old man if she doesn't read much.Learning less and learning more is learning, anyway, there is no escape.Learn less, and the painful time will be prolonged; learn more, and the painful time will be shortened.

So, long pain is worse than short pain!
Qing Yun can only think so.

"'Orchid came back from picking herbs today. If you have a fever due to trauma, you can help pound the medicine, pound it into ointment, and carry it in a bamboo jar. Only you can do the physical work."

Song Wenqian didn't say much, and waved her to do something.Simple-minded, brute force, only suitable for those rough jobs.

"She still understands herbal medicine? This girl is amazing!" Qingyun praised with admiration, rubbed his wrists, and walked towards Old Man Li's family.

Physical labor is fine for her.

"No need, young master, our family can finish this work."

Li Laohan naturally heard Mr. Song's words and waved his hand to refuse.Mr. Song can instruct the young master to work, but their family can't.

Old Man Li was already pounding the medicine. The medicine trough was a bamboo pole split in two, and the medicine hammer was a wooden stick with a thick wrist.

There are already mashed herbs in the medicine tank, green and gooey, and there are still unmashed branches and leaves mixed in it, and a medicinal smell is dissipated.
"This is time-consuming and laborious. When your family is done, you don't have to sleep anymore. You have to leave early tomorrow morning, and everyone should sleep well tonight. I have a lot of strength, and making medicine is the most suitable for me. Finish early and go to bed early. It's so noisy that I can't sleep!"

The refusal of the old man Li was speechless.Pounding the medicine is a work of strength, and the medicine trough is made of bamboo poles, which makes it unavoidable to make a loud noise.

Qingyun took over the work of making medicine and sat down on the spot. Anyway, the robe on her body was out of shape, and there was nothing to be particular about.

"Where is Uncle Li's house? Are there many people who escaped?" When he was idle and bored, and seeing that the old man Li was very restrained, Qingyun pulled him to chat.

"My hometown is in Yunzhou. At the beginning of the drought, the people in the village didn't take it seriously. There is a big water pool in the back mountain of our village.

Haven't done it?Could it be that the pool is connected to the underground river?
"What happened later?" Qingyun asked.

"After a month of drought, the village chief found that the water in the pool was the same every day. After two months, half of the water fell, and the villagers began to worry. The village chief sent people to inquire about the situation. He heard that many places were noisy. It's a drought, and it's very violent."

"On the road, there are people fleeing the famine one after another, with their families and their families. The village chief sent people to inquire, and I heard that there has been no rain for four or five months, the ponds are dry, the rivers are dry, and the well water is also dry. After it's done, I drag my family and escape from the famine."

"There are far-sighted people in the village who also fled. A small number agree, but most are unwilling to leave. They say that there is water in the pool. Maybe it will wait for the last month, will the situation improve or it will rain?"

Qingyun understood that it was not easy to escape from the famine in ancient times, and he accidentally died halfway.There is water and food at home, and those who can survive will definitely not want to leave. The ancients paid attention to returning leaves to their roots.

"Our family came out first, followed by the village chief's sons and the village's several households, and dispersed halfway." Old man Li sighed, not knowing what happened to those people in the village, whether they survived or not. ?
There are a few lucky enough to meet noble people and survive like theirs.

If they hadn't met the young master, their family of three would have died in the broken temple.

(End of this chapter)

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