Chapter 526
"No wonder!

My lord, the lower officials speculate that Catcher Liang and the others may have been murdered by bandits.Think about it, Qishan bandits are rampant, and it has become a habit to oppress the people.

In the past years, no one from the government has ever been there, and the court doesn’t care. The bandits are the local emperors of Qishan. They say east, but the people of Qishan dare not say west. In Qishan the bandits cover the sky with one hand!

The Tu Emperor has been working for a long time, and suddenly a group of policemen dressed in official government came, and the bandits let Liang Catcher and them enter Qishan?Anyone with long eyes knows that the official government is not kind!

The bandits wanted to keep their position as the local emperor, so they definitely couldn't tolerate other people's interference. If Catcher Liang and his group fell into the hands of the bandits, the consequences would definitely not be good! "

Qingyun's analysis was all right, and every sentence was stamped on the point.If these words are in other state capitals, they will definitely work and be convincing.

After finishing speaking, he looked at Li Futai eagerly, as if waiting for his praise.

Believe in his ghosts!

If Li Futai and Master and others hadn't taken a different stand with him, they would definitely appreciate his talent very much.It's a pity that Li Futai and the others don't believe Qing Yun's words. Taking a step back, Captain Liang and the others really fell into the hands of the bandits, and their lives are not in danger.


The reason is simple, all the bandits in the Eighteen Villages in Qishan know Catcher Liang, and he has visited the Eighteen Villages quite a few times.

Li Futai squinted his eyes and looked at Qingyun carefully. If it was an official sent by the court, he had no confidence to hide it.

Facing Qingyun, he absolutely has this confidence. Qingyun doesn't know that he has something to do with the bandits in Qishan.

Facing this immature face, there is only admiration and admiration for him in his eyes, and most of his doubts in his heart.

Could it be that it was not Qingyun who did it, but the bandits?
No, no, Butou Liang and the others couldn't have been done by the bandits. The bandits didn't have the guts to attack Liang Butou and the others, so what happened?
"Liang Butou and the others finally sent a letter back, and Qishan built a city wall, which is five or six feet high. Is there such a thing? You have never seen Liang Butou and the others? Think about it, whether Liang Butou and the others entered Qishan County, saw you and never came back?"

Li Futai did not dispel his doubts about Qingyun, and pressed him step by step. Even if Qingyun hadn't done anything, he would have pinned the matter on him.

Qishan does not need a county magistrate.

"City Wall?"

Qingyun opened his mouth slightly, and then wiped his face with a wakeful heart, the tears "rinsed" down all of a sudden.There are words in other words, she said she didn't understand because she was stupid.

"My lord, please save me! How can there be any city walls in Mount Qi? The people are suffering from hunger and cold, ten villages are empty, there are no people, and the imperial court does not allocate funds, how can there be money to hire people to build the city walls!
The original earthen city wall has collapsed long ago, and it can't stop the bandits!Years ago, bandits raided the village, killed many villagers, and captured many girls. I escaped by hiding in the county government office in a haunted house. "

Qingyun cried so pitifully that those who heard it were sad and those who heard it were crying, and no one with a little conscience could bear it.

"My lord, I really have no way to live! The people of Qishan have no way to live~~" Qing Yun was shameless, and sat down on the ground, grabbing Li Futai's leg and crying like a rascal.

"I can't send troops to suppress the bandits for the time being. Can you open a warehouse to release food? The people of Qishan are also your people. I don't want much. Give me a few hundred stones to tide over the current difficulties, and return them when the villagers collect the food."

Under Qingyun's signal, Tian Duoliang and the others knelt down on the ground with a "slap", shouting and begging Li Futai to send food for help.

I don’t know when the gate of the Futai Court was opened. The people heard that Qishan County Magistrate had come to the Futai. There was such a lively gossip. They all poured into the court. lively.

The law does not blame the public. If Mr. Li asks for the crime, there are so many people here, I'm afraid of a fart!

Qingyun didn't understand Li Futai's words, and the surrounding people had eyesight and ears. Some people understood, and felt that Mr. Li was too treacherous, how could he induce the magistrate of Qishan to plead guilty?

Judging by his skinny appearance, he can do better than Liang Butou and his group, treating them as blind.

"It's so pitiful! I've heard that the bandits in the Eighteen Villages of Qishan are cruel and inhumane. They don't treat the people of Qishan as human beings. The county magistrate is still alive, so he's out of luck!"

"No, I heard that people in Qishan, whoever says something about the bandits, will be found out by the bandits and slaughter the village. It's too miserable!"

"I've heard that too. I heard that the bandits slaughtered two more villages a few days ago, with thousands of people! No one cares about them. The people in Qishan are really miserable!"

"No, the county magistrate finally came, but he couldn't help him with anything, and he almost died at the hands of the bandits. It's unlucky."

"Master Li, did you make a mistake? With his small body, it's not enough for Liang Butou and the others to punch him."

"That's right! Master Li, you are the master of Qingtian. We people believe in people. The county magistrate of Qishan doesn't have that ability, so we can't wrong him and let the murderer behind him go free!"

"Yes! Master Li, we all believe that you can catch the murderer and avenge Captor Liang."

"You see, he is pitiful enough. A county magistrate doesn't even have a copper coin. It's so pitiful. Mr. Li, for the sake of the people in Qishan, you can open a warehouse to release grain! We people in Weiyang , among other things, absolutely kind.”

"Lord Li, let's open the granary and release the grain! The weather has been good these few years, every household has surplus grain, and the loss of a few hundred stones in the granary will not have much impact. We can make up for it when we pay taxes this time. The people of Qishan can't wait, then But one life!"

"Master Li has been just and honest all his life, and he will never let the people of Qishan die. Don't worry about the county magistrate of Qishan, Master Li will not ignore you."

With his head lowered, Qingyun smiled. These entrustments were very good, and the money was not in vain.

Li Futai and the master and others were all focused on forcing Qingyun to admit that he had murdered Liang Butou. They didn't know that the common people rushed into the court and waited at the door to watch the play. Hearing the discussion, he looked up and was shocked. .

"Who opened the door? Who did it?"

Daddy Li was dizzy with anger, turned his head and questioned the master, they still knew how to keep their voices down, and they didn't lose their minds with anger.

"There is no order from the lowly ranks!" The master's staff and others shook their heads. They were beating and beating. How could it be possible to expose it to outsiders and make it known to the world.

"My lord, save the people of Qishan!" Qingyun cried and shook his legs, with such force that he almost knocked down the Li Futai.

In terms of shamelessness, Mr. Li is also a leader, he can bend and stretch, and he can't wait to kill all the people who are watching, and he looks at the people with a smile on his face.

 Thanks to Mideguqiong Festival, dark jade smoke, 20171021194114729, Fanlin 718217048, [-],

  Thanks to 20171021194114729, jly69 for the reward, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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