Chapter 525
Li Futai shouted in his heart: What he wants is that you have no way out!

Whoever asked you to come to Qishan, Dayong Dynasty has a vast territory, you can't go anywhere, just find a county to stay, and keep your life safe, but you have to go to the Palace of the King of Hell, no one is to blame.

Who are the bandits who besieged and killed you?He has to ask Shibazhai carefully, why is it so useless, everyone has fallen into their hands, and they didn't hack you to death, are you a shit eater?

The resentment, resentment and aggrieved Li Futai's heart cannot be expressed!
This kid's life is as tough as the weeds on the side of the road, how can he not be killed!

"My lord, I heard that all the food of the people in Qishan was confiscated by bandits. This kind of robbery happened under your nose. They are lawless, and they don't take you and the court too seriously.

Hit me into the city, and I heard the people sing that you are a good official, that you are the master of the blue sky, that you are dedicated to the people, that you are just and honest, and that you are a model for all the officials in the Dayong Dynasty. The whole Weiyang is flourishing under your governance.

My lord, last winter, the people in Qishan had no food to survive the winter, and many of them froze to death. Please open a warehouse to release food and save the people of Qishan! "

Qingyun grabbed Li Futai, cried poorly, mourned and mourned, then put a high hat on him, and finally looked at him pitifully asking for something, with an expression that he trusted him very much.

Li Futai was highly praised by Qingyun, he never knew that he was so good in the hearts of the common people, and his gaze was finally pleasing to the eye, but it sounded wrong, and when he heard this kid brazenly asking for food, he felt a twinge in his heart Shen.

Squinting his eyes, he looked at him carefully, and didn't see the strange color on his face, he really thought so.

No wonder he doesn't like him, listen to what he said, can people like it?I don't know how to look at people's faces at all, it's strange to like it!
"." Li Futai opened his mouth, and suddenly found that he didn't know the name of Qishan County Magistrate, so he was embarrassed.

"Xiaguan Qingyun." Qingyun was quick-witted this time, and immediately saw Master Li's embarrassment, and immediately reported his name.

"Qingyun, you just took office, and you don't know many laws of the imperial court. The granary can't be opened casually. It must be opened in a famine year or a natural disaster year. And even if the imperial court orders it to release grain, the rest of the time Anyone who releases food will be punished as treason.”

The implication is that Qingyun forced him to release food, he was forced to die, do you have the heart?

Qingyun pursed his lips, and the light of hope in his eyes faded a bit.

"Weiyang is not as good as Jiangnan, but it can be regarded as a large grain producing area. Jinlan, Xiaopangu, etc. This area has beautiful mountains and rivers, and the land is fertile. As long as people work hard, they will not starve to death. Don't mention the matter of food distribution."

He even thinks that the food collected is not enough, and he still releases the food, what good thing is he thinking?
Qing Yun struggled for a few seconds, hesitated for a few breaths, as if he had made some heavy decision: "Since the food cannot be released, I respectfully ask you to send troops to suppress the bandits, kill a bandit without leaving any behind, and let the bandits hear your name." The shit is out of the water, to promote the prestige of your lord, to uphold the righteousness of my Dayong Dynasty.

If you leave it alone, when they become a climate, a mere poor Qishan will not be able to satisfy their appetites, and Jinlan Xiaopangu will definitely be the next target of the bandits, thus threatening your safety, I feel uneasy, and it will also affect your official career .

I will never let such a miserable thing happen to you.My lord, I would like to do my best to serve my lord till the end of my life. My lord, please send troops to suppress the bandits, and return Weiyang and Qishan to a sunny day. "

Qingyun first had an expression of hatred towards the bandits, then he lifted his robe and knelt down, staring at him with stern eyes.

Please look at her real eyes, everything she says and does is for him, there is absolutely no selfishness at all.

Li Futai's face twitched so hard that he almost vomited three liters of blood.Since he became an official, no one has forced him to such an extent.

Shuzi, damn it!
The handsome man and his staff members gasped, this kid is quick-spoken, he can talk like a joke, he first praises the adults and then threatens the adults, who gave him the courage?
Tired of living!

Li Futai stared at Qingyun with dark eyes, suddenly smiled, and took a step forward to help him up.

"You're right. Those bandits really can't be let go. But this matter has to be considered in the long run. Suppressing bandits is not an easy task. Do you know where the bandits' lair is?"

Qingyun shook his head.

"Then do you know how many bandits there are? Where do they usually run?"

Qingyun still shook his head.

"Look, it's not that I don't send troops to suppress the bandits, because I don't have any intelligence, even if I send troops to suppress the bandits, it's a waste of time, and it's a waste of time.

The bandits are as cunning as a fox, and they are as cunning as a rabbit. This time they surprised them, and they will be nowhere to be found next time.The bandits are all cruel and inhumane, if they blame the people of Qishan for suppressing the bandits..."

Li Futai squinted at him, Qingyun understood the unfinished meaning in the words.

Qingyun's eyes widened in shock, and he had an expression of disbelief only after he understood, and stammered: " mean...they..."

Li Futai nodded sadly, and said heartbrokenly: "That's what you think. Qingyun, you are still too young, many things can't be seen on the surface, and you have to look at the overall situation."

Tian Duoliang, who was standing behind, rolled his eyes, and was so disgusted to hear his words that he felt very ashamed of his behavior.

Wasn't he the one who colluded with the officials and bandits?Didn't the bandits in Qishan deliberately indulge them?
Fortunately, he still has an awe-inspiring righteousness on his face.

He really admired Master Qing, with this kind of person, he could flirt with him with ease, kneel down as soon as he said it, if he couldn't do it.

"Don't worry, since I already know about this matter, I will never let it go. I will send people to investigate secretly, and send troops immediately when I have definite news. I will trouble you to lead the way. By the way, there is something I want I’m asking you, I hope you can answer truthfully.”

Li Futai responded to this matter first, since it is impossible anyway, the topic changed.

"I don't know what the lord is asking? As long as I know what I know, I can say everything." Qingyun looked overwhelmed, and when he heard his words, he regained his energy.

"Years ago, I heard that the county magistrate came to Qishan, and sent Liang Butou and the others to Qishan to confirm the matter, but I haven't seen them come back until now. Qingyun, do you know about this?"

"My lord sent someone to Mount Qi? I never saw him!" Qingyun blinked, he was more at a loss than Li Futai when he heard the news, and then he understood the meaning of his words.

"There's been no news for a few months, so it's probably more or less auspicious. I'll ask the lower officials, are Catcher Liang and the others wearing official uniforms?" Qingyun suddenly asked something irrelevant.

Since you know how to talk too much, why ask?What does this have to do with Liang Butou and the others being murdered?
Li Futai maintained his identity and disdain to answer this idiot question.

The master glanced at the lord, nodded lightly: "Yes! What's the matter?"

 Thank you for being a fool, Fengluo Lanchen, baby Rongrong, Fuyao, #投, AbbyYue, the monthly ticket you voted for, okay?

  Thanks for the reward from a big knife, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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