Crossing straight to the blue sky

Chapter 54 The Treasure Old Man

Chapter 54 The Treasure Old Man
Before dawn, Qingyun and his party woke up, and they caught the remnants of the fire. They ate two grilled fish each, carrying bamboo stalks on their backs, carrying bamboo blue, and hurrying under the dim moonlight.

Qingyun is strong, carrying a bamboo louver on his back, carrying a bamboo louver, and hanging a bamboo blue around his neck. The handle is made of cloth, so the neck is not very painful.

Taking advantage of the dark and not hot, the big guys hurry on the road, no one makes a sound, they are full and sleep well, their energy is very good, even Song Wenqian can walk very fast.

There is no sense of direction in the deep mountains and old forests, and it is easy to get lost.Qingyun doesn't know where Longqing Mansion is, nor does Old Man Li's family.

At this time, Song Wenqian's benefits were shown. He looked up at the sky, and then asked Qingyun to climb a tree to describe the surrounding geographical location and what mountains were in the distance. Then they followed his instructions.

"Old man, in which direction is Longqing Mansion?"

Qingyun jumped down from the tree, picked up the dead branches on the ground, and drew the nearby terrain.

The group of them had long since strayed from the dry riverbed and had been walking in the woods for five days, except for the mountains and trees.

Qingyun climbed up the tree to see that the forest was still endless.

They had eaten one third of the fish they brought, so we still ate them sparingly, eating two or three pieces of dried fish at a time, and looking for wild fruits to satisfy our hunger.

The water was even more reluctant to drink, and I was so thirsty that I took a sip.That's it, it's much better than escaping from the famine before, at least you can eat something for a meal, and no one will complain.

When Song Wenqian was studying the orientation, the old man's family of three went to the neighborhood to find wild fruits or edible wild vegetables.

After Song Wenqian finished his research, he looked around the forest, pointed to the east, and said, "From there, it will take about two or three days to turn to the main road. We will go after a rest."

Qingyun glanced at the mountains, forests, and valleys she had painted, then looked up at the sky and saw nothing. She smiled and leaned over to the old man and asked, "Old man, where did you see it?"

This ability is so powerful that Qingyun is so greedy.This has to be learned, she no longer has to worry about getting lost in the mountains and finding her way back.

In the past, when she went to the mountains to play, she had to come back from where she came from, otherwise, she would be 100% lost.

So every time she went into the mountain, the old man was worried. He insisted on asking someone to follow him. He was worried that if he entered the mountain, he wouldn't be able to come back, and his daughter would be left in vain.

Looking at the terrain and drawing a map, Yuan Ye Song Wenqian gave Qingyun a course.No, the three sutras have not been completed, and the following courses have been delayed.

He was also worried about teaching too much all of a sudden, Qingyun was disgusted with learning, so he didn't teach,

Now that Qingyun came up to ask, Song Wen was moved, and his face did not show any color. He held a wooden stick on the map that Qingyun had drawn, and filled it up several times.

Qingyun looked left and right, and the map was familiar, as if he had seen it before, and pointed at the stick, "This is?"

"Didn't see it?" Song Wenqian pointed the stick in his hand on the place where Qingyun had drawn it. "This is where we are now. From here, it's the road we've traveled until we reach the ruined temple."

Qingyun widened his eyes in shock, and asked incredulously, "Have you memorized it all? Did you draw it all?"

Then I carefully studied the map, not to mention the previous days, the place I walked yesterday, Qingyun still had an impression, after careful comparison, I found that it was exactly the same.

"You cow!" Qingyun looked at him admiringly with a thumbs up.

This is a treasure old man!Surprise you from time to time.

 Chapter [-] today, are you surprised?Are you surprised?
(End of this chapter)

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