Chapter 530
The old man surnamed Li was really scheming and scheming, and he talked nicely, so he only dispatched a team of officers and soldiers.

It is true that only [-] officers and soldiers were dispatched to the gate of Futai Yamen, but when they arrived at the gate of the city, there were more than [-] officers and soldiers waiting for them, looking like city guards.

The more than 100 officers and soldiers didn't even ask Qingyun, they only greeted the officers and soldiers of the other team, and then entered the convoy forcefully. They didn't take Qingyun and the others seriously. They seemed to be protecting them. supervised.

Qingyun smiled lightly, Tian Duoliang glanced at the officers and soldiers, and gritted his teeth.

The brothers' eyes were fierce, and after Qingyun turned his head and glanced at them in warning, they restrained their expressions.

"Tsk, you've been acting in vain these days, did you see that? I don't believe you!" Tian Duoliang gloated a little. It's not like Qingyun's few words can dispel his suspicion for an old fritter in the officialdom.

Qing Yun frowned and sighed, "I'm still too young!"

The convoy left Weiyang, and the road went smoothly after that, so they drove for two days.

"My lord, Caomin has something to say."

When the convoy was about to enter a small road, the head of the bodyguard, who was leading the way, signaled the car to stop, and he suddenly turned around on horseback to look for Qingyun.

The dart head looked nervous and a little embarrassed.In the past two days, he also understood that the convoy belonged to the county magistrate of Qishan on the surface, but in fact the county magistrate could not be the owner of the convoy.

The real caller is the person sent by Li Futai.

Those officers and soldiers looked down on no one, not only looked down on Qishan County Magistrate and them, but also looked down on their bodyguards, and treated them like slaves, ordering them around.

The head of the escort wanted to report the situation to the little general. He didn't even have a chance to get close to the little general, so he came to the county magistrate of Qishan because he had no other choice.

Sleeping Qingyun, who was leaning on the cargo with his eyes closed, heard the movement in front of him, opened his eyes, yawned and scanned the surrounding terrain, and after seeing clearly, he hooked the corners of his lips intriguingly, and said, "Let's He's coming."

"what's up?"

Qingyun was lazy, the convoy stopped suddenly, the escort officers and soldiers were very dissatisfied, they looked at Qingyun and the others very unkindly.

"My lord, look," the escort pointed to the terrain on both sides of the road to explain his confusion, "This road is very narrow and can only accommodate convoys. There are mountain walls on both sides. The mountain walls are not too high or too steep. There are forests on it. Bushes, this terrain is very suitable for ambush..."

The head of the escort cautiously spoke while looking at the magistrate's expression, seeing that the magistrate didn't show any signs of getting angry, he breathed a sigh of relief.People in the motorcade said that the county magistrate is very kind. He didn't believe it, but now he does.

Qingyun blinked, pointed at his chin, turned his head to look at the terrain in front of him, and then leaned towards the head of the escort with a comprehensible expression and said, "You mean, someone is ambushing ahead?"

Before the head of the escort could respond, Qing Yun clapped his hands together, and suddenly raised his voice, which made the head of the escort jump.

"I see. We brought so much grain out of the city. Many people saw it. There must be a lot of people behind the scenes who planned this batch of grain. When I left the city, I made a special observation.

Just don't know where it is from?If there are hooligans and hooligans, there are officers and soldiers from Li Futai, so we don't have to be afraid of them.If it's bandits and bandits."

Qing Yun looked back at her brothers and bodyguards, sighed and shook her head, "If your guess is true, we alone will not be enough to make a mans arm a cart and stuff teeth. General them.

Daliang, take the head of the escort and talk to the little general.Master Li said that the little general and the others are all bandit heroes, and I don't think the little general wants to fail the mission and lose face to Master Li. "

With a pure and kind expression on Qingyun's face, Tian Duoliang touched his head, grinned innocently, and then took the escort head to find the little general and the others.

The brothers all folded their hands and smiled foolishly.

Tian Duoliang didn't know how to tell the little general, he glanced towards Qingyun, the contempt in his eyes, Qingyun pretended not to see it, and returned a smiling face, but saw the little general turned his face away.

Qingyun grinned.

Oops, I'll go, I'll let you know how great it is in a while!
Soon, Tian Duoliang and the others came back in a depressed mood, and brought back the words of the little general, "Keep going!"

"My lord." The head of the escort looked at Qingyun anxiously, hoping that the county magistrate would show some courage.

Qingyun raised his head and looked at the little general in front of him, met his cold eyes, scratched his head in embarrassment, and said embarrassingly: "Boss, you also saw that the food was lent to me by Li Futai. The officers and soldiers who escorted the food were also borrowed by Li Futai kindly, and I can't make the decision about the convoy!

Maybe you guessed wrong.The little general and the others did not know how many bandits they had suppressed, and they were very experienced in dealing with robbers.Besides, it's not far from Weiyang, so I don't think there's anyone desperate to rob here.Since the little general said to go, there must be no problem.let's go! "

Qingyun put on a helpless expression, then patted the escort head on the shoulder comfortingly, and signaled the convoy to continue, lest the officers and soldiers come over to catch up.

The convoy traveled two-thirds of the way, and it was about to leave this small road. Nothing happened, and the tense escorts were relieved.

Qingyun smiled and hummed a little tune, dangling a finger-thin bamboo branch in his hand, with a leisurely look that made all the officers and soldiers want to beat him up.

"Stop, rob! I opened this mountain, and I planted this tree. If you want to live on from now on, save money to buy roads!"

As soon as the head of the escort and the others finished speaking, a ferocious gangster jumped down from the mountain wall, holding a big knife in his hand, staring at the convoy with cruel and bloody eyes.


Qingyun smiled.

Tian Duoliang smiled evilly, then turned around and gestured to his brothers. The brothers and the bodyguard picked up their weapons and slowly approached the officers and soldiers.

"Bold, we are the army sent by Li Futai in Weiyang to escort food to Qishan. Where are you villagers from? Mr. Li's rule is fair and strict, and he is dedicated to the people. What sufferings do you have? Tell me, and then leave and let you go A way out."

The little general looked at the bandits who came, and spoke harshly.


With that evil spirit, anyone with long eyes could tell that the ones blocking the way were bandits, but the little general had to say that it was villagers.

Qingyun showed a mocking and sneering expression, and sighed silently: If you say you are a villager, you can be a villager...

 Thanks to 20180721173634479, wmhjjf, Sweetheart Lemon, Dear Cat, Jidong, Chen Rong, 140618192924037, Psychedelic Fairy, Starting Event, 2018041012413676, Dark Jade Smoke, Ah Man 76, Yalong, 20190103213656977, jly69, Min, Begonia Huawu Language, vote for the monthly ticket, okay?

  Thanks to jly69, 2018041012413676 for the reward, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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