Chapter 529
Futai Yamen outside

Carts full of grain formed a long queue outside the gate of the yamen, escorted by Qing Yun's side and escorts invited by Tian Duoliang.

In the past two days, there are many more people on the street than before, and they are all staring at the yamen!
No, seeing the cart outside the yamen, the common people all nodded, praising Mr. Li as a good official for the country and the people, despite the punishment of the court, he also opened a warehouse to release grain to save the people of Qishan, etc., flattery Good words can't fit in a basket.

Master Li Futai was a group of people, when he heard the words of the people, the smile on his face was a little sincere, and he was secretly happy, and when he was happy, he gave twice as much food as he originally wanted.

"My lord, I have given you too much money, I can't do it, I can't do it!" Qingyun took the money from the master, flipped through it, and there were hundreds of taels more.

From the corner of his eye, he glanced at the people on the street, and the corners of his eyes twitched.No wonder this man surnamed Li insisted on sending them out, it turned out he was doing a show for the common people.

I didn't expect the effect to be so good. I gave 5000 taels of silver and so much food, almost five hundred shi, and it was paid out.

Qing Yun narrowed her eyes with a smile, she never thought that she could get so many things during this trip to Futai, it was beyond her expectation!If I knew that the surname Li was so easy to fool, she should have come.

Tsk tsk, if Li Futai knew about these grains, meat buns would beat dogs—and never come back. Bah, bah, bah, how can you call yourself a dog?

Qingyun hooked his lips, and beat someone with meat buns—if he never came back, Li Futai was probably going to vomit blood with anger.

Li Futai glanced at the people who were crowded like water on the street, and was very satisfied to hear the people's praise, the smile on his face was a little sincere, it was worth the effort he sacrificed to accompany his concubine.

"The outside world is not peaceful these days, especially in Qishan where the bandits are rampant, brutal and inhumane, relying on just a few of you and the bodyguards you have invited, these grains cannot be transported back.

Being robbed by bandits on the way is not a waste of your hard work and that of the officer.Ordinary people can't afford to wait.In this way, I will send a team of officers and soldiers to escort you back to Qishan to ensure that all the food reaches Qishan safely.

This army of officers and soldiers is the elite army of Weiyang, and they have participated in the mission of suppressing bandits many times, and the number of bandits wiped out is unknown.You don't have to be grateful, this official is not doing this for you, but for the people of Qishan. "

Li Futai held a righteous face, and what he said was righteous and awe-inspiring, which won the applause of the common people.

Qingyun clapped his hands and praised with tears in his eyes, he was amazed in his heart, being able to stay in Weiyang for more than ten years, and still being valued by the old thief Qian, is not a fuel-efficient lamp!

Listen to this, don't worry about them!
Qingyun Tian Duoliang and the two looked at each other, and they both clapped their hands and smiled strangely.

"My lord is still considerate. On behalf of the people of Qishan, I thank you for your help. I and the people of Qishan will always remember this kindness in my heart. The people will also set up longevity cards for you and pray for your blessings day and night. "

Qingyun just opened his mouth to flatter, and he said it in a set way. Anyway, it doesn't cost money to say good things.

"Let's go! Take care, my lord!" Qingyun clasped his hands and saluted, and got on the first cart. With a wave of his hand, the convoy moved forward slowly, smiling and waving goodbye to the people on the street who were seeing him off.

"Brothers and sisters, I'm leaving, everyone, don't give it away, you are all good people! Come and visit Qishan when you have time!"

Qingyun's face is not ordinary thick, in the future, people watching the fun will say that they will come to see her off, and they will praise the people as good people, and the people will be elated, thinking that the county magistrate of Qishan is an interesting person, and they all wave their hands to her farewell.

Li Futai was very satisfied with Qingyun's sense of taste, and seeing the eyes of the people shifted to Qingyun, he was still a little upset, thinking that the things would return to him soon, the discomfort soon dissipated.

 Thanks to Cherry 20170511171800737, He Lulu, *heart rain* Ning Yanli, jumping but not heartbeating, baby Peggy, a salted fish who wants to go to heaven, green fish tail, I don’t know what to call it, jly69, Ah Man, Tingting Yuli 216, 20210506083617072, 160908160435971, 6891545, Chen Rong, Fanlin 718217048, rattan pepper-flavored candy, monthly ticket, Memoda

  Thank you jly69 for the reward, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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